Term Shift - CS Core and SF

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to update the Term/Session table and Academic Calendar, run Batch Term Activation, Maintain Schedule of Classes and update the Term Rollover Checklist for Term shift.

Audience: Student Services Staff

Term/Session Table

For step-by-step directions on updating/maintaining the Term/Session table, please refer to the QRG Maintaining the Term/Session Table.

Term Table Tab

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Term Setup > Term/Session Table

  1. Make the necessary updates to the Term Table page for each impacted term and career.
    1. Term Begin Date
    2. Ending Date
    3. Sixty Percent Point in Time
    4. Max Program Effdt for Term
  2. Update all fields within the Display in Self-Service box.
    1. Enrollment & Shopping Cart
      • Begin Date and End Date
    2. Student Planner
      • Begin Date and End Date
    3. What-If Report - Advisor
      • Begin Date and End Date
    4. What-If Report - Prematriculated Student
      • Begin Date and End Date
    5. What-If Report - Student
      • Begin Date and End Date

Session Table Tab

  1. Make the necessary updates within the Session Details section of the Session Table page for each session.
    1. Begin Date
    2. End Date
    3. First Date to Enroll
    4. Last Date to Enroll
    5. Open Enrollment Date
    6. Last Date for Wait List
    7. Census Date
    8. Sixty Percent Point in Time
    9. Facility Assignment Run Date

Session Time Periods Tab

  1. Make the necessary updates to the End Date within the Session Time Periods section of the Session Time Periods page for each session.
    1. End of Add
    2. Enroll w/ Permissions
    3. End of Drop
    4. End of Term

Academic Calendar

For step-by-step directions on updating/maintaining the Academic Calendar, please refer to the QRG Maintaining the Academic Calendar.

Term Calendar 2 Tab

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Term Setup > Academic Calendar

  1. In accordance with your institution's policies, update the dates on the Term Calendar 2 page as necessary.
Academic Calenda- Term Calendar 2 tab

Term Calendar 3 Tab

  1. Make the necessary updates to the Term Calendar 3 page for each impacted career and term.
    1. Confer Date
    2. Census Date
    3. Fully Enrolled Date
    4. Show Enrollment on Transcript
    5. Show Statistics on Transcript
    6. Fully Graded Date
  2. Make the necessary updates within the Session Details section of the Session Calendar 1 pagefor each session.
    1. Cancel
      • Deadline
    2. Withdraw without Penalty
      • Deadline
    3. Withdraw with Penalty
      • Deadline
  3. Make the necessary updates to the Session Calendar 3 page for each session.
    1. Drop (Retain Record) 
      • Deadline
    2. Drop with Penalty
      • Deadline

Batch Term Activation

For step-by-step directions on running Batch Term Activation, please refer to the QRG Running Batch Term Activation.

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Term Activation > Term Activation Batch Process

  1. This is only being rerun to align the Term Activation dates with the new Term/Session dates.
  2. On the Selection 1 tab, the Actvtn Term will be the term you want to shift.
  3. Ensure that the Run Mode is set to Update.
  4. Selection 2 and 3 tabs can be left blank.
Term activation batch process page Selection 1 tab
  1. Process Control Tab. The Refresh Term Cntrl Dates field should be set to Yes.
Term Activation Batch Process page Process Control tab

Maintain Schedule of Classes

For step-by-step directions for Maintaining Schedule of Classes, please refer to the QRG Maintain Schedule of Classes.

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes

  1. Make the necessary updates to the Start/End Date within the Class Sections area of the Basic Data page for each section.
  2. Make the necessary updates to the Start/End Date within the Meeting Patterns area of the Meetings page for each impacted meeting pattern.

Term Rollover Checklist

Best practices suggest completing the term rollover checklist to ensure there are not other areas that are date specific.  For step-by-step directions for updating Term Rollover, please refer to the QRG Term Rollover Checklist.

Navigation: SACR > Product Related> Student Financials> Charges and Payments > SF Term Default

  1. Verify dates within the Term Default page are accurate.


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