Setting Dynamic Class Date Rules

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for creating a Dynamic Class Date Rule in ctcLink.

Audience: Curriculum staff

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Class Builder
  • ZC CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Class Builder
  • ZD CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course and Class inquiry
  • ZD CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ CM Course Catalog
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You must also set the following SACR Security permission:

Supplemental Information:

What are Dynamic Dated Classes?

In PeopleSoft, dynamic dated classes are built using a Session Code that does not follow the standard academic schedule. Most classes use the Regular session (Session Code 1) because they use the start and end dates of the term. Classes that do not follow the regular academic schedule will be built as Dynamic (DYN) or Open Entry/Exit (OEE).

What's the difference between DYN and OEE?

DYN session classes:

  • Classes that do not use the standard term dates. Typically, they are shorter than the term.
  • Each DYN class has one set of deadlines that apply to all students. For example, the last date to drop without a penalty grade is the same date for all students in the class.
  • Required: Your college must run the Generate Dynamic Class Dates process (prior to enrollment) as DYN classes are added to the term schedule. Running this process calculates the deadlines for each class. If the process is not run, class deadlines are not active.
  • Overrides to deadlines can be made on the Class Section Dynamic dates page. When the page is saved, the updates are applied to enrolled students.

OEE session classes:

  • These classes are usually scheduled using the start and end dates for the term, although students may enroll throughout the term.
  • When a student enrolls in an OEE class, the student is assigned a Start Date. The class deadlines are applied to the student using the student's Start Date as a reference point (instead of the class start date on the Schedule of Classes page).  
    • Enrolled students with a different start date will also have different deadlines. For example, Student 1 starts on 1/1/2024, and the drop deadline is five days or 1/6/2024. Student 2 begins on 1/22/2024, and the drop deadline is five days or 1/27/2024.
  • OEE classes do not require running the Generate Dynamic Class Dates process. The system will calculate the deadlines for each student as they enroll.
  • Overrides to deadlines can only be made on the Student OEE Enrollment Data page (Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Student OEE Enrollment Data).

How is the Census Date calculated?

For DYN classes, the census date is based on the class length and is the 20% point of the instructional days of the class. You must follow the correct Census Date format (see below) to ensure your FTE count is accurate.

For OEE classes, SBCTC does not use the census date calculated by PeopleSoft. SBCTC will count students enrolled on the last day of the class (from the Class Schedule page) or term, whichever comes first.

For more information on how FTE’s are calculated, refer to the ctcLink Student FTE Calculation Overview:

How are Dynamic Class Rules applied to classes and students?

Dynamic Class Date Rules (for OEE and DYN) are first configured by the college (see instructions below), and then entered on the Offerings tab in the Course Catalog. The rule from the Course Catalog is applied to DYN class sections when the Generate Dynamic Class Dates process is run. For OEE classes, the rule from the Course Catalog is applied when a student enrolls in the class.  

You can override the DYN or OEE rule from the Course Catalog by selecting another rule on the Class Section Dynamic Dates page.  

Prior to enrollment, you must run the Generate Dynamic Class Dates process for DYN classes. This process populates the Dynamic rule from the Course Catalog and calculates the deadlines.  

  • You can also run the process for a class section on the Class Section Dynamic Dates page.  
  • Class sections may be scheduled after the enrollment period begins, so you must ensure that DYN dates are calculated for new class sections. Rerun the batch process or manually generate dates for a new class section before enrollment.

When students enroll in DYN classes, the calculated deadlines from the class level are applied.  When students enroll in OEE classes, deadlines will be calculated based on the student Start Date, which can be viewed on the Student OEE Enrollment Data page (Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Student OEE Enrollment Data).

Are Dynamic Rules connected to Student Financials and refunds?

Dynamic and OEE rules create academic deadlines only. Refund deadlines are created in the Adjustment Calendar which is a Student Financials functionality.  

DYN and OEE enrollments are connected to the Adjustment Calendar in the same way as regular enrollments by the Action Reason applied to the student record when they drop.  Action reasons for dynamic dated drops and withdrawals are defined on the Academic Program Table (Dynamic Date tab). Action reasons for the Regular session are defined on the Academic Calendar. Even though your Academic Calendar may define drop and withdrawal reasons for OEE and DYN, the system uses the settings from the Academic Program Table when dynamic rules are configured as recommended.

Related Queries:

QCS_CM_DYN_CLASS_DROP_AUDIT  List of dynamic classes that will not assign a withdrawal grade after the deadline.

QCS_SR_ENROLL_ST_SESSION_DT  Enrollment status (dropped, enrolled, or waiting) by EMPLID and Session.  You can use this to review students who have dropped OEE or DYN classes.

QCS_CM_CRSE_DYNAMIC_RULE  DYN and OEE rules attached to the Course Catalog.

Dynamic Class Date Rule

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Dynamic Dates > Dynamic Class Dates Table

  1. The Dynamic Class Dates Table search page displays.
  2. Select Add a New Value.
  3. The Add a New Value tab displays.
  4. Academic Institution: Enter your college code.
  5. Dynamic Class Date Rule: Enter a name for the rule (up to 10 characters).
  6. Select Add.
  7. The Dynamic Class Dates page displays. Use it to describe the rule.
  8. Effective Date: Use 01/01/1901.
  9. Status: Leave the default value of 'Active.'
  10. Description: Input a description (up to 30 characters).
  11. Short Description: Input a description (up to 10 characters).
  12. Use for OEE: Check this box to create a rule valid for OEE classes only. If unchecked, the rule is valid for DYN classes only.
  13. Establish rules. These values create academic deadlines for students enrolled in DYN or OEE classes.
    • When you enter a Rule, Rounding Scheme, and Factor value, this will calculate into a specific date.  
    • For the DYN session you must also run the Generate Dynamic Class Dates process to calculate the specific dates.
    • For the DYN session you can view the resulting dates on the Class Section Dynamic Dates page.  
    • For the OEE session you can view the resulting dates on the Student OEE Enrollment Data page, after enrollment.


Date/Deadline Explanation
First Date to Enroll

DYN session only (field is not available when ‘Use for OEE’ is checked).

The first date to enroll.

  • To be effective, the resulting date must be on or after the First Date to Enroll for the DYN session (on the Term/Session Table).
  • A value of ‘9999’ will default to the First Date to Enroll on the Term/Session Table.
Last Date to Enroll

DYN session only (field is not available when ‘Use for OEE’ is checked).

The last date to enroll.

  • The resulting date will be effective prior to or after the Last Date to Enroll for the DYN session (on the Term/Session Table).
  • If the resulting date is after the End of Add date on the Session Time Periods tab (Term/Session Table), students will not be able to enroll through self-service.
  • A value of ‘9999’ will override the Last Date to Enroll on the Term/Session Table, allowing staff to enroll without an action date override.
  • A value of ‘9999’ will not override the End of Add date on the Session Time Periods tab (Term/Session Table), which controls student self-service transactions. 
Last Wait List Date

DYN session only (field is not available when ‘Use for OEE’ is checked).

The last date to enroll on the waitlist.

  • The resulting date will set the deadline for staff and self-service enrollments to the waitlist.
  • The resulting date must be on or before the Last Date to Enroll that is on the Dynamic rule. 
  • Do not use a value of '9999.' '9999' prevents students from enrolling onto the waitlist through self-service. 
Last Date to Drop

DYN and OEE session

The last date to drop, regardless of the penalty grade deadlines. 

  • The value should extend through the penalty grade deadlines to enable drops.
  • The resulting date affects drops performed by staff or students.
  • For student self-service, only a resulting date on or before the Session Time Period “End of Drop” value is effective. A value of ‘9999’ will default to the Session Time Period “End of Drop” value.
  • A value of ‘9999’ will allow staff to perform a drop on any date.
Drop Action Dates

DYN and OEE sessions

Define the date range in which a withdrawal grade is assigned for a dropped class. Transaction may be performed by staff or by the student through self-service. 

Students can view the Drop Retain and Drop Penalty deadlines for the class in self-service (after they enroll). Students do not see the Delete factor or the Drop Penalty2 factor when ‘9999’ is used (this is recommended).

Drop Deadline (Delete) factor: Use a value of ‘9999.'  If populated with another value, the system will delete drop records through the resulting date. This is not desired, and we leave this date blank on the Academic Calendar.

Required for classes that should generate a withdrawal grade: Enter a value for both the Retain Factor and the Penalty Factor to define the period in which students are assigned a withdrawal grade for dropping. Do not use a value of ‘9999,' or students will not receive a withdrawal grade, and the class will be dropped without appearing on the transcript. Some classes do not require a withdrawal grade, if that is the case, you can use '9999.'

Drop Deadline (Retain) factor: The last day on which a student can be dropped without the class appearing on their transcript or receiving a penalty grade.

Do not use a value of ‘9999’ if the class should generate a withdrawal grade. It is highly recommended that you test your dynamic rules in PCD to ensure a penalty grade is assigned according to your academic policy. 

  • For the DYN session, if ‘9999’ is entered, the student will not receive a withdrawal grade. 
    • Note: The only time the Academic Calendar deadline is in active for DYN classes is when there is no rule assigned to the class or the Generate Dynamic Dates process is not run. This scenario should be avoided by assigning a DYN rule to all courses in the Course Catalog and running Dynamic Dates process throughout the enrollment period.
  • For the OEE session, deadlines from the Academic Calendar are never in effect, and colleges are not required to define the OEE session on the Academic Calendar. Colleges must continue to define the OEE session on the Term/Session table. If a value of '9999' is used, the student will not receive a withdrawal grade.

Drop Deadline (Penalty) factor: Do not use a value of ‘9999’ if the class should generate a withdrawal gradeThe last date a student should be dropped from a class and receive a withdrawal grade. Staff can still drop after the deadline without using an action date override. The system generates a message: “Enrollment Drop Date is Past Drop With Penalty Date." The transaction is successful, and the status is withdrawn with a penalty grade.

Drop Deadline (Penalty2) factor: Use a value of ‘9999.' Our colleges do not use a greater penalty grade.

Cancel & Withdrawal Dates

DYN and OEE sessions

Define the date range in which a withdrawal grade is assigned when staff process a session or term withdrawal on the Term History page. 

Students can view the Withdraw w/o Penalty and Withdraw with Penalty deadlines in class details (after they enroll). Students do not see the Cancel factor or the Withdraw with Greater Penalty when ‘9999’ is used (this is recommended).

Cancel Factor: Use a value of ‘9999.' This field is for informational purposes. Staff can cancel enrollment at any time during the term.

Required for classes that should generate a withdrawal grade: Enter a value for both the Withdraw w/o Penalty Factor and the Withdraw with Penalty Factor to define the period in which students are assigned a withdrawal grade for term or session withdrawals. If a value of '9999' is input, withdrawal grades are assigned when staff process a withdrawal on the Term History page, regardless of the date. 

Withdraw w/o Penalty factor: The last date a student can be withdrawn without receiving a penalty grade (the withdrawal process results in dropped classes and not enrolled/withdrawn). This value should be the same as the Drop Deadline (Retain) factor. 

  • If a value of ‘9999’ is used, the withdrawal process assigns a penalty grade regardless of the date.

Withdraw with Penalty factor: This value should be the same as the Drop Deadline (Penalty) factor. Staff may also withdraw students for a penalty grade after the ‘Withdraw w/o Penalty factor’ date.

Withdraw with Greater Penalty: It is OK to use a value of ‘9999’ because our colleges do not use a greater penalty grade. 

Class End Date

OEE session only

The following configuration can be used for an 11-week term:

Rule = B
Rounding Scheme = M
Factor = 11.000

While this isn’t the only configuration that could be used, it is OK. When a student enrolls in an OEE class, a Start Date is assigned. This rule takes the student’s Start Date and uses it to calculate the Class End Date. There is no setting to use the last day of the term or class for this field. You can expect that students in the same class will have different Class End Dates (since they can have different Start Dates). FTEs and the Census date do not use this field.

Fully Graded Date

DYN and OEE sessions

It is OK to use a value of ‘9999.' Each student has a fully graded date recorded on the STDNT_CAR_TERM record, which is pulled from the Term Activation page. The Term Activation process uses the fully graded date from the Academic Calendar.

Lapse Start Date

DYN and OEE sessions

This field is related to the Grade Lapse (incomplete grade) process.

For the DYN session, it is OK to use a value of '9999’. The Student Incomplete page will use the fully graded date on the Academic Calendar and Incomplete Grade settings on the Academic Program Table to populate the Lapse Deadline. This is compatible with the Grade Lapse batch process.

For the OEE session, you must populate a resulting date (and not ‘9999’) if you plan on using the Grade Lapse batch process. If you use ‘9999’ then you would need to manually update the Lapse Deadline on the Student Incomplete page to enable the Grade Lapse process.

Sixty Percent Point in Time

DYN and OEE sessions

This value is informational only but is required. Use the following values:
Rule = B
Rounding Scheme = M
Factor = 0.600

Census Date

DYN and OEE sessions

For SBCTC FTE reporting, your Census Date must use these settings.

DYN session:
Rule = B
Rounding Scheme = M
Factor = 0.200

OEE session:
Technically, the resulting date is not used by SBCTC for FTE reporting, although we recommend using the following settings:
Rule = E
Rounding Scheme = M
Factor = 0.000

Rules: Determine the starting point for dates to be calculated. Options are dependent on the type of date/deadline.

Rule Description Explanation
B Point Between Class Start-End Use this rule when the calculation is based on a percentage of calendar days between the start and end of a class.
E Days before/after Class End Use this rule when the calculation is based on number of calendar days before or after a class has ended.
H Percentage of Class Hours DYN rules only.
Use this rule when the calculation is based on a percentage of class meeting hours rather than days.
M Percentage of Class Meetings DYN rules only.
Use this rule when the calculation is based on a percentage of class meetings rather than calendar days.
N Number of Class Meetings DYN rules only.
Use this rule when the calculation is based on number of class meetings before or after a class has begun.
S Days before/after Class Start DYN rules only.
Use this rule when the calculation is based on number of calendar days before or after a class has begun.
DY Days OEE Rules only, to define Class End Date. 
MO Months OEE Rules only, to define Class End Date. 
WK Weeks OEE Rules only, to define Class End Date. 
YR Years OEE Rules only, to define Class End Date. 

Rounding Schemes: Determine how dates/deadlines will be rounded. The PeopleSoft week runs Monday through Friday. Options are dependent on the rule selected.

Rounding Scheme Description Explanation
BW Beginning of Week Monday
EN End of Next Week Following Friday
EW End of Week Friday
FW First Meeting of Week First class meeting day of week
LW Last Meeting of Week Last class meeting day of week
M Basis Day  
ND Next Day Next calendar day
NM Next Meeting Day Next class meeting day
NW Beginning of Next Week Following Monday
PD Previous Day Previous calendar day
PM Previous Meeting Day Previous instructional day


Value Explanation
Decimal The decimal represents a percentage. For example, 0.600 is equivalent to 60%.
Whole Number Number of days.
9999 Use '9999' as described in the Dates/Deadlines section in this document. 
  1. Select Save.
  2. Process complete.


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