9.2 Student Incomplete Page

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to review students’ incomplete grade information in ctcLink.

Audience: Registrars.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CS Grade Processing
  • ZD CS Grade Processing
  • ZD SR Super User
  • ZZ CM Grade Process

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Student Incomplete Page

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Student Incomplete

  1. The Student Incomplete search page displays.
  2. Enter ID.
  3. Enter Academic Career.
  4. Enter Academic Institution.
  5. Enter additional Search Criteria to identify your student.
  6. Select Search.
  1. The Student Incomplete page displays.  Use it to review incomplete grade information and/or modify lapse deadline.
  2. Status Date: student’s initial date of enrollment in the class.
  3. Grade In/Official: student’s current official grade.
  4. Lapse Status section:
    1. Lapse Status - “Incomplete” when I grade is assigned, “Removed” when lapse process is run or grade is changed.
    2. Lapse Deadline - This date automatically populates based on institutional lapse rules. Adjust an individual student’s deadline as needed. Once the lapse process is run or the grade is changed, this field grays out and can no longer be modified.
    3. Lapse To Grade - This grade automatically populates based on institutional lapse rules.
    4. Comment - Optional free-form text with unlimited character count. Information for college staff view only.

Note - Incomplete grades entered via the Enrollment page rather than the grade post process or an enrollment request cannot be reviewed on the Student Incomplete page.

Student Incomplete page
  1. Process complete.


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