9.2 Modifying Scheduled Class Meetings
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for modifying scheduled class meetings in ctcLink.
Audience: Student Records staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Class Maintenance
- ZD CM Class Maintenance
- ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
- ZZ FWL Contract Calc
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Use the Schedule Class Meetings component when you want to modify or maintain data for an individual class section that has been scheduled. This component contains three pages—the Meetings page, the Enrollment Control page, and the Exam page. These pages are the same as those in the Schedule New Course and Schedule of Classes component.
For example, if you have a course that has 20 scheduled sections for a term and you want to make changes to only two of those 20 sections, you can use the Schedule Class Meetings component to make the necessary changes to each of those two sections individually. Because the system has to run edit checks only on the individual class section rather than all 20 class sections, you benefit from the system's faster performance.
Modify Scheduled Class Meetings
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Schedule Class Meetings
- The Schedule Class Meetings search page displays.
- Enter Academic Institution.
- Enter Term.
- Enter additional Search Criteria to identify your class.
- Select Search.
- The Search Results page may display if there are multiple results for the search criteria. Select the applicable section to edit.

- The Meetings page displays.
- Enter or edit meeting times, facilities, and instructor information for one class section at a time.
- Select Enrollment Control.
See the Notes section at the end of this document for the best way to enter Facility/Meeting Pattern and Instructor information for Combined Sections.
To use the Schedule Class Meetings component to schedule facility and meeting pattern information, enter all information for the class, except facility and meeting pattern in the Schedule of Classes or Schedule New Course components. Then go to the Schedule Class Meetings component, enter the subject and catalog number for the class, select the first section, and update the facility/meeting pattern information one section at a time, using the Next in List button on the tool bar to scroll through all the sections for the course.
- The Enrollment Control page displays. Use it to update class size, wait list limits, class status, and consent information. When you need to cancel a class that has multiple sections, it is more efficient to use this component than to cancel the section through the Schedule of Classes component.
- Update the Class Status.
- Select the Exam tab.

- The Exam page displays.
- Enter Exam and Facility information. This will link exams to the class section.
- Select Save.
Note: Facility information on this tab is facility information for the exam. Facility information for the class is on the Meetings tab.

- The best way to schedule Facility/Meeting Pattern and Instructor Information for Combined Sections is to use the Schedule Class Meetings component. Enter all information for the class, except facility and meeting pattern, in the Schedule of Classes or Schedule New Course components. Then go to the Schedule Class Meetings component, enter the subject and catalog number for the class, select the first section, and update the facility/meeting pattern information one section at a time, using the Next in List button on the tool bar to scroll through all the sections for the course.
- After you combine classes, you must perform all updates to the meeting pattern and instructor information through the Schedule Class Meetings - Meetings page.
- If you need to change the facility: remove the existing facility HIT SAVE. This is critical as it updates the Event ID. If you do not update the Event ID, you cause a data conflict. When the Event ID table is in conflict, it shuts down and impacts class/course scheduling at all colleges. Enter the new facility. HIT SAVE.
- When you edit this information for a combined section, it is automatically propagated to all of the other combined sections within the same combined sections ID.
- Within the Schedule of Classes and Schedule New Course components, the facility/meeting pattern and instructor information is unavailable for combined sections. Also, if you try to remove the information from the Maintain Schedule of Classes or Schedule New Course pages, it still will not allow you to set up combined sections. You will continue to get an error message saying the Instructor/Meeting Pattern does not match.
- When you remove a class from a combined section, the system deletes all meeting patterns and instructor data from the section that is removed, unless the Skip Meeting Pattern Instr Edit check box is selected.
- The process to modify scheduled class meetings is now complete.
- End of procedure.
Jinxx Jones
My coworker attempted to update a facility idea through schedule class meeting and did not remove the facility id and save before entering the new one. It caused all the fields to grey out and become unfillable for herself and several other class builders on campus, however, myself and my coworker, Amber Brock were able to go in and update the information. Is there any reason why some people were unable to access those fields and others were? Thank you.
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Jinxx,
Thanks for asking such a great question. One possible reason for the greyed-out facility ID is that the class is linked to a combined section. When you uncombine class sections, you lose all meeting pattern information, including the instructor(s).
Please communicate with your curriculum management team to confirm the combined section or follow this QRG: https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/79555/l/926297-9-2-creating-combined-sections. If your problem or issue persists, please consider submitting a customer support ticket to receive further assistance.https://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/a/1211427-how-to-submit-a-ctclink-support-ticket. Thanks again, Jinxx! Have a wonderful day. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer