Creating an Anti-Requisite Across Terms
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create an anti-requisite across multiple terms in ctcLink.
Audience: College staff responsible for building Enrollment Requirements.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Enrollment
- ZD CM Enrollment
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Anti-requisites are used when credit can be earned for only one class in a list of classes with similar content.
The Enrollment Course List establishes which courses this anti-requisite involves.
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Course Lists
- The Enrollment Course Lists search page displays. It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab. In this example, we'll create a new enrollment course list.
- Select Add a New Value.
- Allow the Course List number to default to all zeroes. It is critical that you allow the counter to work and that you DO NOT change this default. Altering it will have severe down stream impacts. After you've created and saved your new course list, the system will assign a unique and permanent course list number.
- Select Add.
- The Course List Description tab displays. Enter the following:
- Effective Date: Enter "01/01/1901".
- Status: Leave as the defaulted "Active".
- Description: Input a desired description that will be easy to identify later in the setup (30 char. max).
- Short Description: This field auto-populates based on the Description entered. Accept the value or enter a desired short description (10 char. max).
- Long Description: This field is required but is informational only. Enter a desired long description (254 char. max).
- Academic Institution: Enter your college code.
- The remainder of fields on this page are optional.
- Select the Course List Detail tab.
Note: The fields on this page are not student-facing. Institutional naming convention should be used to easily identify course lists when completing remaining setup.
- The Course List Detail tab displays. Enter the following for each course:
- Course ID: Enter or use the magnifying glass to look up the courses to which this anti-requisite applies.
- Include Equivalent Courses: Check this box if equivalent courses should also be restricted by the anti-requisite.
- Select the Add a Row [+] button to add additional courses to the list.
- After all courses have been added to the list, select Save.
- Note that a Course List number has been generated.
Only complete the Course List Parameters tab if you wish to specifically set a limit at the course level for courses assigned to this course list.
The information on Course List Parameters tab only appears once the course list on the Course List Detail tab has been fetched or when building a course list.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Academic Requirements
- On the Define Academic Requirements page, select Add a New Value tab.
- Accept the default of 00000000 in Academic Requirements.
- Select Add. The Define Academic Requirements page will display.
- Select the Requirement tab.
- In the Basic Data section, enter the following fields.
Effective Date: Enter an effective date for the requirement. The effective dating of academic requirements should be synchronized with the publication of official college curriculum.
- For summer and fall curriculum, requirements should use a 6/1 effective date.
- For winter and spring curriculum, or curriculum addenda, requirements should use a 10/1 effective date.
- Status: Select Active.
- Requirement Usage: Enter or look up ADV (Academic Advisement).
Effective Date: Enter an effective date for the requirement. The effective dating of academic requirements should be synchronized with the publication of official college curriculum.
- Use the Academic Structure section to document departmental ownership of the course list. These fields are used for prompting and documentation only and do not affect auditing analysis. Enter the following fields.
- Academic Institution: Set to your college's institution code.
- Academic Career: Specify the Academic Career this rule applies to (UGRD).
- Academic Program (Optional): Specify the Academic Program to which this requirement applies.
- Academic Plan (Optional): Specify the Academic Plan to which this requirement applies.
- In the Description Fields section, enter the following fields.
- Search Description: Enter a meaningful description for the requirement group. This description appears in search results for requirement groups.
- Short Search Description: This field is being used by custom processes/queries and requires specific formatting and naming conventions. Please reference your local College configuration guide or speak with the person responsible for AAR maintenance at your College.
- Long Description: Enter the same value as the Report Description field.
- Report Description and Report Long Description: Enter a description and a long description that you want to appear on the advisement report generated using the Request Advisement Report or Generate Advisement Reports components. Use the long description to further explain the requirement group.
- In the Display of Status section, select the Hide Status checkbox if you do not want to show the status of Satisfied or Not Satisfied on the degree audit report at the Requirement Level. The default for this field is unchecked.
- In the Pre-condition section, select a Condition Code as a precondition to restrict application of the requirement to students who match that precondition. For example, if a requirement has a precondition of Student Group Equal Veteran, then this requirement applies only to students who are assigned the Student Group of Veteran. If this precondition is false for a student, then the system does not apply the requirement to the student, but skips it during analysis.

- The Parameters tab will remain populated with default values--information will not be entered on this tab.
- Select the Line Item tab.
- In the Basic Data section, access the *Line Type drop-down list and select Course Requirement.
- In the Description Fields section, enter the following descriptive information:
- Search Description.
- Long Description.
- Report Description.
- Report Long Description.
Select the [+] icon button to add more line items.
- Select the Line Item Parameters tab.
- In the Unit, Course, and GPA Values section, enter 1.00 for the Maximum Courses Allowed.
- In the Resolution Methodology section, access the *Credit Include Mode drop-down list and select View Only, Never Include.
- Select the Line Item Detail tab.
- In the Line Item Detail section, enter the Course List number created in Enrollment Course List section. Selecting the looking glass will allow you to search for the Course List number to populate it in the field.
- Select Save.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Enrollment
- ZD CM Enrollment
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Requirement Groups
- The Enrollment Requirement Groups search page displays. It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab.
- Select Add a New Value.
- Allow Requirement Group number to default to all zeroes. After you've created and saved your new requirement group, the system will assign a unique and permanent requirement group number.
- Select Add.
- The Course Requisite tab displays. Enter information into the following fields:
- Effective Date: Recommended to use 1/1/1901.
- Status: Select "Active".
- Description, Short Description, Long Description, Report Description and Report Long Description fields: The Description and Long Description will display to students on catalog search and class search. Give specific details for students on these descriptions.
- Academic Institution: Enter college code.
- All other fields are optional.
Please be diligent and always confirm that you are working with your institution's data.
- Select the Requisite Parameters tab. The Requisite Parameters tab will remain populated with default values--information will not be entered on this tab.
- Select the Requisite Detail tab.
- On the Requisite Detail tab, under the Group Line Type section: two *Group Line Types will be added.
- Access the *Group Line Type drop-down list and select Requirement.
- In the Requirement field, enter the Academic Requirement number created in the Create an Academic Requirement section. Selecting the looking glass will allow you to search for the Academic Requirement number to populate it in the field.
- To enter the Requisite Type, access the Requisite Type drop-down list and select Co-Requisite.
- Select the [+] icon button to add more line items.
- On the Requisite Detail tab, under the Group Line Type section, two *Group Line Types will be added.
- Access the *Group Line Type drop-down list and select Requirement.
- In the Requirement field, enter the Academic Requirement number created in the Create an Academic Requirement section. Selecting the looking glass will allow you to search for the Academic Requirement number to populate it in the field.
- To enter the Requisite Type, access the Requisite Type drop-down list and select Pre-Requisite.
- Select Save.
Reminder--One Requisite Type will be Pre-Requisite, and the other Requisite Type will be Co-Requisite.
- Connect the Requirement Group to each of the courses on all effective dated rows.
Process complete.
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