Enrollment Requirements - Q & A
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to provide you with information on frequently asked questions regarding Enrollment Requirements.
Audience: Student Records Staff.
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Is there a query that will display prerequisites assigned to classes?
Due to how enrollment requirements are built, it might be challenging to use a query to troubleshoot them effectively. The PERC (Post Enrollment Requirement Checking) process shows if the student met the prerequisite, was given a permission number, an override, etc. There are cases where an Enrollment Requirement can be class section specific. For those, you may need to identify the requirement number assigned to the class via a query, or on the Adjust Class Association page (Navigator > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Adjust Class Associations).
A helpful page for those who do not have full access to view the Enrollment Requirement Configuration is Enrollment Requirement Summary.
Navigator > Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Requirement Summary
This page gives an easier-to-read view of the requirement. The image below does not display each requirement line's details; therefore, you may need to investigate the configuration based on the scenario for a specific student.
The ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry security role will give view-only access to Enrollment Requirement Summary Page.
How do I know if my Enrollment Requirements are recognizing Transfer Credits?
To begin, you should familiarize yourself with the detailed setup of the requisite. There is a possibility that the requisite itself is not set up correctly, and it's not enforcing what you think it's executing. You'll want to look at all the tabs and fields on the Requirement Group set up, such as minimum grade points required, AND and OR groupings, whether Transfer Credit is allowed, and anything that can prevent a student from enrolling.
Equally as important, you will want to know how to search a student's record and enrollment history, reviewing Transfer and Test Credit and Other Credit to ensure the student fulfills the requirement(s). This is why you should visit the Student Services Center to view milestones, transfer credits, etc., and compare them to the Enrollment Requirement Group. You can also navigate to the following pages:
To view the student's Transfer Credit, use Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Course Credits – Manual or Course Credits – Automated.
To view the student's Test Credit, use Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Test Credits – Manual or Test Credits – Automated
To view the student's Other Credit, use Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Other Credits – Manual
Remember that if the requirement is a PRE-requisite, PeopleSoft will allow it to be fulfilled only by taking the required course(s) in a PRIOR term. However, if the requirement is a CO-requisite, PeopleSoft will allow it to be fulfilled by taking the required course(s) EITHER in the SAME term as the enrollment OR a prior term. Also, keep in mind that classes are set up as co-requisites of each other (BIOL 160 has co-req of CHEM 110 and CHEM 110 has co-req of BIOL 160).
Furthermore, suppose your Enrollment Requirement group is telling you to look for a combination of Accuplacer scores and ENGL 092 and MATH 95. In that case, your student is taking CMST& 210 and MATH& 107 but has no test scores entered--the Enrollment Requirement Group is blocking the student's enrollment correctly.
Are there any Enrollment Requirement Tips and Tricks?
Using Condition Codes: Singular vs. Plural
Use the singular version of a condition code (Student Group, Academic Plan, Academic Sub Plan) that does not have the "S" on the end.
For example:
- The singular version, "Academic Plan Equal LASDTAA," translates to "If the student is active in LASDTAA, they satisfy this condition."
- The plural version, "Academic PlanS Equal LASDTAA," translates to "The student must only be active in LASDTAA. If they have any additional active plans, they do not satisfy this condition."
Use Wildcards
- # is numeric, A is alpha, and * is wild. Example entry: 2## is any 200-level course, 2##B is any 200-level course ending with a B, 221* is 221 and 221 with any single additional character.
- Ensure the ERG is attached to the Course Offering tab in the Course Catalog. If applicable, the ERG should also be added to the Adjust Class Association page.
- Verify effective dates for Course Lists, Enrollment Requirements, and Enrollment Requirement Groups.
- Ensure the appropriate connector type is selected.
Query | Description |
QCS_CM_CRSE_CATALOG_DATA | Returns the Enrollment Requirement Group Number attached to courses that have requirements |
QCS_CM_CRSE_RQ_SCHED | Returns courses and classes offered in a given term with their Enrollment Requirement Group number |
QCS_CM_ENROLL_REQUIREMENT_REQ | Returns Enrollment Requirements prompted by institution, term, and career connected to a class at both the catalog and class association level |
Returns Enrollment Requirements for the prompted subject and the error message that displays to students |
Returns Enrollment Requirement Groups used in a prompted Enrollment Requirement |
In addition, to access the most up-to-date query information, visit dataservicesmetalink.sbctc.edu.
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