9.2 Creating or Updating Course Lists for Enrollment Requirements
Purpose: Use this as a reference for how to define course lists within ctcLink
Audience: Course Builders
You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZC CM Enrollment
- ZD CM Enrollment
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Creating or Updating Course Lists
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Course Lists
- The Enrollment Course Lists search page displays. It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab. In this example, we'll create a new list.
- Select Add a New Value.
- Course List defaults to all zeroes. The Course List will be assigned a unique, permanent number after your new course list has been created and saved.
- Select Add.
- The Course List Description tab displays. Enter or edit the following information:
- Effective Date: it is recommended to use 1/1/1901.
- Status: Leave as "Active".
- Description: Enter a list description.
- Short Description: Enter a short description.
- Long Description: This description allows additional details but is not seen when looking up the course list on other pages.
- Academic Institution: Enter college code.
- Additional fields are optional .
- Select the Course List Detail tab.
- The Course List Detail tab displays. Enter or edit the following information:
- Course ID: Enter the catalog ID for the course.
- Wildcard Indicator: described in the next screenshot and step.
- Select Include Equivalent Courses if you want to include transferred in or courses set up in course equivalencies.
- Term (optional): If the student must complete the course in a specified term or else leave blank.
- Associated Class (optional): This must be used to identify a specific course in a specific term.
- Topic ID (optional): If the course offers multiple topics, this can be used to specify the topic ID that must be completed.
- If you want to include wildcard courses rather than a specific course ID, the fields available for wildcard definition will change.
- Select the Wildcard Indicator checkbox.
- Example: This would allow the users to input Subject only to include all ENGL& courses.
- Can also be used with wildcard character in the Catalog number. The example below shows this which would allow all ENGL& 100 level courses.
- Select the Add a Row button [+] or Delete a Row button [-] to add or remove more courses or wildcards.
- Select the Course List Parameters tab.
- The Course List Parameters tab displays. All fields are optional and allow you to specify more specific course details.
- Select Save.
- Note the updated Course List number.
If making edits to an existing course list select Fetch on the Course List Detail tab to view courses already assigned.
- Process complete.
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