9.2 Creating Enrollment Requirements
Purpose: Use this document as a reference creating enrollment requirement groups in ctcLink.
Audience: Registration staff.
You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:
- ZC CM Enrollment
- ZD CM Enrollment
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Enrollment Requirements are used when you want to use course lists or have common requirements that can be used for multiple courses or classes. An Enrollment Requirement can be added to numerous enrollment requirement groups.
If an enrollment requirement is changed for a current term, it takes effect immediately.
Creating Enrollment Requirements
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Requirements
- The Enrollment Requirements search page displays. It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab. In this example, we'll create a new Enrollment Requirement.
- Select Add a New Value.
- Academic Requirement defaults to all zeroes. After you've created and saved your new Enrollment Requirement, the system will assign a unique Academic Requirement number.
- Select Add.

- The Enrollment Requirement tab displays. Enter information into the following fields:
- Effective Date: Recommended using 1/1/1901.
- Status: Select "Active".
- Requirement Name, Description, Report Description and Report Long Description fields: Enter descriptions to easily find these requirements. These are not displayed to students.
- Academic Institution: Enter college code
- All other fields are optional.
- Select the Parameters tab.

- The Parameters tab displays. Enter information that should be used for the overall requirement. All fields on this page are optional; for example, the student must have an overall minimum GPA or minimum cumulative units in addition to items indicated on other tabs.
- Select the Line Item tab.

- The Line Item tab displays. Select the types of requirements that will be used with descriptions for each requirement.
- For example, if the the item you are adding is an Accuplacer score, the *Line Type selected with be Condition Requirement.
- If you are including a course requirement, the *Line Type selected will be Course Requirement.
- Select the Add a New Row button [+] or Delete an Existing Row button [-] to add or remove additional line items.
- Select the Line Item Parameters (sic) tab.

- The Line Item Parameters tab displays. This tab will give additional fields that are available based on the type of line item selected in the step above. For example: If the line item is a course requirement, The Course Credit Parameters section will need to be populated with the following:
- Minimum GPA (e.g. 2.0)
- Minimum Units (e.g. 1)
- Minimum Course (e.g. 1)
Match the Course Credit Parameters line number on this tab to the line number on the Line Item tab.
- Select the Line Item Detail tab.

- The Line Item Detail tab displays. This tab allows you to connect the specific criteria for each line item, such as catalog numbers, test scores, milestone, etc. For example: If the line item is a test score, this tab will allow you to select the Test ID and the required test component and score to meet the requirement. To assign a milestone, select the Condition Code: Dynamic Condition and the Condition Data created in Define Milestone for Requisites. Match the line number on this tab to the line number on the Line Item tab.
- Select Save.

- Note the updated Academic Requirement number.

- Process complete.
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