9.2 Course Attribute Values Setup

Purpose: Use this document to reference adding or changing course attributes in the Course Attribute Table in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Records staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD CM Class Attributes
  • ZD SACR Student Rec Config
  • ZZ CM Class Attributes

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You must also set the following SACR Security permission:

Colleges are granted the ability to utilize a local course attribute to their institution. All locally defined course attributes begin with a "C." This attribute can be used for various reasons, including as a search filter in student self-service searches and to print repetitive text in the schedule of classes or course catalog, such as "Offered in Fall Only." Additionally, this attribute can be employed for other reporting needs beyond state-defined details. Course attributes are attached to courses on the Catalog Data page and classes on the Basic Data page. The addition of global attributes will cease.

Most colleges use this attribute to designate which degree requirement(s) the course fulfills. By doing so, students can identify which courses are needed to satisfy their degree requirements. This attribute is a valuable tool for both colleges and students alike. It makes degree completion more efficient and helps students stay on track with their academic goals.

Define Course Attribute Values

Navigation: Set Up SACR > Product Related > Student Records > Curriculum Management > Course Attributes

  1. The Course Attributes search page displays.  It defaults to the Find an Existing Value page.  In this example, we'll add a new local course attribute value.
  2. Click Include History.
  3. Select Search and choose your institution's attribute--e.g., C140 (Clark Defined Attributes).
Course Attribute search page
  1. The Course Attributes page displays.
  2. Add a new Effective Dated row by selecting the plus [+] icon in the top right corner.
Red arrow pointing to plus icon
  1. Add a new Effective Date (from the previous row, increment one day).
Effective Date highlighted
  1. Select View All from the Attribute Values panel. By default, the list is alphabetized.
  2. Scroll to the end of the page (or enter CNTRL + END on your keyboard).
  3. Select the plus [+] icon in the top-right corner in the last Course Attribute Value panel.
  1. Enter a Course Attribute Value (maximum characters=10).
  2. Enter a Description. The description you enter here appears on the schedule of classes report or the catalog report if you select the Schedule Print checkbox or the Catalog Print checkbox.
Attribute values panel
  1. Catalog Print can be selected to display the course attribute formal description in the course catalog report.
  2. Select Schedule Print to display the course attribute formal description in the schedule of classes report.
  3. Selecting Show in Class Search allows students to search by course attribute in Self-Service if the Class Search Profile includes search criteria of Course Attribute Values (e.g., "LC").

If the Show in Class Search checkbox is selected for a Course Attribute Value, the Class Search Profile includes Course Attribute as search criteria. When the Show in Class Search checkbox is set for a Course Attribute Value, a student can search by that value in Self-Service.

  1. Enter a Description and a Formal Description of the attribute values. The formal description will appear on the schedule classes report or course catalog report if the Schedule Print or Catalog Print checkbox is selected.
  2. Select Save in the lower-left corner of the page. When an attribute value is saved, the system re-alphabetizes the list. To add additional attribute values, follow steps five through 15.
highlighted attribute created
  1. Process complete.
Course catalog page
Class search results

A request for additional Course Attributes outside your institution-specific course attribute must be submitted to the Change Advisory Board.


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