9.2 Notifying Students via Class Roster
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to send a notification to students on a class roster in ctcLink
Audience: Curriculum staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD CM Class Roster
- ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
- ZZ CM Class Roster
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Notifying Students via Class Roster
Some email systems, such as Gmail, have strict Spam filtering mechanisms to protect their users. However, these filters can also prevent students from receiving emails sent via the Faculty Center, Advisor Center, Class Roster, and Grading Roster when multiple recipients are selected. While SBCTC discusses this issue and looks for solutions, staff should minimize their use of the “Notify All” functionality in ctcLink. At this time, we recommend limiting notifications to one recipient at a time.
How does this differ from 3Cs? 3Cs functionality sends one email at a time per user, whereas Faculty and Advisor Centers send one email to all selected users at a time.
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Class Roster > Class Roster
- The Class Roster search page displays.
- Enter the applicable Academic Institution, Term, Subject Area and Catalog Number or Class Number.
- Select Search.

- The Class Roster page displays. Select students to notify.
- Check the box next to each student or select Select All.
- Select Notify Selected Students.
Students whose Name is not hyperlinked do not have an email address stored in the system. These students cannot be notified. No checkbox is available for these students.

- The Send Notification page displays. Fill out the notification fields.
- From: Your preferred email address is used as the From email. This cannot be changed.
- To: Your preferred email address is automatically populated in this field. This value can be changed or removed.
- CC: Add any additional email addresses that should be CC’d on this notification.
- BCC: The email addresses of all students selected from the roster will appear in the BCC field. Add any additional email addresses that should be BCC’d on this notification.
- Subject: Input the desired subject line.
- Message Text: Enter the desired cancellation message.
- When notification is ready to send, select Send Notification.
- Select Return to Class Roster.

- The Class Roster page displays. If applicable, notify waitlisted students of the cancellation.
- On the class roster page, use the *Enrollment Status drop-down box to select 'Waiting' students.
- Repeat steps 2 - 5 above.

- To finish cancelling the class, follow the steps listed in Cancel Classes Using Schedule Class Meetings QRG.
- Process complete.
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