Attendance Roster - Individual Class

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for tracking attendance for individual classes in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Records staff

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Attendance Roster
  • ZD CM Attendance Roster

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Individual Class Roster

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Attendance Roster by Class

  1. The Attendance Roster by Class search page displays.
  2. Enter Academic Institution.
  3. Enter Term.
  4. Enter Class Nbr.
  5. Select Search.
  6. The Attendance Roster by Class page displays.
Attendance Roster By Class page
  1. Populate from Student Enroll:
    1. Check this box to have the system automatically populate enrolled student data.
    2. Uncheck this box to manually enter students for all class meetings.
  2. Select Generate.
  3. The  Student Attendance Roster section, listing all enrollees, displays at the bottom of the page.
  4. Select the View button, located within the Student Attendance Roster table, to enter attendance data for all students for one class meeting date.
  5. The Class Attendance page display.
Class Attendance pge Student Attendance Roster section
  1. Enter applicable attendance data.
  2. Select Save and Return, located on the bottom, left side of screen.

*Note - additional attendees may be entered by select the [+] plus button.

After attendance data has been entered, use the Create button to update enrollment or meeting patterns. Do not use the Generate button. This functions as if you are generating rosters from scratch. All attendance data will be lost.

  1. The Attendance Roster By Class page displays.
Attendance Roster By Class page Student Attendace Roster section
  1. The Create button can be used to update enrolled student data, in the event a student adds or drops the class or makes changes to their primary name.  There are two options:
    1. Select Create only (see row 1 above) - Enrolled students are automatically updated, new rows added where applicable; OR
    2. Check the Override box then select Create (see row 5 above) - regenerates the class meeting from scratch, any previously entered data will be lost. 
Attendance Roster By Class page Student Attendace Roster section
  1. The Create button can be used to add class meetings outside the scheduled pattern:
    1. Select the [+] plus button.  A new, blank row displays at the bottom of the Student Attendance Roster section.
    2. Enter the Type, Attendance Date, From Time, and To Time.
    3. Select Create.
    4. Select View to enter attendance data for the newly-created class meeting.
  2. The Class Attendance page displays.
Class Attendance page Student Attendance Roster section
  1. Enter attendance data for each student, selecting the [+] icon to add as many additional rows as you need.
  2. Select Save and Return. The Attendance Roster By Class page displays.
  3. Select Print to print attendance rosters by class meeting.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in steps listed above.  There is no audio included with this video.  Select the play button to start the video.

Video Tutorial via Panopto

View the external link to Attendance Roster - Individual Class - No Audio.  This link will open in a new tab/window.


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