Grade Rosters and Grading
Purpose: Use this as a reference for which QRGs are necessary for opening, posting and tracking grades.
Audience: Student Records staff
Colors and button shapes may appear differently in QRGs compared to the live PeopleSoft environment, but functionality has not been affected by the latest PeopleTools upgrade. Please refer to the Fundamentals section of the Reference Center for images of several current system pages.
QRGs are intended to provide a quick walk-through for college staff performing a business process in ctcLink and do not necessarily provide a comprehensive explanation of all possible scenarios. Updates to Reference Center materials are made continuously, so please check back frequently for the most current information.
Charles Jeffreys
This program is not user friendly! I can't turn in my grades. I can't even figure out how to get to my grade roster.
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Charles, Thank you for your comment. The QRG 9.2 Faculty Center - Entering Grades illustrates how faculty can access their grade roster and enter grades.
Ami Karnosh
I have added grades, Approved, and Saved for my class. However, I am not seeing "Posted" anywhere on the Grader Roster page to know that they have indeed been recorded and posted. Any suggestions?
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Ami! Great question. Once Faculty approve their grade roster(s), Enrollment Services can run the batch grade post process. After grades are posted, the Approval Status field will be grayed out, and the word "Posted" will display to the right (of the Approval Status field). Thank you so much! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Frank Frias
Are we able to set the deadline “time” for when grades post? For example, legacy requires 10 pm submission before the system sleeps. In PS, are we able to manually adjust the time?
Tanjagay Martin
Hi Frank,
Thank you for your question. PeopleSoft does not have a time deadline. With that in mind, once you generate class rosters, you have the option to set the Grade Posting Job to recurrence. Here is the link to the QRG Manually Setting up Recurrences for Jobs CS Support can assist you with setting up your recurrence once your college is live in PeopleSoft. Thanks again, Frank! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
Theresa Stack
I am unable to understand how to post final grades, please point me in the right direction. Thank you, Theresa Stack (I am teaching OSH 230)
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Theresa, Your question is greatly appreciated; thank you. Two QRGs can help you post grades: and I hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for your time. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Functional Trainer