Updating a Course Grading Basis

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for making updates to the course catalog grading basis in ctcLink.

Audience: Course Builders.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course Catalog
  • ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
  • ZD CM Local Configuration
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Course Catalog
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You must also set the following SACR Security permission:

Updating Grading Basis for Courses with No Classes Scheduled

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Course Catalog > Course Catalog

  1. The Course Catalog search page displays.  It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter search criteria.
  3. Select the Include History checkbox.
  4. Select the Search button.
  5. The Catalog Data page displays.
  6. Select the [+] plus sign to insert a new row, located in the upper-right side of screen.
  7. Input the Effective Date for the change being made.

Note: Updates can now be made to any tab in the Course Catalog pages, and the Effective Date will apply to changes made regardless of the tab selected.

  1. In the Course Grading section, on the Catalog Data page, select the correct Grading Basis (e.g., BEdA).
  2. Select the Offerings tab.
  3. The Offerings page displays.
  4. Scroll to the Taxonomy section located at the bottom of the Offerings page.
  5. Ensure that the CIP Code is correct (e.g., 32.0201).
  6. Select Save.

Process Complete.

Updating Grading Basis for Courses with Classes Scheduled

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Class Maintenance
  • ZD CM Class Maintenance
  • ZD FWL View Cnt Calc
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration
  • ZZ FWL Adjust Class
  • ZZ FWL Contract Calc

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation: Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Adjust Class Associations

  1. Navigate to Adjust Class Associations to update the Grading Basis.
  2. Follow the QRG 9.2 Adjust Class Associations.
  3. If students are enrolled in the class, follow the QRG 9.2 Processing Block Enroll with a Pre-Generated Enrollment Request ID.

Process complete.


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