PeopleSoft Coding for Basic Skills

Purpose: Use this document as reference for using PeopleSoft coding basics for Basic Skills in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Services Staff.

Basic Skills Students

Anyone 16 years or older, not enrolled in secondary school, and with needs below the level of high school completion or limited English proficiency are eligible to participate in Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) activities. For a full list of BEdA eligibility criteria, please see the requirements for enrollment in Basic Education for Adults.

Basic Skills Courses

Basic Skills courses and classes are considered Ungraded per the State Board Policy Chapter 5.30.15. The following attributes of the course and class must be coded in order for accurate state and federal reporting as well as to ensure the correct tuition amount is charged to the student.  The list below only includes the basic skills specific coding required, other information is required to build a course and class but are not included in this document.  

Intent Course Attribute SINT
Intent Course Attribute Value Academic or Workforce (reflects purpose of class)
Funding Course Attribute SFND
Funding Course Attribute Value 1
  • Funding Source is required for all classes to accurately report FTES.
  • Department of Corrections courses are typically set to Fund Source 4 (Contract) unless Financial Aid or private funds are used, then the Fund Source should be set to 5.
Educational Interviewing (EDI)/Orientation Courses  - often referred to as “orientation”
This course can be used with any of the programs listed.
Educational Interviewing CIP Code 32.0201
English as a Second Language/English Language Acquisition Courses
32.0301 ESL Level 1 32.0304 ESL Level 4
32.0302 ESL Level 2 32.0305 ESL Level 5
32.0303 ESL Level 3 32.0306 ESL Level 6
Adult Education and Adult Secondary Education Courses
32.0210 ABE Level 1 32.0240 ABE Level 4
32.0220 ABE Level 2 32.0203 ASE Level 1
32.0230 ABE Level 3 32.0204 ASE Level 2
High School+ Courses
Any CIP Codes listed for the above programs must be used for High School+ Courses.
ABE Funded High School Completion (NOT HS+) Courses
32.9997 ABE Funded Basic HSC 32.9998 ABE Funded Advanced HSC
Contract High School Completion
32.0205 Basic HSC 32.0208 Advanced HSC
Corrections – must have a DOC location and the following:
Funding Course Attribute Value 4 (Contract Funded)
Contract Basic Skills (not corrections) – contracted basic skills courses must have the following:
Funding Course Attribute Value 4 (Contract Funded)
Special Non-state Funded Basic Skills CIP Code 32.0401
I-BEST Support Courses (ABE) – DO NOT use SBST Course Attribute 
I-BEST Support classes are not coded as I-BEST classes because they are support classes in basic skills. 
I-BEST Support Courses (Dev Ed) – DO NOT use SBST Course Attribute
A Dev Ed CIP (33 series) must be used, such as 33.0109.  Not basic skills, so not included in WABERS+.

I-BEST Courses

Depending on the approved I-BEST program, I-BEST courses are coded as Academic or Vocational course intent and CIP Code. They, therefore, are not considered basic skills classes, though some types are included in WABERS+ for BEdA federal reporting purposes. Students in classes with the Course Attribute designated below as included in WABERS are also assigned the SWBR Student Group and included in the WABERS+ extract.

I-BEST courses and classes should not be coded in the CIP 32* series. ONLY the I-BEST support courses are in the 32* series and are identified by CIP Code 32.0501The CIP Code is the coding that identifies the class as I-BEST support. DO NOT code your I-BEST support classes with the course attribute, as this will result in an error.


Course Attribute Value Attribute Description Generates Enhanced FTES? Included in WABERS?
BASICSKILL Team Taught with Basic Skills Students Yes Yes
DEVELOPMTL  Team Taught with Dev Ed Students  Yes No

Additional Notes on Basic Skills Courses, Classes, and Students

  1. All BEdA courses/classes should be associated with the BEdA Grading Basis “BGB.”
  2. BEdA classes should not be included in Financial Aid eligibility. Set FA Progress units to 0 to exclude credits from Financial Aid calculations. If the course is variable credit, this cannot be done at the course level but at the class level using the Adjust Class Associations page. This can only be done if the class section has a set amount of credits.
    • There is a FA process that will zero out FA progress units on all CIP Coded 32* courses.
  3. Add any new basic skills courses to the Course List Fee to ensure students are charged the appropriate amount of tuition. Review this QRG:  Information for maintaining these courses.
  4. In the case of a non-credit bearing class, enter the Instructor Contact Hours.
    • Non-Credit bearing are when the class UNTS_MINIMUM and UNTS_MAXIMUM both = 0


Erica Jesberger

Is this QRG up to date? I'm trying to determine eligible CIPs for the BEdA $25 tuition and I see it references HS 21+ which I believe has been renamed. This caused me to pause before making any CIP updates to be sure this is still the latest info. Thanks!

Tanjagay Martin

Hi Erica, I appreciate your comment and apologize for any inconvenience caused. It's been updated to match the SBCTC Student & Coding Manual--(High School+. Thank you so much for your time and attention to detail--I appreciate it! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer

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