9.2 Grade Forgiveness: Removing a Grade from GPA Calculations
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for changing a grading basis in ctcLink.
Audience: Student Records staff
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD SR Enroll Students
- ZD SR Super User
- ZZ SR Enroll Students
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
This process will discuss how to change the grading basis on a course to keep the grade from calculating in the term or cumulative student GPA when processing a Grade Forgiveness.
Processing a Grade Forgiveness Grading Basis Change
Navigation: Menu > Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment Request
- The Enrollment Request search page displays.
- Enter ID.
- Enter Academic Career.
- Enter Academic Institution.
- Enter Term.
- Select Add.
- The Enrollment Request tab displays.
- Select "Change Grade" from the Action drop-down list.
- Enter or look up Class Nbr.
- Select the Override Grading Basis checkbox.
Before you enter or look up the GFG Grading Basis, take note of the grade in the Grade Input field. You will need to re-enter the grade after changing the grading basis.
- Change the Grade Base to "GFG"- the Grade Input field blanks out.
- Re-enter the grade in the Grade Input field.

- Select Submit.
- Verify the status is "Success."
Process complete.
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