Dynamic Dates and Specific Class Sections
Purpose: Use this document to view how dynamic dates have been calculated for a specific class section via the ctcLink Fluid navigation.
Audience: Curriculum Management staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CM Class Builder
- ZC CM Course Catalog
- ZD CM Class Builder
- ZD CM Course Catalog
- ZD CM Course and Class Inquiry
- ZD CM Local Configuration
- ZZ CM Course Catalog
- ZZ CM Local Configuration
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
You must also set the following SACR Security permission:
Supporting Information:
- The enrollment section is subject to dynamic rules if the class has multiple components.
- You can also recalculate specific class sections or override an aspect of the applicable rule as needed.
- If enrollment already exists, this is where you would calculate the dynamic dates for the specific class section.
Class Section Dynamic Dates
Navigation: ctcLink CS Staff Homepage > Curriculum Management Tile
- The Curriculum Management page displays.
- Expand the Class Scheduling menu on the left.
- Select the Class Section Dynamic Dates sub-menu list item.
- The Class Section Dynamic Dates search page displays.
- Enter Search Criteria to identify your class.
- Select Search.
Navigation: Curriculum Management > Dynamic Dates > Class Section Dynamic Dates
- The Class Section Dynamic Dates search page displays.
- Enter Search Criteria to identify your class. (Includes; Academic Institution, Term and Course ID
- Select Search.
- The Dynamic Class Data 1 tab displays.
- Scroll through the Dynamic Class Dates sections and find the Class Nbr you're working with.
- View the values in the following sections under the Dynamic Class Dates section.
- The following QRG 9.2 Setting Dynamic Class Date Rules will provide additional information in regards to each field.
- Validate, Add or Update Dynamic Class Date Rule value.
- Select the Calculate Dynamic Dates button.
- Verify the First Date to Enroll section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify the Last Date to Enroll section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify Last Wait List Date section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify Last Drop To Date section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify the Last Drop Action Dates section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify the Cancel and Withdrawal Dates section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify the Fully Graded Date section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify the Lapse Start Date section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify the Sixty Percent Point in Time section calculated based on the rule selected.
- Verify the Census Date section calculated based on the rule selected.
- To override the First Date to Enroll, check the the Override checkbox, then enter the value into the Deadline field. Do the same for any other Deadline dates you'd like to override.
- Select Save.

Process complete.
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