9.2 Running Start Billing & Payment Process in Finance
Purpose: Use this document as a reference how to bill and receive payments for the Running Start Program in ctcLink. Please also refer to your local college's business practice decisions.
Audience: Finance Staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Billing Entry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Running Start Billing & Payment Process in Finance
Standard Bills are easily copied for invoices that are same in format but vary in customer name and amounts.
Navigation: Billing > Maintain Bills > Standard Billing
- Select the Add a New Value tab
- On the Bill Entry page, enter the following criteria:
- Business Unit.
- Keep Invoice field as NEXT.
- Bill Type Identifier = MSC.
- Bill Source = ONLBILLING.
- Customer ID.
- Invoice Date.
- Accounting Date (in an open month).
- Select Add.

- The Header - Info 1 page displays.
- Select the Line - Info 1 tab.
By entering the initial criteria on the Add a New Value page, fields auto-fill with the information. Update or edit as needed.
- The Line - Info 1 page displays.
- In the Bill Line area, enter the criteria:
- In the Table field, enter ID for 'PS/Billing Charge ID'.
- Add a meaningful description, i.e. ACAD AATFE.
- Optional to enter the From Date and To Date.
- Add the Quantity, i.e. number of Non-Vocational FTEs.
- Enter EA for Each for Unit of Measure.
- Enter the Unit Price for Non-Vocational FTEs [Taken from the OSPI Website].
- Select Save.
Instead of using the functionality to calculate totals, it is optional to enter in Quantity of '1', Unit of Measure 'EA', and enter in a 'Total Amount' in the Unit Price and Gross Extended.

- Select the plus icon to add another line (if applicable to add a bill line item for Vocational FTEs).
Upon saving the page, the invoice or bill number has been created and the total amount updated. It is optional to use Quantity of 1 and add the total dollar amount instead of using PeopleSoft to calculate the totals.

- Bill Line 2 displays.
- In the Bill Line area, enter the criteria:
- In the Table field, enter ID for 'PS/Billing Charge ID'.
- Add a meaningful description, i.e. VOC AATFE.
- Optional to enter the From Date and To Date.
- Add the Quantity, i.e. number of Vocational FTEs.
- Enter EA for Each for Unit of Measure.
- Enter the Unit Price for Vocational FTEs [Taken from the OSPI Website].
- Select Save.
Instead of using the functionality to calculate totals, it is optional to enter in Quantity of '1', Unit of Measure 'EA', and enter in a 'Total Amount' in the Unit Price and Gross Extended.
- Select the Accounting hyperlink.
Bill Line Sequence 2 updates the line amount and the total bill amount.

- The Revenue Distribution page displays.
- Select the View All hyperlink (if you have 2 bill lines).
- In the Bill Line Distribution - Revenue section, enter the either the Bill Code or the appropriate ChartString for each Bill Line.
It is optional to use the Code or Revenue Dist Code/Speed Type field to auto-fill with the correct RS Revenue ChartString. This requires configuration or setup of a "Revenue Dist Code" for your college.

- Enter the Accounting Information criteria for each Bill Line:
- GL Account = 4021067 for Running Start Revenue.
- Oper Unit.
- Fund.
- Dept.
- Class.
- State Purpose.
- Select Save.
- Select the Navigation drop-down menu to select Header Note.
Note: The AR Header Distribution defaults to AR Control GL Account 1010100. Check with your local college business practices to confirm account coding. Use the Navigation drop-down arrow to navigate to review accounting information.
- The Header - Note page displays.
- Optional to enter a customized Bill Header Note in the Note Text field.
- Select Save.
- Select the Pro Forma icon to review the Draft Invoice.

- The Pro Forma or draft invoice displays. Review the amounts, totals, and make any necessary changes.
- Close the pdf.

- Return to the Header - Info 1 main page.
- In the Status field, enter RDY or use the look up tool to change the Bill Status from NEW to RDY if 'Ready to Invoice' or PND for 'Pending Approval' to submit for Approval.
Make a note of your invoice number or press Ctrl+C to copy.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Billing Entry
- ZZ Grant Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Billing > Generate Invoices > Non-Consolidated > Single Action Invoice
[SEE QRG 9.2 Single Action Invoice Processes]
- The Single Action Invoice run control page displays.
- If this is your first time running the Single Action, create a new Run Control ID. If not, you will be prompted to update it or maybe change the name.
- Select Add.
- The Single Action Invoice page displays.
- Select the following criteria:
- Invoice Date as Processing Date.
- Posting Action of Batch Standard.
- Range Selection as Invoice ID.
- Select or lookup your Business Unit.
- Paste or enter in the invoice number(s).
- Select the Print Options tab to review options.
- The Print Options page displays.
- Select Summarization Options to Print Both Summarized & Detail.
- Select Save.
- Select the Single Action Invoice tab.
Once the Single Action Invoice and Print Options have been saved, the system will remember your preferences.

- Back on the Single Action Invoice main page, optional to view the 'Bills To Be Processed' by selecting the folder icon.
- Close out the window by selecting Return.
- Select Run.
- The Process Scheduler Request page displays.
- Select the box for Single Action w/ Comm Cntl.

- The Process Scheduler Request window disappears. Select the Process Monitor hyperlink.
- The Process Monitor page displays.
- Refresh the page until the Process Name BIJOB03K runs to Success and is Posted.
- Select the Report Manager hyperlink.
Select the BIJOB03K link to view the progress of the invoice generation process.

- The Report Manager page displays.
- From the Administration tab, select the link BI_PRNXPN01 BI_PRNXPN01.pdf to display the finalized invoice.
Select the drop-down arrow to download or the print icon to print the finalized invoice.

Regular Deposits & Payment Worksheets are used together for Grant Payments (that have numerous lines) and Non-Grant Payments that do not match exactly (over/under payments). Also if your college has separated duties, like Cashiering receives the Deposit and AR Staff applies the Payments. Please check with your supervisor for your local business practices. Review the following QRGs to find what works best for your scenario:
Express Deposits are for payments that match the invoice exactly. This method receives the deposit and applies the payment at the same time. Check with your supervisor for your local business practices.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AR Apply Payments
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Accounts Receivable > Payments > Online Payments > Express Deposit
- The Express Deposit search page displays.
- Select Add a New Value tab.
- Enter your Business Unit.
- Select Add.
- The Express Deposit Totals page displays.
- Lookup or enter the required criteria:
- Accounting Date.
- Bank.
- Account.
- The Deposit Type defaults to C for Customer.
- Control Currency USD.
- Control Amount = the total payment amount.
- Count = the number of payments.
- Select the Payments tab.
In the Control Data section, the Received and Entered dates default to the current date. Make sure your dates are within an 'open' Period.
- The Payment tab displays.
- In the Payment Information section, enter the Payment ID number.
- Enter the Total Amount.
- In the Reference Information section, enter or look up the Item ID number.
- Use the look up tool to view the multiple lines, or use the ‘tab’ key to move over to the Line field.
- Select Item Line 1.
- When Line 1 is selected, the Pay Amt, Cust ID, and Unit fields auto fill from the Item ID information.
- If multiple Bill lines exist, select the plus icon to add a new row.
- Select OK.
- A new row has been added.
- Enter the Item ID number then use the ‘tab’ key to move over to the Line field.
- Use the look up tool to select the next line item, for example Item Line 2.
- Line 2 has been updated and the total deposit is Balanced.
- Select Save to create the Deposit ID number.
- Select the Action tab.
Double-check to make sure your Control Total Amt = Entered Total Amt and the Difference Amount is zero.
- The Worksheet Action page displays. Note the Deposit is in ‘Balanced’ status.
- Optional to select Create Entries to review the Accounting Entries.
- Select the Batch Standard button.

- Process complete.
Copy a Single Bill for additional RS Customers
After your initial Running Start Bill has been created, use the QRG Copy a Single Bill to create a carbon copy of the invoice and update the criteria for the next RS Customer, such as the Customer ID, Description of FTE numbers, Quantities and Header Note as needed.
SBCTC Running Start & International Contract Remit Process
Please see the SBCTC Accounting and Business Services web page for the ctcLink Running Start & International Contract Remittance Guidance and Process.
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