9.2 Create a VPA (only) Express Bill

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for creating VPA express bills in ctcLink. It is not to be used for non-VPA express bills.

Audience:  Billing/AR Specialists

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Billing Inquiry
  • ZZ Billing Entry
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_060
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_062
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_063
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_AAPR_064

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

This guide will walk you through how to create a VPA Express Bill for billing the State Treasurer.  Crucial additional guidance is available in SBCTC’s Accounting guide cLam (ctcLink Accounting Manual) for VPA processes.

Please see the Accounting and Business Services web page for more information on State Reimbursement Processes (VPA) and also QRG 9.2 Processing Payroll Vouchers.

Create a VPA (only) Express Bill

Navigation: Billing> Maintain Bills> Express Billing

  1. The Express Bill Entry search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab. Enter field values:
    1. Business Unit.
    2. Bill Type Identifier = "VPA".
    3. Bill Source = "ONLBILLING".
    4. Customer = "001000762", for State Reimbursement OST.
    5. Invoice Date.
    6. Accounting Date.
  3. Select the Add button.
Add a new value
  1. The Billing General page displays.
  2. Follow the steps if you have Billing Charge Codes set up for your college (Please see step 13 if you do not have Billing Charge Codes set up);
    1. Select Table = "ID", for Billing/Charge ID.
    2. Select Identifier. NOTE: this should start with "VPA" because you are creating a VPA bill.
    3. Optional to add a Description.
    4. Enter Quantity.
    5. Enter Unit Price.
  3. Select the Save button to generate the Invoice number.
  4. Select AR Account link under the AR Account column.
Billing General page - with Charge Codes setup
  1. Follow the steps if you do not have Billing Charge Codes set up for each VPA Bill Line(s);
    1. Enter in a Description.
    2. Enter Quantity.
    3. UOM = EA for Each.
    4. Enter Unit Price.
  2. Select Save to generate the Invoice number.
  3. Select AR Account link under the AR Account column to navigate to add the Accounting Distribution(s).

For more information and setup on Billing Charge Codes, please refer to the QRG Creating a Bill Charge Code.

Billing General page - without Billing Charge Codes setup
  1. The Accounting Distributions tab displays. For EACH available Bill Line enter in the AR Offset and Revenue Distributions.
  2. Enter the AR Offset Distribution Chartfield value:
    • If available, select "VPA" from the Code lookup glass. Verify if CORRECT Account = "1010200" = Due form State Allocation.
    • If not available, enter in the Account "1010200" = Due from State Allocation.  This is very important, if you do not select this, the AR Distribution will default to an incorrect AR Control Account 1010100.
  3. Enter the Revenue Distribution Chartfield values:
    • If available, select "VPA" from the Code lookup glass. Verify if the CORRECT Chartstring.
    • If not available, enter the following values:
      1. **Account = 4100010 matches Fund 790
      2. Local College Oper Unit = 7XXX.
      3. Fund = 790.
      4. Department = 98499.
      5. Class = 285.
      6. State Purpose = N.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Select the Billing General tab.

**The Revenue Account should be the revenue for the specific VPA. i.e. Fund 790 matches account "4100010" which identifies the State Fund as "001".

The Revenue Distribution coding should not be changed. All VPA Express Bills will be to designated operating unit, Fund "790", Department "98499", Class "285", and State purpose "N".

Optional to add details such as a Bill Line Description, or use the navigation drop down menu to add a Bill Line Note and/or Header Note.

Enter Chartstring values
  1. The Billing General tab displays. Select the Pro Forma icon to review the draft invoice prior finalizing the invoice.
  2. The Pro Forma or draft invoice displays.
  3. Change Bill Status to "RDY" to be finalized into an Invoice or "PND" to submit for Approval.
  4. Select Save.

Review the Pro Forma details and if changes are needed, change the Bill Status back to "NEW". Only invoices in "RDY" status will be marked to be finalized.

select pro forma icon

Notice the optional features within the Billing Module to help identify your invoices: Bill Line Description, Line Note and Header Note.

Review pro forma
  1. You are now ready to finalize this bill. Please refer to the QRG Finalize Bills via Single Action Invoice w/ Commitment Control.
  2. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video. - coming soon!

Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Create a VPA (only) Express Bill. This link will open in a new tab/window. - coming soon!


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