9.2 Entering a Deferred Revenue Bill

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for entering a deferred revenue bill in ctcLink.

Audience:  Finance/Billing

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Billing Entry
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_060
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_062
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_APPR_063
  • ZZ_AWE_BI_AAPR_064

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Entering a Deferred Revenue Bill

Navigation: Billing > Maintain Bills > Standard Billing

  1. The Bill Entry search page displays. Select the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Enter or lookup valid field values for your college:
    1. Business Unit.
    2. Bill Type Identifier.
    3. Bill Source.
    4. Customer.
    5. Invoice Date = today's date.
    6. Accounting Date = today's date.
  3. Select the Add button.
Add new value
  1. The Header - Info 1 tab page displays. Depending upon your configuration, many of the following fields will auto-fill. Verify (or enter) the following data:
    1. Cycle ID.
    2. From Date.
    3. To Date.
    4. Remit To.
    5. Bank Account.
  2. Select the Line - Info 1 tab.
Header - Info 1 tab
  1. The Line - Info 1 tab displays. Enter or lookup the following valid field values:
    1. Enter Quantity.
    2. Enter Unit of Measure.
    3. Enter Unit Price.
  2. Select the Line Info 2 link near the bottom of the page.
Lin - Info 1 page
  1. The Line - Info 2 tab displays. Enter a Description.
  2. Enter the Revenue Recognition Basis = "From/To Date Range".
  3. In the Navigation drop down menu box use the down arrow to select the Acctg-Deferred Rev Dist.
Line - Info 2 page
  1. The Revenue Distribution tab displays.
  2. Enter Code = "DEF-REV".
  3. Enter Account = "524000".
  4. Select Save.
Revenue Distribution tab
  1. Process complete.


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