Updating Permanent and Non-permanent Employees (Classified Hourly)

Purpose:  Use this document when changing permanent or non-permanent part-time employees to Classified Hourly employees.

Audience:  Human Resources Specialist

Updating Permanent and Non-permanent Employees (Classified Hourly)

Updating a Job Instance of a part time non-permanent or permanent Employee Type to Classified

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ HR Employee Maintenance
  • ZZ SS Workforce Administrator
  • ZZ FWL HCM Pay Process

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data

  1. The Job Data search page displays.
  2. Enter applicable Search Criteria to locate the employee's job data information.
  3. Select the Search button. The Job Data Work Location page displays.

Changes needed in the Work Location tab:

  1. Insert a new effective dated row, select the plus (+) icon.
  2. The Effective Date will default to the system date, change to the date this change is made.
  3. Select Data Change from the Action drop-down menu.
  4. Select Employee Type Change from the Reason drop-down menu.
  5. Enter/update the Position Number this is required for Permanent (optional for non-permanent).

Changes needed in the Job Information page.

  1. Select the Job Information tab, the Job Information page displays.
  2. Enter/update the Job Code. This code needs to be a "Classified" job code (defined by Office of Financial Management - OFM; code begins with "00") .
  3. Enter/update the Regular/Temporary field. If employee is non-permanent = Temporary; if permanent = Regular.
  4. Enter/update the Full/Part field to Part-Time.
  5. Select the Empl Class drop-down menu and select Classified.
  6. Enter/update Regular Shift, if the employee is eligible for shift premiums: select Evening.
  7. Standard Hours leave at 40. The system pays hours reported in Time & Labor, not through Job Data.
  8. Enter/update the FTE to 1.0.
  9. Enter/update Work Period to W522.

Changes needed on the Job Labor page:

  1. Select the Job Labor tab; the Job Labor page displays.
  2. Enter the Union Code for represented non-permanent and permanent employees.
  3. Enter the Union Seniority Date as applicable.

Changes needed on the Payroll page:

  1. Select the Payroll tab; the Payroll page displays.
  2. If applicable, change the Absence System from Other to Absence Management.

IMPORTANT:  For classified type employees accruing Holiday credit rather than receiving holiday pay, you MUST select the Absence System as Absence Management from the drop-down menu.  This will cause the credit to be managed through absence requests.

In the Payroll for North America section:

  1. The Pay Group should remain HXX Hourly: Semi-Monthly (where XX = first two digits of your Company code).
  2. Employee Type should remain Hourly.
  3. Holiday Schedule select to NONE.

In the Absence Management System section:

  1. Enter the absence Pay Group the same as the payroll Pay Group with AM appended to the end.
  2. Be sure to disable the Use Pay Group Eligibility check box from the Setting group box.
  3. Enter or select the Eligibility Group.
    Use your Company Code followed by NPELIG. For example: 030NPELIG.
              This applies to both Non-permanent and Permanent.
              For other types, use the default Eligibility Group.

Changes needed on the Salary Plan page:

  1. Select the Salary Plan tab; the Salary Plan page displays.
  2. Set the Salary Admin Plan to CS or ST for WFSE & WPEA colleges; Technical colleges to use their local based Salary Plan(s).
  3. Enter or select the appropriate salary Grade.
  4. Enter or select the appropriate salary Step.
  5. Enter the Grade Entry Date and Step Entry Date to reflect the Effective Date these updates were made to the employee's job data record.
    NOTE: These employees will get picked up as part of the Automated Step Increase Progression process.

Changes needed on the Compensation page:

  1. Select the Compensation tab; the Compensation page displays.  
  2. In the Compensation Details section, the *Frequency field is set to H - Hourly.
  3. In the Pay Components grid section, enter or select the Rate Code to NAANNL.
  4. Frequency in the Pay Components area to be set to A.
  5. Select the Default Pay Components button under the Pay Rates section.
Job Data - Compensation tab

Changes needed on the CTC Job Data page:

NOTE: For the CTC Job Data and the CTC Earnings Distribution pages, if there is a job Effective Sequence row involved, be sure the field values in both pages are reflected in both rows (for example, 0 & 1). Effective Sequence is important when there are multiple data rows inserted on the same effective date.

  1. Select the CTC Job Data tab; the CTC Job Data page displays.
  2. Enter or select the Leave Accrual Date to the same as the Effective Date for this Data Change/Employee Type Change transaction.
  3. Enter the appropriate Leave Maximum Month.
  4. Enter the appropriate Job Emp Type.
    Choices include: Non-Permanent, Non Perm Limited, Non Perm On Call, Permanent PT Scheduled
  5. Click the Union Member check box.
  6. Enter or select the OFM Bargaining Unit.

Changes needed on the CTC Earnings Distribution page:

NOTE: For the CTC Job Data and the CTC Earnings Distribution pages, if there is a job Effective Sequence row involved, be sure the field values in both pages are reflected in both rows (for example, 0 & 1). Effective Sequence is important when there are multiple data rows inserted on the same effective date.

  1. Select the CTC Earnings Distribution tab; the CTC Earnings Distribution page displays.
  2. Enter the appropriate Earnings Distribution details as appropriate.
    Earnings Code = HRY
    Select the Edit Chartfields link to select/update a Combination Code.
    Enter the Percent of Distribution assigned to the selected Combination Code.
    • Warning: If you are assigning multiple Earnings Codes and/or Combination Codes, the system will require you to indicate which is the primary record.
  3. Select the Employment Data link at the bottom of the screen.  
  4. The Employment Information page displays. Select the Time Reporter Data link in the center area of the page.

The Time and Labor Data page displays.

  1. Add new effective dated row.
  2. Enter or select the Effective Date.
  3. Enter or select the Time Reporter Type for this employee.
  4. Enter or select the appropriate Elapsed Time Template or Punch Time Template based on the Time Reporter Type selected.
  5. The Workgroup is changed to XXXCLAHRYS for scheduled employees or XXXCLAHRY for non-scheduled employees.
    Where XXX to be company code.
  6. Enter or select the appropriate Taskgroup.
  7. Select the OK button.
  8. Return to the Employment Information page.
  9. Select the Benefits Program Participation link located on the bottom right-side of the Employment Information component.

The Benefits Program Participation page displays.

  1. Under the Benefit Status section, enter the appropriate Benefit Record Number.
  2. In the Benefit Program Participation Details section:
    > Add a new Effective Date row.
    > Enter or select the Effective Date.
    > Enter or select the Benefit Program.
  3. Select the Save button.

The procedure to update the Job Data component of a part-time, hourly, non-permanent or permanent Employee Type to Classified is complete.

Continue to Assigning Work Schedules to see the work schedule recommendations for these employees.

Assigning Work Schedules

Purpose: It is recommended that the part-time, hourly employees updated using the procedure above use the Assignment Method of Select Predefined Schedule and the Schedule ID should be 8X7MTWTHFSSU or 10X7MTWTHFSSU, or as applicable.

Audience:  Human Resources Specialist

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Admin Enroll Time Reporters
  • ZD TL Admin View Enrollment
  • ZZ HCM Manager

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Assign Work Schedule

The Assign Work Schedule search page displays.

  1. Enter the Empl ID.
  2. Select the Search button.  
  3. The Search Results display.
  4. Select the Empl ID link from the Search Results.

The Assign Work Schedule page displays.

  1. To change the schedule, enter a new effective-dated row by clicking the Add a Row [+] button.
  2. Enter the Effective Date.  
    NOTE:  Effective dates should be the FIRST WORK DAY of the week for this Data Change/Employee Type Change transaction.
  3. Enter the Assignment Method - click the drop-down and choose the Select Predefined Schedule from the list.
  4. The Schedule Group populates based on the selected assignment method.
  5. Select the most appropriate Schedule ID from the lookup for this part-time hourly employee:
    8-hour daily schedule = 8X7MTWTHFSSU;  10-hour daily = 10X7MTWTHFSSU
  6. Select the Save button.

The procedure to assign a work schedule is now complete.

Enroll Employee in a Compensatory Time Off Plan

Purpose: It is recommended that the part-time, hourly employees updated using the procedures above enroll these employees in a Comp Plan if they need to accrue comp time as applicable.

For colleges that are:

  • Nonunion Represented = WACOMP1
  • WFSE College = WFSECMP
  • WPEA College = WPEACMP

Audience:  Human Resources Specialist

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Admin Enroll Time Reporters

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Comp Plan Enrollment

  1. Enter the EMPL ID.
  2. Select the Search button.
  3. Select the appropriate EMPL RCD from the Search Results if employee has more than one job.
  4. The Compensatory Plan Enrollment page displays.
  5. The Effective Date defaults to the current date.  Change to the Effective Date.
  6. Select the Compensatory Time Off Plan lookup icon and select the appropriate option.

WACOMP1     WA SBCTC Compensatory Plan
WFSECMP      WFSE Compensatory Plan
WPEACMP     WPEA Compensatory Plan

  1. Status defaults to Active.
  2. If applicable, select the [+] Add a Row button to add additional plans.
  3. Select the Save button.



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