Updating Permanent and Non-permanent Employees (Classified Hourly)
Purpose: Use this document when changing permanent or non-permanent part-time employees to Classified Hourly employees.
Audience: Human Resources Specialist
Updating Permanent and Non-permanent Employees (Classified Hourly)
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ HR Employee Maintenance
- ZZ SS Workforce Administrator
- ZZ FWL HCM Pay Process
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
- The Job Data search page displays.
- Enter applicable Search Criteria to locate the employee's job data information.
- Select the Search button. The Job Data Work Location page displays.
Changes needed in the Work Location tab:
- Insert a new effective dated row, select the plus (+) icon.
- The Effective Date will default to the system date, change to the date this change is made.
- Select Data Change from the Action drop-down menu.
- Select Employee Type Change from the Reason drop-down menu.
- Enter/update the Position Number this is required for Permanent (optional for non-permanent).
Changes needed in the Job Information page.
- Select the Job Information tab, the Job Information page displays.
- Enter/update the Job Code. This code needs to be a "Classified" job code (defined by Office of Financial Management - OFM; code begins with "00") .
- Enter/update the Regular/Temporary field. If employee is non-permanent = Temporary; if permanent = Regular.
- Enter/update the Full/Part field to Part-Time.
- Select the Empl Class drop-down menu and select Classified.
- Enter/update Regular Shift, if the employee is eligible for shift premiums: select Evening.
- Standard Hours leave at 40. The system pays hours reported in Time & Labor, not through Job Data.
- Enter/update the FTE to 1.0.
- Enter/update Work Period to W522.
Changes needed on the Job Labor page:
- Select the Job Labor tab; the Job Labor page displays.
- Enter the Union Code for represented non-permanent and permanent employees.
- Enter the Union Seniority Date as applicable.
Changes needed on the Payroll page:
- Select the Payroll tab; the Payroll page displays.
- If applicable, change the Absence System from Other to Absence Management.
IMPORTANT: For classified type employees accruing Holiday credit rather than receiving holiday pay, you MUST select the Absence System as Absence Management from the drop-down menu. This will cause the credit to be managed through absence requests.
In the Payroll for North America section:
- The Pay Group should remain HXX Hourly: Semi-Monthly (where XX = first two digits of your Company code).
- Employee Type should remain Hourly.
- Holiday Schedule select to NONE.
In the Absence Management System section:
- Enter the absence Pay Group the same as the payroll Pay Group with AM appended to the end.
- Be sure to disable the Use Pay Group Eligibility check box from the Setting group box.
- Enter or select the Eligibility Group.
NOTE: Use your Company Code followed by NPELIG. For example: 030NPELIG.
This applies to both Non-permanent and Permanent.
For other types, use the default Eligibility Group.
Changes needed on the Salary Plan page:
- Select the Salary Plan tab; the Salary Plan page displays.
- Set the Salary Admin Plan to CS or ST for WFSE & WPEA colleges; Technical colleges to use their local based Salary Plan(s).
- Enter or select the appropriate salary Grade.
- Enter or select the appropriate salary Step.
- Enter the Grade Entry Date and Step Entry Date to reflect the Effective Date these updates were made to the employee's job data record.
NOTE: These employees will get picked up as part of the Automated Step Increase Progression process.
Changes needed on the Compensation page:
- Select the Compensation tab; the Compensation page displays.
- In the Compensation Details section, the *Frequency field is set to H - Hourly.
- In the Pay Components grid section, enter or select the Rate Code to NAANNL.
- Frequency in the Pay Components area to be set to A.
- Select the Default Pay Components button under the Pay Rates section.

Changes needed on the CTC Job Data page:
NOTE: For the CTC Job Data and the CTC Earnings Distribution pages, if there is a job Effective Sequence row involved, be sure the field values in both pages are reflected in both rows (for example, 0 & 1). Effective Sequence is important when there are multiple data rows inserted on the same effective date.
- Select the CTC Job Data tab; the CTC Job Data page displays.
- Enter or select the Leave Accrual Date to the same as the Effective Date for this Data Change/Employee Type Change transaction.
- Enter the appropriate Leave Maximum Month.
- Enter the appropriate Job Emp Type.
Choices include: Non-Permanent, Non Perm Limited, Non Perm On Call, Permanent PT Scheduled - Click the Union Member check box.
- Enter or select the OFM Bargaining Unit.
Changes needed on the CTC Earnings Distribution page:
NOTE: For the CTC Job Data and the CTC Earnings Distribution pages, if there is a job Effective Sequence row involved, be sure the field values in both pages are reflected in both rows (for example, 0 & 1). Effective Sequence is important when there are multiple data rows inserted on the same effective date.
- Select the CTC Earnings Distribution tab; the CTC Earnings Distribution page displays.
- Enter the appropriate Earnings Distribution details as appropriate.
Earnings Code = HRY
Select the Edit Chartfields link to select/update a Combination Code.
Enter the Percent of Distribution assigned to the selected Combination Code.- Warning: If you are assigning multiple Earnings Codes and/or Combination Codes, the system will require you to indicate which is the primary record.
- Select the Employment Data link at the bottom of the screen.
- The Employment Information page displays. Select the Time Reporter Data link in the center area of the page.
The Time and Labor Data page displays.
- Add new effective dated row.
- Enter or select the Effective Date.
- Enter or select the Time Reporter Type for this employee.
- Enter or select the appropriate Elapsed Time Template or Punch Time Template based on the Time Reporter Type selected.
- The Workgroup is changed to XXXCLAHRYS for scheduled employees or XXXCLAHRY for non-scheduled employees.
Where XXX to be company code. - Enter or select the appropriate Taskgroup.
- Select the OK button.
- Return to the Employment Information page.
- Select the Benefits Program Participation link located on the bottom right-side of the Employment Information component.
The Benefits Program Participation page displays.
- Under the Benefit Status section, enter the appropriate Benefit Record Number.
- In the Benefit Program Participation Details section:
> Add a new Effective Date row.
> Enter or select the Effective Date.
> Enter or select the Benefit Program. - Select the Save button.
The procedure to update the Job Data component of a part-time, hourly, non-permanent or permanent Employee Type to Classified is complete.
Continue to Assigning Work Schedules to see the work schedule recommendations for these employees.
Purpose: It is recommended that the part-time, hourly employees updated using the procedure above use the Assignment Method of Select Predefined Schedule and the Schedule ID should be 8X7MTWTHFSSU or 10X7MTWTHFSSU, or as applicable.
Audience: Human Resources Specialist
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC Admin Enroll Time Reporters
- ZD TL Admin View Enrollment
- ZZ HCM Manager
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Assign Work Schedule
The Assign Work Schedule search page displays.
- Enter the Empl ID.
- Select the Search button.
- The Search Results display.
- Select the Empl ID link from the Search Results.
The Assign Work Schedule page displays.
- To change the schedule, enter a new effective-dated row by clicking the Add a Row [+] button.
- Enter the Effective Date.
NOTE: Effective dates should be the FIRST WORK DAY of the week for this Data Change/Employee Type Change transaction. - Enter the Assignment Method - click the drop-down and choose the Select Predefined Schedule from the list.
- The Schedule Group populates based on the selected assignment method.
- Select the most appropriate Schedule ID from the lookup for this part-time hourly employee:
8-hour daily schedule = 8X7MTWTHFSSU; 10-hour daily = 10X7MTWTHFSSU - Select the Save button.
The procedure to assign a work schedule is now complete.
Purpose: It is recommended that the part-time, hourly employees updated using the procedures above enroll these employees in a Comp Plan if they need to accrue comp time as applicable.
For colleges that are:
- Nonunion Represented = WACOMP1
- WFSE College = WFSECMP
- WPEA College = WPEACMP
Audience: Human Resources Specialist
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC Admin Enroll Time Reporters
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Comp Plan Enrollment
- Enter the EMPL ID.
- Select the Search button.
- Select the appropriate EMPL RCD from the Search Results if employee has more than one job.
- The Compensatory Plan Enrollment page displays.
- The Effective Date defaults to the current date. Change to the Effective Date.
- Select the Compensatory Time Off Plan lookup icon and select the appropriate option.
WACOMP1 WA SBCTC Compensatory Plan
WFSECMP WFSE Compensatory Plan
WPEACMP WPEA Compensatory Plan
- Status defaults to Active.
- If applicable, select the [+] Add a Row button to add additional plans.
- Select the Save button.
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