9.2 HCM Training Course Query List (3/4/2021)
Purpose: This document provides a list of queries that are mentioned in HCM Canvas training courses in ctcLink.
Audience: HCM staff.
Each foldable section below corresponds to a single HCM Canvas training course.
Within each foldable section, you'll find a list of hyperlinked query names, titles, and output samples. Select the hyperlinked query name to open, in a new window, the Canvas course module that contains the query.
HCM Training Course Query List
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
- QHC_HR_JOB_VISA_EXP - Active Job, Visa info
This course does not contain any queries.
- QHC_AB_SICK_LEAVE_BUYOUT_YE - Year end sick leave buyout

- CTC_TL_PAY_TIME_BY_PERIOD - All Payable Time by Company
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
This course does not contain any queries.
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