9.2 Enrolling an Employee in Spending Accounts

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for enrolling staff into Spending Accounts in ctcLink.

Audience:  Benefits Administrators and Core HR Administrators.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC Benefits Enrollments
  • ZD Benefits Enrollment Inquiry

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Enrolling an Employee in Spending Accounts

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Spending Accounts

  1. The FSA Benefits search page displays.
  2. You must know the Empl ID or name of the employee you want to enroll. Enter their ID in the Empl ID field.
  3. Select the Search button.  
FSA Benefits search page
  1. The Spending Accounts page displays.
  2. Use the lookup to choose the desired Plan Type.
    • Plan Type 60 is Flex Spending Health
    • Plan Type 61 is Flex Spending Dependent Care
    • Plan Type 67 is Health Savings Account
  3. If there is a previously saved row, then it will be necessary to add a row in the Coverage sub-tab by selecting the (+) button on the right hand side of the screen.
  4. Enter Coverage Begin Date, Deduction Begin Date, and Election Date:
    • Coverage Begin Date will depend on the business process of your college, but will typically match the Deduction Begin Date.
    • Deduction Begin Date is when you want Payroll to begin looking at the screen in order to determine if a deduction will be taken from a pay period’s check.  This will typically be the first day of a viable pay period.
    • Election Date will depend on the business process of your college and will either represent the day the employee chose the plan or the day that the Benefit Admin entered the information into ctcLink.
  5. Use the radio button to select Elect:
    • Waive will never be used for this Benefit, only Elect and Terminate.
  6. Use the lookup to choose the Benefit Plan:
    • For each Plan Type there is only one Benefit Plan possible to choose, but it must be entered here.
  7. Annual Pledge must have an amount entered:
    • Even if there is an Override, Annual Pledge must be present.
  8. Flat Deduction Amount Override Optional can also be entered at this time:
    • This is particularly helpful for employees that do not work standard year round jobs.
    • This customization was introduced by SBCTC when it was noted that an annual pledge on its own only takes into account a standard number of pay periods in a year not the number of pay periods indicated in the Job Data frequency.  This led to underpaying towards the Annual Pledge early in the year until a final pay period in which a large balance would try to be collected by the system.  This customization will prevent this situation.
    • Override will still be halted when the Annual Pledge is met.  Override must be calculated with Annual Pledge, and number of pay periods the employee will experience taken into account.

NOTE : Do NOT enter anything in the Employee Contribution Override _ Monthly field. This is not used in ctcLink.

Please only use the Flat Deduction Amount Override Optional which is at the end of the screen to enter the deduction amount to be taken per pay period.

  1. Account Information is a box that will always give you current YTD activity on this item:
    • This is a derived value on the page, which means it cannot be queried.
    • To arrive at a similar number, deductions through Payroll would need to be referenced.
  2. No other entry is needed on this page.
  3. Select the Save button.
Spending Accounts page
  1. The process to enroll and employee into a spending account is now complete.

Transfer of Spending Accounts to Another Company

  1. When an employee is going to another company/institution within the same calendar year:
    1. The Transferring FROM Company needs to Terminate the Coverage for the Spending Accounts by adding a new row.
    2. The Transferring TO Company needs to enroll into the Spending Accounts AND the Spending Account’s (FSA,DCAP,HSA & HSA EE+Dependents) Annual Pledge amounts need to be adjusted to account for the Transferring FROM Company’s YTD Balances.
  2. Example : From Company’s FSA YTD Balance is $1000 and the Annual Pledge Amount was $2750.
  3. To Company’s Annual Pledge should be $1750 and NOT $2750 (even if the employee has noted on their forms for the annual pledge to be $2750.
  4. The process of transfer spending accounts to another company is now complete.
  5. End of procedure.


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