Apply for/View Graduation
Purpose: Use as a reference for how to Apply for or View your Graduation status using the college Mobile Application.
Audience: Students.
The college mobile applications will look a bit different between the various colleges. This guide is intended as a general overview. Please note that your college may have different images and options available.
- Pick Your College from the list if more than one is available.
- Select the Login tile from your college's Mobile application.
- Login using your ctcLink ID and Password.
- Select the Menu icon.
- Scroll down on the left and select the Academics option.
- Select the Apply for/View Graduation option.
- Select the term you are applying for.
- Select the Continue button.
- When asked if you are sure you want to apply for graduation select the Yes button.
- Your status will show Applied for Graduation.
- Process complete.
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