HH.001.3 Search and Apply to Job Openings (TAM) (Project Archive)

User Acceptance Test Overview

The information below is intended to provide colleges guidance on  performing a User Acceptance Test on the Hire to Payroll business  process. The User Acceptance Test started with HH.001.1 - Fluid Position Management (add link) in the HR Core module. The next step is to ensure people can apply for open jobs, either as internal candidates through Self Service or external candidates through a link available on a college website that links into open jobs in TAM [HH.001.3 - Search and Apply to Job Openings]. Colleges not choosing to adopt TAM may skip this step in the User  Acceptance Test and move to the next "start" point indicated on the high  level flow diagram, HH.001.5 - Hire a New Employee. The 'Manage Job Openings and Applicants' business process shown in the  flow diagrams below is only part of what is needed to complete an  end-to-end test of a full business cycle.  Coordination with other colleagues, such as those who manage benefit enrollment or process leave  at your college in advance of commencing testing is key to success. In  the same way that it doesn't  take a single individual to operate the  business of running a college it  will require coordination across  departments to successfully test a  business flow from beginning to end.

The HH.001 - Hire to Payroll test is considered complete when the job  information, related time, leave and benefits are entered for the  population of employees used in executing the test. The end result is  employee data that will be ready and available for a payroll test.   Actual execution of the payroll test is performed in a separate UAT HF.002 - Payroll to FIN (GL/AP).

Self-Paced Training Materials (Advanced Prep)

To prepare yourself in advance for the richest testing experience below are required Canvas Courses. Successful course completion is a prerequisite to participate in all UAT activities.

  • TM100 Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM)

To register for these required courses visit the ctcLink Training Registration Page.

Instructor-Led Training Materials and Recordings

Instructor-Led Training Materials

Training Session Recordings

Background Configuration Information:

Applying for a job is influenced by how the job opening is created in the prior steps of this User Acceptance Test. There are NO configuration materials related to this step in the UAT flow process.

Minimum Test Case (Data) Scenarios:

Scenarios for HH.001.3.1 - Apply for a Job - Internal Applicant:

  • Apply to a job opening as an employee
  • Attach a resume
  • Answer screening questions
  • Save a job application mid way thru
  • Search for job by keyword

Scenarios for HH.001.3.2 - Apply for a Job - External Applicant:

  • Apply to a job opening as an external applicant

HH.001.3.1 - Apply for a Job - Internal Applicant:

  • Error Condition: Apply without a resume to a job
    • Expected Behavior: User is unable to apply without a resume and cannot progress to the full application without doing so.
  • Error Condition: Add the same degree twice.
    • Expected Behavior: User receives and error message indicating the duplicate entry.
  • Error Condition: Submit the application without filling out required questions.
    • Expected Behavior: The questions unanswered are highlighted and the user is unable to progress to complete the application.

Previous Step in the High Level UAT Framework:

Next Step in the High Level UAT Framework:

Links to User Acceptance Test 'How To' Information:

Overview of User Acceptance Testing

PDF Version of Flow Diagram for Printing

Security Matrix Mapping Information

Security Roles Necessary for Testing

The information below provides those completing the Security Matrix Mapping templates with the Menus, Pages and Rolenames needed to execute the User Acceptance Testing relevant to this UAT guide.

HH.001.3.1 - Applying for a Job - Internal Applicant:

MENU: Employee Self Service> Careers Tile > Search Jobs or View All Jobs > Apply for Job
ROLENAME:  ZZ_EMPLOYEE and ZZ PeopleSoft User (Employee - Automatically Assigned Roles)

HH.001.3.2 - Applying for a Job - External Applicant:

No security access required.  External applicants do not require PeopleSoft security roles.

At a minimum, these functions* should have the listed roles in order to ensure the ability to function within Time and Labor:

Function: Recruiting Administrator

Required Roles:

  • ZZ Recruiter (intended for limited number of people who maintain local configuration)
  • ZZ Recruiting Admin Local
  • ZD HR Limited Person Job Info

*Please note that these function names are generic and may differ from what is used at your institution.


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