Legacy Transcript Validation

Legacy Transcript Application Extended Validation Activity

Several colleges took advantage of the July soft launch to test-drive and validate the new Legacy Transcript application, submitting service desk tickets with their findings. Most of these have been resolved, but to increase confidence, we are asking all colleges to participate in a validation activity.

Validation Period Closed:  June 30 through August 10, 2023 - SIGN-OFF DUE BY August 18, 2023

Transcript Validation Highlight

Truncating vs. Rounding of Grade Points for GPA Calculation on Transcripts

During the validation period a college identified where the Grade Points [Grpts] and resulting GPA displayed in the Legacy Transcript application appeared to be off between the HP-UX Legacy transcript and the transcript generated in the Legacy Transcript application.

In HP-UX Legacy the Grade Points [Grpts] is truncated to a single decimal place and the GPA calculation was dividing the truncated Grade Points by the GPA Credits value (total credits that count towards the Grade Point Average [GPA]). In the new Legacy Transcript application, the Grade Points value is a 2 decimal value, not truncated to a single decimal point.  Therefore the GPA calculation in the new Legacy Transcript application results in a GPA value that has greater accuracy.

Example: Grpts in HP-UX Legacy = 16.2 and resulting GPA 2.16 vs. Grpts in Legacy Transcript application is 16.25 therefore the resulting GPA = 2.166, which when rounded appears as 2.17.

In evaluating whether to modify the logic to match the older legacy system approach the following factors were considered:

  • Since truncation was the method used in the older legacy system, no student would be adversely impacted (lower GPA) by the calculation methodology change.
  • The calculation methodology in the Legacy Transcript application closely aligns to ctcLink and is to the benefit of the student.

Due to those factors, it was determined that the Legacy Transcript application calculation methodology has a greater level of accuracy and does not require change.

Legacy Transcript College Validation Sign-Off

Time to Sign-Off! DEADLINE - Sign off is REQUIRED no later than end of business August 18, 2023

Colleges that have completed their Legacy Transcript Validation activities must complete the Legacy Transcription - College Validation Sign-Off to affirm they have completed this work.

       Not sure who to speak to about who should sign-off? Start with your college's ctcLink Point of Contact.

GO LIVE: Not sure of your college's planned Legacy Transcript Go Live date?

Check the date by following this link: Legacy Transcript Go Live Date Schedule

Solution Design Document

Link to Original* Solution Design Document on the State Board Website: Legacy Transcript Design Document

*Note that some functionality, such as Student Transcript Request is not yet released.

Extended Validation Activity Scope

In Scope for Current "Extended" Validation Activity:

  • Confirmation of Course Data Accuracy on "Official" and "Unofficial" Transcript
  • Confirmation of College Level Grade Point Average (COL LVL GPA) Calculation
  • Confirmation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CUM GPA) Calculation
  • Confirmation of Unique Student Data Anomalies in Calculation Logic (examples: changes in grading basis, unique grade types, extended break periods)

Out of Scope for Current "Extended" Validation Activity:

  • Transmission of 4-year "Official" Transcripts
  • Transmission of "Official" Transcripts to External Colleges
  • Student Request for "Official" or "Unofficial" Transcripts
  • Application user interface or navigation behavior.
Test Scenario Opportunities During Soft Release Period:

During the initial soft release period (beginning June 30th) colleges were provided the opportunity to confirm the following functionality in the Legacy Transcript application. Navigation and page functionality was covered during the initial demonstration.

  • Scenario: A user searches for and selects a student.
    • Expected Outcome: Student data is retrieved based on search criteria. Student can be selected from search results for more actions.
  • Scenario: Verify that Term Summary data is being calculated correctly for a student.
    • Expected Outcomes:
      1. Student credit data is being counted correctly.
      2. Grade points calculated for each class based on credit multiplied by grade value.
      3. Failing grades counts into GPA Credits, but not Earned Credits.
      4. Term GPA is correctly calculated as grade points divided by GPA credits.
      5. Pass/Success credits are counted separately.
  • Scenario: Verify that Cumulative data is being calculated correctly for a student.
    • Expected Outcomes:
      1. Student credit data is being counted correctly.
      2. Grade points calculated for each class based on credit multiplied by grade value.
      3. Failing grades counts into GPA Credits, but not Earned Credits.
      4. Cumulative GPA is correctly calculated as grade points divided by GPA credits.
      5. Pass/Success credits are counted separately.
  • Scenario: Verify that a suppressed class does not print on the "Official" transcript
    • Expected Outcomes: All classes should appear on web-view transcript. Suppressed classes should however, not appear on the printed official transcript.
  • Scenario: Produce an official transcript for a student
    • Expected Outcome: Transcript data is displayed in an ordered format chronologically by term and the data displayed on transcript can be validated against student transcript data in Legacy.
  • Scenario: Produce an unofficial transcript for a student Transcript data is displayed in an ordered format chronologically by term.
    • Expected Outcome: Data displayed on transcript can be validated against student transcript data in Legacy
  • Scenario: Produce an "Official" transcript for an older (pre-2005) student.
    • Expected Outcome: Transcript data is displayed in an ordered format chronologically by term. Data displayed on transcript can be validated against student transcript data in Legacy
  • Scenario: Produce an official transcript for a student with clock hours (Tech Colleges Only)
    • Expected Outcome: Transcript data is displayed in an ordered format chronologically by term. Data displayed on transcript can be validated against student transcript data in Legacy
  • Scenario: Able to update/correct a student's bio-demo information
    • Expected Outcomes:
      1. Student data is updated and appears correctly on the transcript.
      2. Changes are logged in the Change History popup.
  • Scenario: Able to update/correct transcript data (grades/credits)
    • Expected Outcomes:
      1. Student class data is updated and appears correctly on the transcript.
      2. Changes are logged in the Course History pop-up.
  • Scenario: Verified that any students' with transcript data during any transition periods (grade scheme changes, credit to clock hour changes, etc.) have correct GPA and credit calculations
    • Expected Outcomes:
      1. Student credit data is being counted correctly.
      2. Grade points calculated for each class based on credit multiplied by grade value.
      3. Failing grades counts into GPA Credits, but not Earned Credits. Cum.
      4. GPA is correctly calculated as grade points divided by GPA credits.
      5. Pass/Success credits are counted separately.
  • Scenario: Verified students with continuing education credits are calculated correctly.
    • Expected Outcome: Students that attended Continuing Education classes have their credits and GPA calculated according to your college's specific policies on Cont. Ed. classes
  • Scenario: Verified a student with more than three years academic history
    • Expected Outcomes:
      1. Student credit data is being counted correctly.
      2. Grade points calculated for each class based on credit multiplied by grade value.
      3. Failing grades counts into GPA Credits, but not Earned Credits. Cum.
      4. GPA is correctly calculated as grade points divided by GPA credits.
      5. Pass/Success credits are counted separately.
How to Submit a Service Desk Ticket for Issues/Questions

If you find an issue and need to file Service Desk follow this guide:

Use the Request Type of: ctcLink Support > Campus Solutions > CS: Legacy Transcript

Make sure you provide details, such as:

  • Student's Name
  • Student's SID
  • Detailed Description of the Error/Calculation Issue
  • Screen Shots of both the Legacy HPUX and Legacy Transcript systems showing differences/discrepancy
  • Steps to Recreate the Issue
Supported College Validation Session Recordings

First Session

Date/Time: Thursday, August 3, 2023 1pm-3pm

WebEx Link: https://sbctc.webex.com/sbctc/j.php?MTID=m6642fee1f6fb0db0ac6ba916bf888897

  • Meeting number (access code): 2664 582 8118
  • Meeting password: WwRJyCA4N63

First Session Recording: Legacy Transcript Validation - Session 1-20230803 2003-1 - SBCTC (webex.com)

First Session Slide Deck Presentation Below:

Second Session

Date/Time: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 10am-12pm

WebEx Link: https://sbctc.webex.com/sbctc/j.php?MTID=m8fa7fbbe3304f176b46abd5e32d856f7

  • Meeting number (access code): 2663 025 3364
  • Meeting password: 28aYgAmQSs3

Second Session Recording: Legacy Transcript Validation - Session 2-20230808 1703-1 - SBCTC (webex.com)

Questions? Trouble Logging in?

Send an email to Sanjiv Bhagat at [email protected] if you have a question, you're having an issue accessing the session(s) or performing the sign-off (below).


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