Enrolling an Employee into Savings Plans
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for enrolling staff into savings plans in ctcLink.
Audience: Benefits administrators, Core HR administrators.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC Benefits Enrollments
- ZD Benefits Enrollment Inquiry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Every benefit plan in ctcLink is distinguished by a unique combination of plan type and plan name. Use the Plan Type field to enter the plan type category. ctcLink Savings Plans use Plan Type 46 (403b) and Plan Type 49 (Section 457).
For existing rows, use the Navigation buttons in the Plan Type box to go to the correct row.
If a new row is not already available, use the Add a New Row [+] icon to create one.
Enrolling an Employee into Savings Plans
Navigation: Benefits > Enroll in Benefits > Savings Plans
- The Savings Plans search page displays.
- Enter the Empl ID and any additional Search Criteria to identify your employee.
- Select the Search button.
- The Savings Plans page displays. Enter Plan Type.
- Enter Coverage Begin Date.
- The Deduction Begin Date specifies when pay deductions will commence. This will default to Coverage Begin Date, but can be changed.
- Enter Deduction Begin Date.
- Select a Coverage Election option to define whether the employee shall "Elect", "Waive" or "Terminate" coverage.
- Enter the Election Date that the coverage is elected, waived, or terminated. This defaults to the current date.
- Use the Benefit Plan field to enter the benefit plan. Only the benefit plans that you have associated with the employee's chosen Benefit Program as of the Deduction Begin Date appear in the selection list.
- Enter Benefit Plan.
- You can define the Before Tax investment contributions as a flat amount or percent of earnings.
- In the Before Tax Investment section, enter Flat Amount or Percent of Earnings.
- You can define the After Tax investment contributions as a flat amount or percent of earnings.
- In the After Tax Investment section, enter Flat Amount or Percent of Earnings.
- The Dependent/Beneficiaries and Investments sections are not used.
- Select the Save button.
Changing the Existing Savings Plan Investment Amounts
- Navigate to the Plan to be updated.
- Under the Coverage section use the “+” to add a new row.
- Enter Coverage Begin Date. Select the Refresh next to the Date.
- The Deduction Begin Date specifies when pay deductions will commence. This will default to Coverage Begin Date, but can be changed. Enter Deduction Begin Date.
- Select a Coverage Election option to define whether the employee shall "Elect", "Waive" or "Terminate" coverage Typically “Elect”.
- Enter the Election Date that the coverage is elected.
- Enter the change/new Flat Amount of Percent of Earnings.
- Select Save.
Limits for Savings Plans
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Benefits Config Inquiry
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: Set Up HCM > Product Related > Base Benefits > Rates and Rules > Limit Table
Limits for Savings Plans are contained in configuration and maintained by SBCTC as needed.
Limit tables, as they are configuration, are not accessible by college Benefits Administrators. If there is a question or concern regarding them in production a Benefits Admin should always send a ticket through the Service Desk.

End of procedure.
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