Supplier Withholding Transactions by Voucher
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to view the entire supplier withholding transactions by voucher in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance/Accounting.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ 1099 Processing
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Review Vouchers by Supplier:
Navigation: Suppliers > 1099/Global Withholding > Review > Vouchers by Supplier
- The Vouchers by Supplier search page displays. Enter in valid field values, such as:
- Enter SetID = WACTC.
- Enter Supplier ID.
- Enter Supplier Location (college business unit).
- Select the Search button to view and select desired results.
- The Vouchers By Supplier page displays.
- Enter Start Date, i.e. 01/01/XXXX, as XXXX is the current year.
- Enter End Date, i.e. 12/31/XXXX, as XXXX is the current year.
- Select the Search button.
- The Withholding Transactions section of the page populates.
- The Basic Information tab displays. Review its contents.
- Select the More Information tab.
- The More Information tab displays. Review its contents.
Optional to select the Grid Action Menu icon and select Download Withholding Transactions Table to Excel.
- Process complete.
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