9.2 Refund Voucher Build & Processing

Purpose:  Use this document to assist in voucher build request, voucher build errors, and budget checking in ctcLink.  

Audience:  Finance/Accounts Receivable Staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Voucher Processing

You must also set these User Preference Definitions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or User Preference Definitions, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

ctcLink Payables generates refund checks for ctcLink Receivables. The Receivables Refund Application Engine process (AR_REFUND) populates the voucher staging tables with refund voucher data for processing by the Voucher Build process.

Voucher Build Request

ctcLink Payables provides the Voucher Build process to build vouchers in batch from various source transactions. The Voucher Build process comprises two subprocesses: pre-edit and voucher edit. The pre-edit subprocess builds skeleton voucher record sets from limited information that you enter online using the Quick Invoice Entry component or the Summary Invoice Entry component, or that it retrieves from other sources. After the pre-edit subprocess builds voucher record sets successfully, it calls the voucher edit subprocess to complete these record sets.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Payable > Batch Processes > Vouchers > Voucher Build

  1. The Voucher Build Request run control ID search page displays.  It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab
  2. Enter an existing Run Control ID.
  3. Select Search.
Voucher Build Request Find an Existing Value page
  1. The Voucher Build page displays.
  2. Request ID - Enter an ID that is comprised of any combination of characters.
  3. Description - Enter a description that is comprised of any combination of characters.
  4. From Date - Leave blank.
  5. To Date - Leave blank.
  6. Assign Invoice ID - Unchecked.
  7. Assigned Invoice Date - Unchecked.
  8. Process Option - Business Unit.
  9. Voucher Sources - New Voucher Data.
  10. Business Unit - Enter College Business Unit.
  11. Voucher Build Interfaces - Receivables Customer Refunds.
  12. Publish Voucher Messages - Optional.
  13. Select Run to initiate the process.
Voucher Build page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.  The Voucher Build (AP_VCHRBLD) application engine Process Name is selected by default.
  2. Select OK to initiate the process scheduler request.
Process Scheduler Request page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page disappears.  The updated Voucher Build page displays.  Note the Process Instance number.
  2. Select Process Monitor to review the process status.  Refer to the Process Monitor QRG for instructions.
updated Voucher Build page
  1. The Process List page displays.
  2. Select Refresh until the Run Status is 'Success' and the Distribution Status is 'Posted'.
  3. Select Go Back to Voucher Build Request.
Process List page
  1. The Voucher Build page displays.
  2. Select Process Messages to review the Voucher Build messages.  The first image below shows an instance with no errors; the second image below shows an instance with 1 error.

**NOTE** If there were any voucher build errors, the message will indicate that X Vouchers(s) Staged with Pre-Edit Errors. Review the section Voucher Build Errors on how to review and fix the error(s).

Process Messages page
Process Messages tab
Voucher Build Errors

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Accounts Payable Inquiry

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Use the Build Errors page to review a log of any voucher errors that occur during a voucher build processing run. Links to pages are available where you can view error details and correct errors. Errors that are logged include both pre-edit errors and recycled vouchers.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Maintain > Voucher Build Error Detail

  1. The Voucher Build Error Detail search page displays.
  2. Enter search criteria for your voucher.
  3. Select Search.
Voucher Build Error Detail page
  1. The Voucher Build Error Detail page displays.
  2. Review the Header Errors messages.
  3. Select Correct Errors.
Voucher Build Error Detail page
  1. The Regular Entry page displays.
  2. Make the necessary changes to correct the errors.
  3. Select 'Voucher Build' from the Action drop-down menu.
  4. Select Run to initiate the voucher build process.
Regular Entry page
Sales/Use Tax Applicability

Accounts Receivable refunds require that the customer account be linked to a supplier account in order for the voucher build process to build the refund in the correct voucher style of Regular Voucher. Because supplier accounts are global among all of the colleges and may be used for other business related transactions, the supplier may be set up with Sales/Use Tax Applicability. If the supplier is set up as a Sales/Use Tax Applicable entity, the voucher must be marked as Tax Exempt.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZD Accounts Payable Inquiry
  • ZZ Voucher Approval
  • ZZ Voucher Entry

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry

  1. The Voucher search page displays.  It defaults to the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Select Find an Existing Value.
  3. Enter Business Unit.
  4. Enter Invoice Date - Option to filter search parameters.
  5. Enter Voucher Source - 'Receivables Customer Refunds'.
  6. Select Search. 
Voucher Find an Existing Value page
  1. The Regular Entry page displays.
  2. Select Invoice Information.
Regular Entry page
  1. The Invoice Information page displays.
  2. Select the Tax Exempt checkbox.
  3. Select 'Budget Checking' from the Action drop-down menu.
  4. Select Run to proceed with the Budget Checking progress.
  5. Submit the voucher for approval.
Invoice Information page
  1. Process complete.


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