9.2 OAAP Reviewing In-Progress Applications

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for viewing in-progress applications using the OAAP Dashboard in ctcLink.

Audience: Admissions Staff.

The In-Progress Dashboard displays the count of the In-Progress Applications.  In addition to providing counts, staff can view a student’s in-progress application. Viewing a student’s in-progress application will allow staff to assist further students who are having difficulties submitting their application.

In-Progress Applications

  1. The Admin user will be able to login using their ctcLink Username and Password.
  2. Select the Sign In button.  The OAAP Dashboard displays for the Admin.
OAAP College Admin Login page
  1. Select In-Progress Applications from the left-side vertical navigation.
Dashboard displays
  1. The In-Progress Applications page displays.
In-Progress application page displays

There will be instances when a student will receive the "Please fill the Mandatory Fields!" message when submitting their admissions application. If the student cannot locate the mandatory field(s), they can save the application and contact your admissions office. The next few steps will illustrate how staff can view the In-Progress application and assist the student with identifying mandatory fields. 

Student "Please fill the Mandaroty Fields!" message
  1. On the In-Progress Applications page, to view a student's In-Progress application, search for their name in the Name column.
  2. Once you've located the student, select the Application ID number hyperlink in the Application ID column (the first column on the page).
In-Progress table displays
  1. The student's In-Progress application displays.
Student's application displays
  1. Review In-Progress application to assist student--e.g., student missing residency information. 
The student did not answer the Residency questions
  1. Select the arrow at the top of the page to access the In-Progress Applications page.
Student application displays
  1. The In-Progress Applications page displays.
In-Progress applications page displays
  1. Process complete.


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