ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Campus Solutions9.2 CS - Curriculum ManagementGrading9.2 Communications - Unsubmitted Grade Report Communication

9.2 Communications - Unsubmitted Grade Report Communication

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for sending un-submitted grade communication in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Records.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CC 3Cs User
  • ZZ CC 3Cs User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

You also must set these SACR Security permissions:

Queue a Job Process for Sending Communications

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > 3C Engine > Run 3C Engine

  1. The 3C Engine run control ID search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
  3. Enter Run Control ID.
  4. Select Add.
3C Engine Add a New Value tab
  1. The 3C Engine Parameters tab displays.
  2. Select Population Selection.
  3. Select No Joint Processing.
  4. Enter Academic Institution.
  5. Enter Administrative Function = "GEN".
  6. Enter Event ID = "RLGRLTR".
  7. Select Selection Tool = "PS Query".
  8. Select Query Name = "CTC_SR_INST_SELECT".
  9. Select Edit Prompts.
3C Engine Parameters tab
  1. The Query Prompts window displays.
  2. Enter Institution.
  3. Enter Career.
  4. Enter Term.
  5. Enter Session.
  6. Enter End Date.
  7. Select OK.
Query Prompts window
  1. The Query Prompts window disappears.
  2. You may select Preview Selection Results to see a list of qualifying students.
  3. Select the Manage Duplicate Assignment tab.
3C Engine Parameters tab
  1. The Manage Duplicate Assignment tab displays.
  2. Uncheck the Check Duplicate Communication checkbox.
  3. Uncheck the Check Duplicate Checklist checkbox.
  4. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for instructions.
Manage Duplicate Assignment tab

Sending Communications

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > Communications > Communication Generation

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CC 3Cs User
  • ZD CC 3Cs User
  • ZZ CC 3Cs User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

  1. The Communication Generation run control ID search page displays.
  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.
  3. Enter Run Control ID.
  4. Select Add.
Communication Generation Add a New Value tab
  1. The Selection Parameters tab displays.
  2. Select ID Selection.
  3. Enter Letter Code.
  4. Select Use Default Template.
  5. Select Method = "E-Mail".
  6. Select the Process Parameters tab.
Selection Parameters tab
  1. The Process Parameters tab displays.
  2. Select Address.
  3. Select Address Name.
  4. Select Salutation.
  5. Select Extra Name.
  6. Select the Email Parameters tab.
Process Parameters tab
  1. The Email Parameters tab displays.
  2. Enter From.
  3. Enter Subject.
  4. Enter Reply To.
  5. Enter Sender.
  6. Enter Bounce To.
  7. Select Run.  Please refer to the Process Scheduling QRG for instructions.
Email Parameters tab
  1. Process complete.


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