ctcLink Reference Center9.2 Campus Solutions9.2 CS - Curriculum ManagementEnrollment Requirements9.2 Using Grade Category for P and S Grade in Enrollment Requirement Group

9.2 Using Grade Category for P and S Grade in Enrollment Requirement Group

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to use a P and S grade in an enrollment requirement.

Audience: Records and Enrollment staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ SACR Student Rec Config

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

P and S grades do not have any grade points and are not included in GPA calculations; they are not usable in Academic Advisement or Enrollment Requirements. To allow P or S grade to be used in the requisite rules, you need to assign a grade category to them on the Grading Scheme Table and then assign the grade category to the Line Item.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related  > Student Records > Grading > Grade Category 

Grade Category Table

The values are set up by institution. The same grade categories are shared with Academic Advisement, which may use them for different purposes.

  • The Grade Category 220P (your college code) is used to identify courses taken in-residence and received a grade below 1.0 or D.
  • The Grade Category 220R (your college code) is used to identify courses taken in-residence and received a passing grade, including P and S.  
  • The Grade Category TRPS is used to identify transferred-in courses with a P or S grade.

For course requisite checking, in addition to the Line Item for the minimum grade (e.g., C or 2.0), you would add two separate Line Items for the “R” grade category (220R) for courses taken in-residence and the "TRPS" grade category for transferred in courses. Below are the steps to configure the requirement with a P or S grade for the course requisite check.

Step 1 - Build Course List for Enrollment Requisite

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Enrollment
  • ZD CM Enrollment
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Course Lists

  1. The Enrollment Course Lists search page displays.  It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab.  In this example, we'll create a new list.
  2. Select Add a New Value.
  3. Course List defaults to all zeroes.  The course list will be assigned a unique, permanent number after your new course list has been created and saved.
  4. Select Add.
  1. On the Course List Description page, enter the Effective Date and Description.
  1. On the Course List Detail page, enter the Course ID, enter or lookup the course. Select the check box to Include Equivalent Courses.
  2. Select Save.
Step 2 - Build Enrollment Requirement for Enrollment Requisites

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Enrollment
  • ZD CM Enrollment
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Requirements

  1. The Enrollment Requirements search page displays.  It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab.  In this example, you will create a new Enrollment Requirement.
  2. Select Add a New Value.
  3. Academic Requirement defaults to all zeroes.  After you've created and saved your new Enrollment Requirement, the system will assign a unique Academic Requirement number.
  4. Select Add.
Enrollment Requirements page add a new value
  1. The Enrollment Requirement tab displays.  Enter information into the following fields:
  2. Effective Date: Recommended using 1/1/1901.
  3. Status: Select "Active."
  4. Requirement Name, Description, Report Description and Report Long Description: Enter descriptions to easily find these requirements.  These are not displayed to students.
  5. Academic Institution:  Enter college code
  6. Select the Parameter tab.
Enter information on the Enrollment Requirement page
  1. On the Parameters page, leave the fields blank. The line items will all be an OR statement; you can change the Connector Type to OR.
  2. Select the Line Item tab.
Select OR connector type on the parameters tab
  1. On the Line Item page, insert three line items.
    • Label the first Line Name for the course with a grade (e.g., ENGL 95 with grade)
    • Label the second Line Name for the course with a P or S grade
    • Label the third Line Name for the transfer-in course with a P or S grade
  2. Select the Line Item Parameter tab.
The Line Item page displays
  1. On line Line Item Parameter page, enter the following
    • On the first line--enter Minimum Units and Min Grade Points/Unit
    • On the second and third lines--only enter Minimum Units' value for the P and S grades. Leave the fields for Min Grade Points/Units blank.
  2. Select the Line Item Details tab.
Teh line ITem Parameters page displays
  1. The Line Item Detail page displays.
  2. In the row for the first line item, select Course List (CLST) for the Line Detail Type, and attach the course list (e.g., ENGL 95).
  3. For the second line item, insert two rows.
    • In the first row, select Course List (CLST) for Line Detail Type and attach the course list (e.g., ENGL 95).
    • In the second row, select Derived Course List (DLST) for the Line Detail Type, select Intersection with (I) for the List Include Mode, select Grade Category for List Recall Mode, and select Taken at Tacoma CC (or your college name) for the Reference Data field.  
  4. For the third line item, insert two rows.
    • In the first row, select Course List (CLST) for Line Detail Type and attach the course list (e.g., ENGL 95).
    • In the second row, choose Derived Course List (DLST) for the Line Detail Type, select Intersection with (I) for the List Include Mode, select Grade Category for List Recall Mode, and choose Transfer P/S for the Reference Data field.  
Enrollment Requirement Line Item Detail page displays
  1. Select the Save button at the bottom of the page, and write down the enrollment requirement number which appears on the top.
Academic Requirement number is auto generated
Step 3 - Attach Enrollment Requirement to Enrollment Requirement Group

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Enrollment
  • ZD CM Enrollment
  • ZZ CM Local Configuration

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Enrollment Requirements > Enrollment Requirement Groups

  1. The Enrollment Requirement Groups search page displays.  It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab.  In this example, you will create a new requirement group.
  2. Select Add a New Value.
  3. Allow Requirement Group number to default to all zeroes.  After you've created and saved your new requirement group, the system will assign a unique and permanent requirement group number.
  4. Select Add.
Enrollment Requirement Group add a new value page
  1. The Course Requisite tab displays.  Enter information into the following fields:
  2. Effective Date: Recommended to use 1/1/1901.
  3. Status:  Select "Active."
  4. Description, Short Description, Long Description, Report Description and Report Long Description: The Description and Long Description will display to students on catalog search and class search.  Give specific details for students on these descriptions.
  5. Academic Institution:  Enter college code.

Please be diligent and always confirm that you are working with your institution's data.

Course Requisite page displays
  1. On the Requisite Parameters page, leave the fields blank.
  2. Select the Requisite Detail tab.
Requisite Parameters page displays
  1. On the Requisite Detail page, attach the Requirement number.
  2. Select the Save.
Requisite Detail page displays
  1. Process complete.


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