9.2 MSS View & Approve Overtime Requests (Fluid)

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for approving overtime requests for employees in ctcLink.

Audience:  Managers.

Manager Self Service View and Approve Overtime Requests

View Overtime Requests

Navigation:  Manager Self Service (homepage) > CTC Team Time (tile) > Overtime Requests

Manager self service tiles, CTC Team tile selection
  1. The View Overtime Requests search page displays.
  2. Use the Employee Selection page to refine your search for employees by including groups, employee IDs, a certain last name, or many other criteria.
  3. You can also simply return all the employees for whom you have authority.
  4. Enter an Employee ID.
  5. Select the Get Employees button.  The results display.
  6. Select the Last Name link.
  1. The Team Time page displays.
  2. Select the Overtime Requests heading on the sidebar.
  3. Select the Get Employees to return all direct reports, or use the Filter button to select a specific employee.
    • Note: If a Time Admin selects Get Employees it will return all time reporters in a college.
  4. The Search Results display.
  5. Select the Last Name of the employee.
View overtime request page
  1. To view past requests, select a Month and Year from the drop-down menus and select View Requests.
  2. To see all requests, select the View All Requests box and then select View Requests.
  3. The Overtime Requests display.
  4. Selecting Details on a request will display all data, comments, and current state of approval workflow.
View overtime request page, view options
  1. The process to VIEW overtime requests is now complete.

Approve Overtime Requests

Navigation:  Manager Self Service (Homepage) > Approvals (Tile)

Manager Self Service tiles, Approvals tile selection
  1. The Pending Approvals page displays.
  2. To Approve from the main page:
    • Select Overtime Request on the left hand bar.
    • Select the check box on the left hand side.
    • Select Approve or Deny in the upper right hand corner (Pushback is not available for this transaction and will act as Denial).
    • (Optional) Enter a comment in Approver Comments if desired.
Overtime request link
  1. To Approve from the details page.
    • Select the Overtime Request on the left hand bar.
    • Select the line that represents the overtime request, and the Overtime Request will display along with any requester comments.
    • Select Approve or Deny in the upper right hand corner (Pushback is not enabled).
  2. A message will be sent to the employee informing them of the action taken by the manager.
Approve Deny button
  1. The process to APPROVE overtime requests is now complete.
  2. You have successfully viewed and approved overtime requests.
  3. End of procedure.