9.2 Attendance Roster - Batch Generation

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for generating attendance rosters in batch in ctcLink.

Audience: Student Records staff.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZC CM Attendance Roster
  • ZD CM Attendance Roster

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Attendance Roster-Batch Generation

To be included in the batch attendance roster generation process, a class must:

  • Have a scheduled meeting pattern
  • Have the "Generate Class Mtg Attendance" check box checked on the Components tab of the Course Catalog page
  • Have the "Generate Class Mtg Attendance" check box checked on the Basic Data tab of the Schedule of Classes or Maintain Schedule of Classes pages

Attendance rosters will not be generated in batch for classes that do not have a scheduled meeting pattern or for classes that do not have the "Generate Class Mtg Attendance" box checked on the Course Catalog and Schedule of Classes/ Maintain Schedule of Classes pages.

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Generate Attendance Roster

  1. Enter an existing Run Control ID or select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID. Because Run Control IDs can be reused, creating a unique ID for every generation is unnecessary.
The image highlights the Add button
  1. On the Attendance Roster Generator page, enter the following required information.
    1. Academic Institution
    2. Term
The image displays the institution and term
  1. The following criteria are optional:
    1. Attendance Create/Update Flag: This value must be defined at the top level of the run control ID unless defined under the Roster Options hyperlink.
      • Create Attendance: Creates brand-new attendance rosters. If a class meeting already has an attendance roster, the roster will be replaced with an updated version.
      • Update Attendance/Active Only: Updates rosters based on current enrollment. New students are added to the roster, and dropped students are removed from the roster based on the student's add/drop date on the STDNT_ENRL table. Select this option when a student drops the class, and you want to remove the student and leave no attendance history.
    2. Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date: If these fields are left blank, all rosters associated with the class will be updated. A date range can be used to specifically update rosters that fall within a certain date range.
    3. Classes included in the batch process can be further identified by class number, class session, academic organization, campus, and/ or subject. Because the process is not career-specific, CNED and UGRD attendance rosters will be generated or updated unless additional criteria are used to select specifc classes. Use the [+] and [-] buttons to add additional rows to this section and select additional class types.
  2. The Roster Options hyperlink can specify further which rosters within a selection should be updated. Additional criteria include:
    1. Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date
    2. Catalog Number From and Catalog Number To
    3. Class Start Date From and Class Start Date To
    4. Populate from Student Enroll: This box is selected by default. If this check box is cleared, the system still creates attendance rosters for every class meeting, but students and enrollment data will need to be manually entered into the rosters.
    5. Generate Class Mtg Attendance
    6. Sync Attendance with Class Mtg
    7. Attendance Create/Update Flag: The value must be populated if it is not defined at the top level of the run control ID.
  3. Select OK.
The image displays roster generator Options
  1. Select Run in the top-right corner of the page and click OK.
The image displays the Run Control  button
  1. Select the Process Monitor link at the top of the page.
The image highlights the Report Manager link.
  1. The Process Monitor page displays.
  2. When the process finishes running, a list of all classes included in the batch attendance roster generation process can be found in the Process Monitor. From the Process Monitor, click on the SRATTENJ process name.
The image illustrates selecting the Process Name SRATTENJ
  1. Select the SRATTEND sub-process link displayed on the left side of the page.
The image points out the SRATTEND link for you to click on.
  1. Select the View Log/ Trace. link.
To view results, select the Vie/Log Trace link.
  1. Process complete.


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