9.2 Pre-Payroll Processing Checklist

Purpose: Use this checklist to verify if all the reports and queries have been run to identify any actions to be taken before payroll is processed.

Audience: HR, Benefits, Time & Labor and Payroll Admins.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • <please refer to the "Quick Reference Guide" column for navigation role information>

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

NOTE:  This is a checklist to be used as a guidance tool and the process/reports need not be run in any particular order.

Pre-Payroll Process Checklist

Office Only on A or B or Both Payrolls Process  Description Navigation
(Process Name) 
Quick Reference Guide  Comments/Purpose of Execution
HR A Step Increment process Run this process to automatically move employees to the next salary step when they have completed the required time in the current step. Compensation > Base Compensation > Maintain Plans > Automated Step Increment


Automated Step Increase

Benefits Both Identify Age 50 Extensions  Run this process to identify and allow those employees eligible for the 457 15 year catch-up and the 403(b) age 50 extensions, to have the additional deduction limit of $6,000.00 added to their 457 and 403(b) plan. The 402(g) is the limit type for the 403(b) plan.  Benefits > Monitor Savings Pln Extensions > Identify Age-50 Extensions

Running the Identify Age 50 Extensions

Benefits/Payroll Both TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct Report Identify those TIAA-CREF 7.5 and 10 percent plans to charge the excess above 6 percent to correct fund. Payroll for North America > CTC Custom > CTC Reports > TIAA-CREF Over 6 Pct

TIAA-CREF Over 6 pct Report

HR/Payroll 06A / every summer quarter Attach a Balloon Payment Calendar to an Employee Attach the Balloon Payment Calendar to the Job Data of the employee who is scheduled to receive an additional amount to their regular salary.

Set Up HCM > CTC Custom > Balloon Payment ID Table http://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/56263/l/742474-balloon-payment-processing-in-peoplesoft

Balloon Payment Processing in PeopleSoft
Every summer quarter  - 06A payroll 
HR Both Run Query

Identify employees with missing work period.  Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Changing the pay rate/actual amount of salary on Job Data, after the Step Increase process
Benefits Both Run New Hire Checklist Query

Ensure all the below items are entered for new hires:
ACA Benefit Code, LTD, Retirement default for Classified, VEBA, VEBA Site, HCA Avg Cost if appropriate, any elections already made.

Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Benefits Both Assign ACA Status Assign ACA Employment Status to new hires. Benefits > CTC Custom > Assign ACA Status http://ctclinkreferencecenter.ctclink.us/m/59977/l/682096-assigning-aca-status-9d

Assigning ACA Status

Benefits Both Run Query

Employee enrolled in retirement plan.  Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Remove duplicates and verify each pay group in right plan
Benefits Both Run Query

Employee enrolled in medical plan without VEBA. Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Verify those with benefits have VEBA 
Benefits Both Run Query

Employee enrolled in FSA or DCAP w/no FSA Admin Fee. Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Check that all employees with FSA/DCAP are also enrolled for fee
Benefits Both Run Query

Employees enrolled in LTD. Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Run LTD query and enter pay line edits for  PT faculty

Calculate based on salary in FWL PSHUP in PR data and their % election

SBCTC Jobs Both Run the Benefits Auto Enrollment Process (E-188) Benefits Auto Enrollment process that must be run at each pay end date. Benefits > CTC Custom > CTC Processes > Benefits Auto Enrollment

Understanding HCA and PeopleSoft Enrollment
Acts as a failsafe for certain general enrollments (particularly the HCA Average Cost); at employment termination, terminate all benefit plans and change Benefit Program to SB0 (no benefits)
Payroll Both Run Query

Active employees where union dues are being deducted that are not in the Union. Deduction codes: 000205, 000206, 000208 and 00210. Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Runs by Pay Period End Date and Company

Remove dues if needed
Payroll/HR Both Run Query

This query displays employee data where separated by prompted Effective Date range and Company. Includes FTE, DEPT, Last Check Dt, Name, Company Seniority Date, JobCode, Position. Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Used to check who is terminating and if their deductions need to be taken off/removed 
Payroll Both Run Query

Mailing Address Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Update Mailing Addresses 
Payroll Both Run Query

Employees missing L&I general deduction Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Time&Labor Both Run Query

Unapproved Leaves Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Take care of outstanding submitted leave
Time&Labor Both Run Query

Unpaid Leaves Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Take care of leave taken that exceeds balances
Time&Labor Both Run Query


Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Before finalizing Time and Labor on each payroll run this query to look for employees using odd Time Reporting Codes (snow removal, suspended operations, etc.) to correct them prior to finalizing T&L
Benefits Both Run query


Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer

Verify that the employees in SBRP retirement plan are in the correct plan based on their age