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Business Process of Taxable Fringe Benefit
Updated on: May 22, 2023
Purpose: Use this document to understand the two different approaches possible for processing taxable fringe benefits. Audience: Finance Admins. You must have at least one of these local college... -
HCM: Local Configuration Guide - HR Core
When received from Finance, it will be required by HCM to update additional fields for the department -
ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Reporting Training Presentation
presentation for the ctcLink PeopleSoft Query Reporting training course Audience : ctcLink end users As updates -
9.2 Making Adjustments to Employee’s Timesheet
Purpose : Use this document as a reference to view the appropriate time reporting code for timesheet in ctcLink. Audience: Time and Labor Administrator. You must have at least one of these local... -
Guided Pathways Synopsis: Highline College
Updated on: May 19, 2023
to the surface things that the college has been able to work on together to improve areas, such as entry -
9.2 Academic Advisement for Test Placement
For example, if a Pre-Algebra score of 40 - 50 places the student into MATH 80, you would create: 1 -
9.2 Run the OTP (OK to Pay) Mass Assignment Process
Select the OTP Mass Assignment log file to see the total number of rows updated for each process run -
9.2 Recalculate Using Maintain Faculty Workload (Online)
A successful calculation that results in pay will update the Effective Date and Effective Sequence -
9.2 Running the Union Dues Monthly Maximum Process
existing Run Control ID on the Find an Existing Value tab, or select the Add a New Value tab to create -
CC.004.3 Grade Lapse (Project Archive)
This process also updates the student's transcript, quarterly GPA, and cumulative GPA.