9.2 Process Automated Accounting

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for running the automated accounting process in ctcLink. The Automated Accounting Process creates accounting entries and prepares them for the Journal Generator process.

Audience: Settlement Manager, GL Accountant.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Treasury Accounting Maint
  • ZZ Treasury Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Run the Automated Accounting Process

Navigation: NavBar >Navigator > Cash Management > Treasury Accounting > Automated Accounting

  1. Enter an existing Run Control ID or click the Add a New Value tab on the Automated Accounting page to add a new value.
  1. Select the Add button.
Automated Accounting - Add a New Value tab
  1. Use the General Accounting Options section to set the processing parameters:
    1. If Business Unit does not default, enter or select the business unit in the Business Unit field. You can also leave the Business Unit field blank to set up automated accounting for multiple business units.

Note: If you enter a business unit defined with a calendar ID, the calendar ID appears on the page.

Note: If your business unit has an associated calendar, enter fiscal period details instead of the accounting events end date.

  1. Depending on your business unit requirements, enter either a date in the Acctg Events End Date field or enter a fiscal year and period in the Fiscal Year and Period fields.
  2. Select the Run button.
Automated Accounting page

Note: The process creates accounting entries even if errors occur. Use the Accounting Entries page to correct any errors, and then change the status from ‘Error’ to ‘Provisional.’ Use the View/Approve Entries page to change the status from ‘Provisional’ to ‘Final.’ The accounting entries are then ready for General Ledger. You do not have to rerun the Automated Accounting process.

  1. Use the Process Scheduler Request page to enter or update parameters, such as server name and process output format.
  2. Select the OK button.
Automated Accounting - Google Chrome

Note: A Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check its status.

  1. Select the Process Monitor link.
Automated Accounting - Google Chrome
  1. Verify the expected results were received with a Run Status of 'Success' and the Distribution Status of 'Posted'.
Process Monitor - Google Chrome
  1. Process complete.