9.2 Create and/or Delete External Transactions (Optional)

Purpose: Create and/or Delete External Transactions using ctcLink.

Audience: Settlement Manager, GL Accountant.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Treasury Bank Processing

Additionally, the Payment Security Rule will need to be added for the user - here is a link with instructions:  9.2 Finance Security Guide

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Note: Use the External Transactions page to modify or insert additional external transactions for a bank account. You also use this page to add new external transactions. After you enter the transactions, you run the Bank Reconciliation process to reconcile them automatically or use Semi-Manual Reconciliation page to reconcile the transaction.

Create External Transactions

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Reconcile Statements > External Transactions

  1. Enter existing search criteria or select the Add a New Value tab on the External Transaction page to add a new value.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate Bank ID of the bank.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate Bank Account number of the bank.
  4. Enter the transaction number of the externally generated bank transaction that you want to reconcile in the Transaction Reference ID field.
  5. Enter the date of transaction date of the externally generated bank transaction that you want to reconcile in the Transaction Dt (date) field.
  6. Select the Add button.
External Transactions Add a New Value page
  1. Use the Transaction Header tab to enter the amount in the Tran Amount field.
  2. Select the Transaction Details tab
External Transactions page
  1. Use the Transaction Code drop-down button to select the type of transaction, such as fee expense, interest, etc.
  2. Enter a description in the Transaction Description field.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate Accounting Template ID to specify the accounting template that the system uses to generate the correct accounting entries.
  4. Select the Save button.

Note: Transactions entered without an Accounting Template can be reconciled in Banking but no entry will be made to the GL.

External Transactions page
  1. Process complete.
Delete External Transactions

Navigation:  NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Reconcile Statements > External Transactions

  1. Select the Find an Existing Value tab.
  2. Enter or select the appropriate External Bank ID.
  3. Enter or select the appropriate Bank Account number of the bank.
  4. Enter the Transaction Reference ID.
  5. Enter the date of transaction date of the externally generated bank transaction in theTransaction Dt(date) field.
  6. Select the Search button.
  7. Select the desired results.
  1. The External Transactions page displays.
  2. Once the transaction is found, in the External Transactions section, select the minus sign or " - " to delete.

Use the ‘Previous in List’ and ‘Next in List’ buttons to help locate the specific External Transactions.

  1. A Warning displays, “Delete current/selected rows from this page? The delete will occur when the transaction is saved.”
  2. Select OK.
  1. The External Transaction page displays again.
  2. Select Save.

You must select Save in order to successfully delete the external transaction(s).

You can verify the external transaction has been deleted by reviewing the Semi-Manual Transaction page.

  1. Process complete.