9.2 Process ACH/EFT Payment Dispatches
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for manually dispatching payment files to the bank in ctcLink.
Audience: Cash Management staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ Treasury Maintenance
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
When you dispatch payments, the payments are sent to the bank as payment files using the Payment Dispatch Application Engine (PMT_DISPATCH). There are two methods for dispatching payments from Financial Gateway: manual and automatic.
Here, you will manually dispatch an electronic payment from the Financial Gateway to the bank using the Payment Dispatch page.
Process ACH/EFT Payment Dispatches
Navigation: Financial Gateway > Process Payments > Payment Dispatch
Note: The payment dispatch process creates separate files for each payment layout (CCD/PPD). If you have multiple ACH transactions to be processed in a single day then it is recommended to wait for at least 15 minutes to avoid overriding.
- Use the Payment Dispatch page to manually send selected payments to the bank from the Financial Gateway.
- Enter or select your Business Unit.
- Use the default value "Awaiting Dispatch" in the Dispatch Status field.
- You may enter additional search criteria like Bank Details or Source System or Payee Name or Payment Method.
- Enter the desired information into the From Date field.
- Select Search.
- In the Payment Totals tab, you can verify the total payments and amounts.
- In the Payments tab, you can see the details about bank detail, payee details and payee bank details.
- Select the Addenda Information icon to access the Addenda page, which you use to add additional instructions for the specified payment. Instructions here will appear within the actual payment file.
- Select the Transfer to Source icon to access the source application to view detailed information about the specified transaction.
- Select the Review Payment Details icon to access the Review Payment Details page to view the payment progress, events, and detailed information on the transaction.
- Select the payments or the Select All link to select all payments.
- Note: You can place the payment on Hold if the payment dispatch status is “Awaiting Dispatch”. To make a payemnt on hold, select the payment, then select Flag for Hold. Also, select the Payment Notes icon to add and view comments about the specified payment. This is useful for such things as describing the reason transactions are in hold status.
- Select Dispatch Settlements.
- Use the Payment Confirmation page to verify the payment details.
- Select OK.
- You must enter the password for your user ID to continue.
- Select Continue.
- Use the Payment Dispatch Results page to view details of a particular payment dispatch.
- Notice the Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check the status.
- The initial status of the dispatch process is "Queued". Select Refresh until the payment files appear in the Payment Dispatch Details grid.
- After you see Process Run Status = "Success", the process is finished. If the process is not finished, continue to select Refresh until the status is "Success". Note: If the Process Run Status is "Error" or "File Status" is Error, then go to step 26 to see the details about error.
- You will also see File Status = "Completed/Sent to Bank".
- You may select the Payment File Content icon to see the details of payment file.
- Select Return to go back to Payment Dispatch page.
- From the Dispatch Results page, you may select Results to see Payment file details.

- If Process Run Status is "Warning/Error" and File Status is "Error" then select the Payment File Contents icon to open the Payment File Inquiry page.

- Select the View Event Log icon to see the error.
- Here the problem is related to the file directory. The file path does not exist.
- Select Return to go back to Payment File Inquiry page.
- After the error is fixed then you can simply select the Recreate File icon to recreate the file again.
- Go to Step 22.

- Process complete.
Video Tutorial
The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.
Video Tutorial Via Panopto
View the external link to Process ACH/EFT Payment Dispatches. This link will open in a new tab/window.