9.2 Import Bank Statements

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference for importing bank statements in ctcLink.

Audience:  Settlement Manager, GL Accountant.

To import bank statements, you will need Financial Gateway access.

In the past, getting this access was provided by the SBCTC. Now Financial Gateway access is granted by your college’s local security administrator. If there are problems, please feel free to have the employee’s supervisor submit a ticket to the Cash Management and Treasury module Functional Analyst.

The importing of bank statement information is an integral part of the reconciliation and bank statement accounting. The system processes previous day statements that are used for reconciliation and accounting.

Import Bank Statements

Navigation: Banking > Bank Statements > Import Bank Statements

  1. On the Import Bank Statements search page displays.
  2. If you have run this process or report in the past, select the Find an Existing Value tab to enter an existing Run Control ID and select the Search button. If this is the first time running this process or report, select the Add a New Value tab to create a new Run Control ID and select the Add button. 
    • NOTE: It is important to note that Run Control IDs cannot be deleted. Do not include spaces in your Run Control. We encourage the Run Control ID to have the same process naming convention but unique to the step; because of this, including your institution code and a short process description in the Run Control ID is recommended--e.g., WA040-BANK-IMPORT (College, Process).
  3. On the Import Bank Statements page, select 'File" from the Import Type drop-down list.
  4. Enter the complete file path location in the File Path field.

Note: Every college has different file path. If you do not know your bank statement file path, please consult Finance Functional Support team. For information how to submit a service desk ticket, please see QRG How to sumbit a ctcLink support ticket.

As an example, the file path will looks like: /FSIN/I-019_AcctRecon/WAXXX/BofA/Data/

  1. Select the specific File Name to import and select Select File. If you want to import multiple files based on extension, leave this file blank.
  2. As an example, here we select a specific file and choose the Select file button.
  3. A File list window will pop up; select the file to process.

Note: You will see only one file if you are importing the bank statement file daily.

Import Bank Statements page with File List pagelet
  1. Select "Previous Day" from the Statement Type drop-down list.  
  2. Select the file layout of the bank statement file being imported in the Layout field. In most cases, this will be BAI2.
  3. Expand Advanced Options section of the Import Bank Statement page, to enter post processing file options:
    • Select "Move" from the Post Process File Action drop-down list.
    • Enter a file path to the directory to which the Post Process File Directory file will be copied or moved if either option is selected as the post process file action.

Note: Every college has different file path. If you do not know your bank statement file path, please consult Finance Functional Support team. For information how to submit a service desk ticket, please see QRG How to sumbit a ctcLink support ticket.

As an example, the file path will looks like: /FSIN/I-019_AcctRecon/WAXXX/BofA/Archive/.

  1. Select Save to save the run control page to use next time.

Note: If you are reusing the same control next time, make sure you select the different file or file name should be blank; otherwise you will get duplicate statement loading errors. In addition, if there is no bank statement file available to process, you will also get a warning/error.  See step 20.

  1. Select the Run button.
Import Bank Statement page image
  1. A Process Scheduler Request window will pop up. Select OK.
  2. A Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check the status.
  3. Select the Process Monitor link. Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests.
  4. Select Refresh until both the process status (IMPORT_FILES and TR_BSP_LOAD) says Success or Warning/Error. If you do not see both processes, there must be some problem. Check step 20.
Process List page

Note: In order to load the bank statement in PeopleSoft:

  1. Both process IMPORT_FILES and TR_BSP_LOAD must be completed with Success.
  2. Select the Detail link. A Process Detail window will pop up.
  3. Select the Message Log link to open the message log window.
  4. You will see Statement XXXX loaded.
Message Log paglet
  1. If bank statement load process completed successfully, then the existing statement file will be copied to the applicable folder as mentioned above.
  2. If TR_BSP_LOAD process completed with Warning/Error, it means the statement file is not loaded into PeopleSoft. You can check the reason for failure.
Message Log pagelet
  1. In case there is no statement file available to process then you will not see TR_BSP_LOAD process. You will only see IMPORT_FILES with Success. It really means it has some error. To find the detail about the error, select the Detail link, then select the Message Log link.
Message Log pagelet
  1. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Import Bank Statements. This link will open in a new tab/window. - coming soon!