9.2 Create an Accounting Template
Purpose: Use this document to create an accounting template in ctcLink.
Audience: Finance staff.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD Treasury Local Config Inq
- ZZ Treasury Local Config
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
The accounting template depicts the correct accounting and debit and credit configuration for a given treasury transaction and business event.
The accounting template contains the following characteristics:
- A unique template ID.
- Options that determine how the correct ChartField Combination is selected.
- An attribute (calculation type) that describes how the accounting monetary amount is calculated or derived.
An attribute that designates whether the accounting build requires review.
Creating the Template
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Cash Management > Treasury Accounting > Accounting Templates
- The Accounting Templates search page displays. It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab. In this example, we'll create a new template.
- Select Add a New Value.
- Enter your local college Business Unit in the SetID field.
- Enter you local college Accounting Template ID.
- Enter Source Type = "BSP".
- Select Add.
Even though Accounting Template IDs are a local determined field value, SBCTC requires that it includes your local college Business Unit. For example: 040_BANK_FEES.
- The Accounting Templates page displays.
- Enter description in the Description field.
- Check the checkbox Requires Review. Note: Select the Requires Review check box to force a review of the accounting transactions that use this template. When selected, the system assigns error-free accounting entries that use this template a Provisional status. You can then use the View/Approve Entries page to review and change the status to Final.
- Select Status = "Active".
- Enter (or look up) information in the Journal Template field. (*For banking, this template should be TR_ENTRIES).
- In Line 1, enter Calc Type = "01".
- Select Sign type "Credit" or "Debit" or "Keep Sign" or "Reverse Sign".
- Select Determined By as "Bank Account" or "Explicit Chartfield".
- Select the Add a New Row [+] icon.
- Add Line 2.
- Enter Calc Type = "01".
- Select the IU Anchor option. Note: You can select the IU Anchor (interunit anchor) check box to specify one line of the template as the anchor. This field is required because the centralized processor uses it to generate interunit entries.
- Select Sign type "Credit" or "Debit" or "Keep Sign" or "Reverse Sign".
- Select Determined By as "Bank Account" or "Explicit Chartfield".
- Select the Chartfields tab.
- Enter the ChartField string: Operating Unit, Account, Fund, Appropriation (optional), Class, and State Purpose etc.
- Select Save.
- Process complete.