9.2 Parse Addenda Processing (Optional)

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to process parse addenda information in the reconciliation process.

Audience: Staff responsible for bank reconciliation processing.

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ Treasury Bank Processing

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

In the Bank Statement, the addenda field contains important data that could help in reconciliation. The addenda information varies from bank to bank. Sometimes, addenda information is helpful for reporting purposes.


  1. Ensure the addenda parse rule is setup for your bank account. (Check with your college treasury department as well as with ctcLink ERP Treasury Support specialist to confirm set up.)
  2. The bank statement reconciliation status is Not Reconciled or Not found in system.

Note: It is always advisable to run Parse Addenda processing before Auto Reconciliation process.

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Banking > Reconcile Statements > Parse Statement Addenda

  1. Enter an existing Run Control ID or select the Add a New Value tab on the Parse Statement Addenda page to add a new value.
  2. Enter a name for the Run Control in the Run Control ID field.
  3. Select the Add button.
Parse Statement Adenda - Add a New Value tab
  1. On the Parse Statement Addenda, enter the appropriate bank statement processing parameters:
    • Keep Process Frequency “Always Process
    • Enter or select the Bank ID in the External Bank ID field.
    • Enter or select the bank account number in the Bank Account # field.
    • Keep Bank Statement Type as “Previous Day
    • Enter or select a specific Statement ID
  2. Select the Save button to save the run control page, so that you can reuse the same run control page again.
  3. Select the Run button.
Parse Statement Addenda - Run and Save button highlighted
  1. Select the OK button on the Process Scheduler Request page.
  2. The process has finished successfully when the Run Status column indicates ‘Success' and the Distribution Status indicates 'Posted'.
  3. A Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check its status.
  4. Select the Process Monitor link.
Process List page Run Status
  1. Process complete.