Banking and Cash Management Checklist & Process Steps Guide

Purpose:  Use this document as a reference to assist in the standard or end-to-end processes in chronological order for a specific Finance Module.

Audience:  Finance Staff

The following spreadsheet below provides the standard key processes to Banking and Cash Management, such as:

Banking and Cash Management initial setup. Reconciliation checklist, EFT Transfer checklist, Treasury Roles and Accounting Templates.

Banking and Cash Management Checklist and Process Steps Guide

Or for better accessibility, use the following drop-down checklist style for the Banking and Cash Management Checklist & Process Steps Guide:

Bank Reconciliation Checklist

To view inserted information, select the down facing arrow on the right of the checklist title.   

EFT Transfer Checklist

To view inserted information, select the down facing arrow on the right of the checklist title.   

Treasury (Cash Management/Banking) Configurations

Role:  ZZ Treasury Local Config - Access for enter transfer template, accounting template, define fee code/structure, cash forecasting rules/mapping, compare fee structure, worksheet definition, FG security, Bank reconciliation rule/tolerance and parse addenda.

Role:  ZZ Bank Setup - Access to Bank Account Manager, Bank Branch Information, Bank ID Qualifiers, Bank Information, Bank Transfer Charge, Bank Transfer Charge Code, Contact Information, External Accounts, My Account Groups, Netting Accounts, Payment Forms, Settlement Instructions

Role:  ZZ Treasury Accounting Maint - Access to Accounting Entries, Fiscal Period Summary, Reverse Accounting Request, View/Approve Entries

Role:  ZZ Treasury Maintenance - Access to financial gateway access like payment dispatch, review payment/file etc., settlement manager, EFT request, Enter fees, bank transfer, Cash Forecast, Enter manual cash position, treasury work center etc.

Role:  ZZ Treasury Bank Processing - Access to import/review bank statement, working on bank statement, reconciling bank statement, Reconciliation Exceptions, Bank Statement Accounting, External Transactions, book to bank reconciliation, Enter Bank Statements, etc.

Role:  ZZ Treasury Processing - Access to running various batch jobs through run control pages within treasury.

Role:  ZZ Treasury Approvals - Access to Approve Netting, Cash Pool Structure, Approve Investment Pools, Approve Settlements, Accounting Entries, EFT transfer template approval.

Role:  ZZ Treasury Reports - Access to various reports within Treasury like Accounting entries report, Bank A/C related report, cash sweep/forecasting related report and financial gateway related reports.


Accounting Templates

Please refer to the spreadsheet by using the link: Banking and Cash Management Checklist and Process Steps Guide and select the tab titled: Accounting Templates to review spreadsheet.


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