9.2 Processing Accounting Integration (Not Recommended)

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for processing accounting integration in ctcLink.

Audience: Settlement Manager, GL Accountant

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Utilize the Accounting Integration process to transfer transactions from Cash Management to the General Ledger System.

This is a system process and is normally scheduled to run on a regular (daily) basis, but can be run manually for an urgent need.

Processing Accounting Integration

Navigation: Cash Management > Treasury Accounting > Process Accounting Integration

  1. The Process Accounting Integration run control ID search page displays.  It defaults to the Find an Existing Value tab.  In this example, we'll create a new run control ID.
  2. Select Add a New Value.
  3. Enter a meaningful Run Control ID for the Subsystem Journals in the Run Control ID field.
  4. Select Add.
Process Accounting Integration Add a New Value page
  1. The Process Accounting Integration page displays.
  2. Select Run.
Process Accounting Integration page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page displays.  Use it to enter or update parameters, such as server name and process output format.
    1. Use the Server Name drop-down menu to select the appropriate processing server for the request.
    2. Select OK.
Process Scheduler Request page
  1. The Process Scheduler Request page disappears.  The updated Process Accounting Integration page displays.  Note the Process Instance number.

Note: A Process Instance number appears. This number helps you identify the process you have run when you check its status.

  1. Select Process Monitor.  Refer to the Process Monitor QRG for instructions.
updated Process Accounting Integration page
  1. Use the Process List page to view the status of submitted process requests.

Note: The process has finished successfully when the Run Status column indicates ‘Success.’

Process List page
  1. Verify that the expected results were received.
  2. Process complete.

Video Tutorial

The video below demonstrates the process actions described in the steps listed above. There is no audio included with this video. Select the play button to start the video.


Video Tutorial Via Panopto

View the external link to Process Accounting Integration. This link will open in a new tab/window.