9.2 Defining Requirement Groups
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to define requirement groups within Academic Advisement in ctcLink.
Audience: Degree Audit builders
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD AA Super User
You must also set these SACR Security permissions:
- CS 9.2 SACR Security: Basic Requirements for Staff
- CS 9.2 SACR Security: Academic Program Security
- Academic Plan Security
If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Defining Requirement Groups
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Requirement Groups
- On the Define Requirement Groups search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
- Accept the default value of 000000000 for Requirement Group. The system will assign a unique value when the Requirement Group is saved.
- Select Add. The Define Requirement Groups page will display.

- Select the Requirement Group tab.
- In the Basic Data section, complete the following information.
- Effective Date: Enter an effective date for your requirement group.
- Status: Select Active.
- Reporting Sequence:
- Requirement Usage: Select ADV.
Note: The Degree Audit report process looks at the values assigned in the Academic Structure section to establish which students this Requirement Group rule should apply to.
- In the Academic Structure section, complete the following information.
- Academic Institution: Enter your College institution code.
- Academic Career: Enter the Academic Career for the Requirement Group.
- Academic Program (Optional): Select the specific Academic Program for this Requirement Group.
- Academic Plan (Optional): Select the specific Academic Plan for this Requirement Group.
- Academic Sub-Plan (Optional): Select the specific Academic Plan for this Requirement Group.
Description Fields
- Search Description: Enter a search description for the Requirement Group that is meaningful as a search key in the Search Description field. This description appears in search results for Requirement Groups.
- Short Search Description: This description is being used by custom processes/queries and requires specific formatting and naming conventions. Please be sure to reference your local College configuration guide or speak with THE person responsible for AAR maintenance at your College.
- Long Description: Input the same value as the Report Description field.
- Report Description and Report Long Description: Enter a description and a long description that you want to appear on the advisement report that is generated using the Request Advisement Report or Generate Advisement Reports components. Use the long description to further explain the requirement group.
Display of Status
- Hide Status: By default this field is unchecked. the box if you do not want to show the status of Satisfied or Not Satisfied on the degree audit report at the Requirement Group level.
- Enter a precondition in the Condition Code field to restrict the use of the requirement group to a particular type of student or students. For example, if a requirement group has a precondition of Academic Standing Equal to Good Standing then this requirement group applies only to student's in good academic standing. Precondition functionality is defined in the Academic Requirement with Pre-Condition 07b document.

- Select the Parameters tab. Complete the following information.
- Unit, Course and GPA Values
- Minimum Units: Enter the minimum total units for all of the courses selected to satisfy this requirement group.
- Minimum Courses: Enter the minimum number of courses required to satisfy this requirement group.
- Minimum GPA: Enter the minimum overall GPA requirement for classes selected to satisfy this requirement group.
- Min GPA Points/Unit: Enter the minimum grade points per unit for each class that is selected to satisfy this requirement group.
Resolution Methodology
- Course Ranking Scheme: Select how the courses used for the requirement are ranked for use by the audit report: Chronological, Course Catalog, Grade Points, Reverse Chronological, Reverse Course Catalog.
Credit Include Mode: Select how courses in the requirement group are included in the Audit Report:
- Include in All Stats: Select to specify that all course statistics are reported. A course captured by an All Stats requirement group is used for that requirement group and cannot be counted toward any other All Stats requirement group.
- Exclude from GPA: Select to specify that courses in this requirement group are excluded from GPA. A course captured by an Excl GPA requirement is used for that requirement group and cannot be counted toward any other All Stats or Excl GPA requirement group.
- Verify Only, Never Include: Select to specify that the application checks and verifies that the course was taken. A course captured by a Verify requirement group can be used by another Verify requirement group, Excl GPA requirement group, or All Stats requirement group.
Choice Resolution Method: This identifies the preferred method of analyzing multiple partitions in an AND or OR statement. Values are:
- Satisfy in Sequential Order: Select to evaluate the requirement group detail lines in sequential order..
- Investigate All Combinations: Select to have the system sort the requirement group detail lines to find the best combination in regards to the requirement group.
- Connector Type: Specify what the main connector for your detail lines will be (AND or OR)
Display Control
- Always Report: Select to specify that the requirement group is always reported, regardless of the completion status.
- Report Only When Not Satisfied: Select to specify that the requirement group is reported only if the student did not successfully complete it. For example, you could use this value to report probationary status.
- Report Only When Satisfied: Select to specify that the requirement group is reported only when the student successfully completes it. For example, you could use this value to report honors status.
Display if Satisfied:
- GPA, Units, Course Count: Select these boxes if you wish to display the calculated values for these areas. If there are minimum required values specified in the 'Unit, Course, and GPA Values' section as well then these minimum required values will be displayed as well .
- Partition Sharing: Select if partitions from this requirement group can share courses.
- Share Set: Enter the appropriate course share set value. The course share set is a tag that defines a set of requirement groups that can share courses (share sets are defined on the Course Share Sets page). This functionality allows courses to double count in multiple requirement groups for a student.

- On the Detail tab, enter information in the following fields:
- Line: Insert a row for each requirement that will make up the audit rules for the requirement group. The system generates this sequential line number and auto increments it by 10 (these can be overridden to resequence the Lines if necessary).
Group Line Type: For each Line select the relevant Group Line Type values. For SBCTC purposes the primary type used will be Requirement. Values available are:
- Requirement: Select to specify a requirement that a student must satisfy.
- Wild Card Course: Select to specify a course range based on values of the subject area and course catalog number using special wildcard characters. Equivalent courses are not included in this match
- Condition: Select to specify a condition (or conditions) that the student must satisfy. For example, you can require the completion of a specific milestone.
- Course: Select to specify a course that a student must take. This selection is less robust than using a requirement line that points to a course list.
- Requirement Usage: The system will display a requirement usage of ADV.
*Note: Select the [+] button to add more line items.

- On the Detail Parameters tab, enter information in the following fields:
- If the Group Line Type is specified as a Requirement or Condition the Course Validation Parameters page is blank (as displayed below).

- The following Detail Parameter values are available if the Detail Line is specified as Course or Wildcard Course. Please see the Defining Course Lists document for details on field functionality.

- Process complete.
I believe the link in step 38 is broken. It leads me to a "Page not Found" link.
Thank you for your support!
Tanjagay Martin
Thank you, Cristina! The link is now working ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer