9.2 Defining Course Lists
Purpose: Use this as a reference for how to define course lists within ctcLink
Audience: Degree Audit Builders
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Defining Course Lists
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirement > Define Course Lists
- On the Define Course Lists search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
- Accept the default value of 000000000 for Course List. The system will assign a unique value when the Course List is saved.
- Select Add. The Define Course Lists page will display.

- On the Define Course Lists page, select the Course List Description tab. Complete the following information.
- Effective Date: Enter or select the effective date for your course list.
- Status: Select Active.
- Description: Enter a description. This description does not appear on the online audit report. It is used when searching for course lists when configuring requirement and requirement groups.
- Short Description: Enter a description. This description does not appear on the online audit report. It is used when searching for course lists when configuring requirement and requirement groups.
- Long Description: Use this description to detail the purpose of your course list. It is informational only and does not appear on the online audit reports.
- Usage: Select Academic Advisement.
- Academic Institution: Enter your college institution code.
- Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan (optional): Use these fields to document departmental ownership of the course list. These fields are used for prompting and documentation only and do not affect auditing analysis.

- Select the Course List Detail tab. If you are NOT using WildCards, complete the following information (see Course Sequences 1 and 2 below).
- Course Sequence: The system will auto increment the number in this list. You can use it to re-sort the courses that you input on this page although it’s not required.
- WildCard Indicator: Select this box if you will be specifying that the course being added will be defined as a WildCard course. ** See description of WildCard setup further below.
- Include Equivalent Courses: By default the box is deselected so that the advisement process does not search for equivalents unnecessarily when evaluating a students advisement report. If you wish to have the system evaluate equivalent courses then select the box. When selected only the Course ID field is available to populate. (See Course Sequence 1 in the image below.)
Course ID: Enter or look up the specific course to be added to the course list. The following fields are relevant only when you are not searching for equivalent courses. They will allow you to specify a course list that will include a course within a specific term or an associated class or Topic ID.
- Term: Used to specify the specific term the course must be taken in to be considered for the audit report.
- Associated Class: Used to specify the specific Class Association the course must be part of for it to be considered for the audit report, or leave blank to consider all Associated classes in that term.
- Topic ID: Used to specify the specific Topic ID the course must be assigned to to be considered for the audit report.
- Select the [+] to add more courses or WildCard courses.

- Use the Course List Detail tab to complete the following information when you ARE using WildCards (see Course Sequence 3 below).
- WildCard Indicator: Select this box if you will be specifying that the course being added will be defined as a WildCard course.
- Display WildCard Courses: Select to display a link below the WildCard course on the My Academic Requirements page. If this check box is unchecked, the WildCard course is displayed but no link is available.
- Academic Institution: Displays the college code value specified on the Course List Description page.
- Academic Group: (Optional) Select the specific Academic Group that the WildCard courses can be assessed from. If left blank, all Academic Groups are valid.
- Subject: Select the specific Subject that the WildCard courses can be assessed from. If left blank, any Subject is valid.
- Catalog Nbr: Specify the catalog numbering format that will be assessed for WildCard purposes.
For example:
- # = 1 – 9
- ## = 1 – 99
- ### = 1 – 999
- 1## = 100 – 199
- 15# = 150 – 159
- Report Description: Enter the description to display in the Description field of the course grid on the My Academic Requirements page. This description also displays on the .pdf advisement report under available courses.

Note: Only complete the Course List Parameters tab if you wish to specifically set a limit at the course level for courses assigned to this course list.
Note: The information on Course List Parameters tab only appears once the course list on the Course List Detail tab has been fetched or when building a course list.
- Select the Course List Parameters tab. Complete the following information.
- Course Sequence: (Display only) Defaults from the Course List Detail tab.
- Course Information: (Display only) Defaults from the Course Id information input on the Course List Details tab.
- Min Units/Course: Enter the minimum number of units that this course (or courses in the case of a WildCard) must provide to be considered valid.
- Min Grade Points/Units: Enter the minimum number of grade points per unit that this course (or courses in the case of a WildCard) must be worth to be considered valid.
Transfer Level Allowed: Specify if this course (or courses in the case of WildCards) are valid via transfer credit. Values are:
- Always Allow (default)
- Four Year institution only
- Never Allow
- Two Year Institution only
- Requirement Designation: Specify a requirement designation value that the course must have to be considered on the audit.
- Valid Begin and Valid End: Set date ranges for when this course can be taken to satisfy the requirement.
- Course must be GPA material: Select to identify if the course must be GPA material to be applied to the audit rules (this means that the grade assigned to the course has the Include in GPA checkbox checked on the grading scheme used for the course). The default is deselected.
- Test Credit is Allowed: Select to identify that this course can be used to satisfy the requirement if taken via the test transfer credit. The default is selected.
- Other Credit is Allowed: Select to identify that this course can be used to satisfy the requirement if taken via the other transfer credit. The default is selected.
Exclude In-Progress Credit: Select to identify that this course must be fully graded to be used to satisfy this requirement.
- If this checkbox is unchecked then a nongraded course, a course with a grade of incomplete, or a course in progress is included in the academic analysis and satisfies all parameters. The default is unchecked.
- Select Save. A Course List number will be assigned.

Copy an Existing Course List
Note: The Copy button appears on this page in Add mode only.
- On the Define Course Lists search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
- Accept the default value of 000000000 for Course List. The system will assign a unique value when the Course List is saved.
- Select Add. The Define Course Lists page will display.

- Select the Copy button. The Copy Specification pagelet will display.

Note: Only Course Lists with a Usage value of Academic Advisement can be copied.
- On the Copy Specification pagelet, complete the following information.
- Select Course List: Select the Course List to be copied.
Select the Course List to Copy: Select which rows of the Course List you want to copy forward to the new Course List.
- Copy last record: Copy only the last effective-dated record. This value is the default.
- Copy all records: Copy all effective-dated records. Use this field value only if the course list to be copied has multiple effective-dated rows.
- Select OK. The Define Course List page will display with the copied Course List information.

- On the Define Course List page, make the necessary changes to your Course List (for example changing the description or adding/removing courses from the Course List Detail tab).
- Select Save. A new Course List Number will be assigned.

- Process complete.
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