9.2 Academic Advisement for Test Placement
Purpose: Use this document to understand and configure Academic Advisement Reports for Test Placement.
Audience: Course builders.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD SACR Advisement Config
- ZZ SACR Advisement Config
You must also set these SACR Security permissions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Test Placement on AAR
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Set Up SACR > Product Related > Academic Advisement > Define Tests for Advisement
- The Define Tests for Advisement search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Enter Academic Institution.
- Enter Test ID.
- Enter Requirement Usage = "ADV".
- Select Add.
- The Define Tests for Advisement page displays.
- Effective Date: Enter the first date that the test will be used in Academic Advisement. The Effective Date on the Define Tests for Advisement page must be before or equal to the Effective Date of any component (e.g., Define Dynamic Condition, Define Academic Requirements, Define Requirement Groups) to which the tests will be added.
- Status: Use the drop-down menu to select "Active".
- Months Valid (optional): If your placement-related test scores expire, enter the number of months that the test scores remain valid.
Test Score Method: Use the Test Score Method drop-down menu to designate prioritization of the student’s scores when the student has multiple valid scores on file for the same Test Component.
- Average of All Scores Taken: The Advisement Report will calculate the average of the student’s non-expired scores for the given Test Component.
- First Test Taken: The AAR will use the student’s earliest, non-expired score.
- Highest Score: The AAR will use the student’s highest, non-expired score.
- Last Test Taken: The AAR will use the student’s most recent, non-expired score.
- Lowest Score: The AAR will use the student’s lowest, non-expired score.
- Enable User to Override Months (optional): Check this box to allow the Academic Advisement Report rules to use a different number of months than the Months Valid configured on this page.
- Enable User to Override Method (optional): Check this box to allow the Academic Advisement Report to use a different Test Score Method than the method selected on this page.
- Data Source: Enter a row for each valid data source.
- Select Save.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AA Super User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Dynamic Condition
- The Define Dynamic Condition search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Allow Condition Specification to default to "000000". The system will assign a unique, permanent number later.
- Select Add.
- The Define Dynamic Condition page displays.
- Effective Date: Enter the first date that the test will be used in Academic Advisement. The Effective Date on the Define Dynamic Condition page must be before or equal to the Effective Date of any component (e.g., Define Academic Requirements, Define Requirement Groups) to which the tests will be added.
- Status: Use the drop-down menu to select "Active".
- Description: Enter a Description for the Dynamic Condition.
- Short Description: Enter a Short Description for the Dynamic Condition.
- Long Description: Enter a Long Description for the Dynamic Condition.
- Academic Institution: Select your Academic Institution from the drop-down menu.
- Requirement Usage: Select "ADV".
- Connector Type: Select "AND".
- Condition Line Sequence: The system will assign a number to the lines automatically.
- Condition Process Type: Use the drop-down menu to select "Standard Condition".
- Condition Code: Use the drop-down menu to select "Test Score".
- After the Test Score Condition Code is selected, additional fields appear on the page:
- Test ID: Use the drop-down menu to select the desired Test ID. If no Test IDs appear in the drop-down menu, see the QRG Defining Tests for Advisement.
- Test Component: Use the drop-down menu to select the desired Test Component.
- Condition Operator: Use the drop-down menu to select the desired Condition Operator.
- Test Score: Enter the desired cut score. See Step 5 below if your placement is based on ranges of scores.
- The Months Valid and Test Score Method fields may be grayed out (display-only). If you need to make changes to either field, see the QRG Defining Tests for Advisement.
- (Optional) If needed, use the plus sign [+] in the Condition Lines box to add more cut-score criteria. For example, if a Pre-Algebra score of 40 - 50 places the student into MATH 80, you would create:
- 1 Dynamic Condition Condition Line with a Test Score Greater or Equal to 40 AND
- 1 Dynamic Condition Condition Line with a Test Score Less or Equal to 50
- Select Save.
- (Optional) As needed, repeat steps 7 – 8 above until you have created one Dynamic Condition for each range of cut-scores.
- To incorporate test scores into Academic Advisement, refer to Defining Academic Requirements for Test Placement. If your test placement rules at Academic Plan-specific, refer to Defining Plan-Specific Academic Requirements for Test Placement.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AA Super User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define an Entity Group
- The Define an Entity Group search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Allow the Academic Entity Group to default to "000000". The system will assign an unique and permanent identifier later.
- Select Add.
- The Define an Entity Group page displays.
- Effective Date: Enter the first date that the Entity Group will be used in Academic Advisement. The Effective Date on the Define an Entity Group page must be before or equal to the Effective Date of any component (e.g., Define Academic Requirements, Define Requirement Groups) to which the tests will be added.
- Status: Use the drop-down menu to select Active.
- Description: Enter a Description for the Entity Group.
- Short Description: Enter a Short Description for the Entity Group.
- Long Description: Enter a Long Description for the Entity Group.
- Academic Institution: Select your Academic Institution from the drop-down menu.
- Requirement Usage: Select "ADV".
- Entity Group Type: Use the drop-down menu to select "Plan".
- Academic Plan: Enter the desired Academic Plan.
- (Optional) If needed, use the plus sign [+] in the Entity Group Item Detail box to add more Academic Plan codes.
- Select Save.
- (Optional) Repeat Steps 1 – 7 above until all the Academic Plan groupings you need for test score placement have been created.
- To incorporate test scores into Academic Advisement, refer to Defining Plan-Specific Academic Requirements for Test Placement.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AA Super User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Academic Requirements
- The Define Academic Requirements search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Allow the Academic Requirement to default to "00000000". The system will assign a unique and permanent identifer later.
- Select Add.
- The Requirement tab displays.
- Effective Date: Enter the first date that the Academic Requirement will be used in Academic Advisement. The Effective Date on the Define Academic Requirements page must be before or equal to the Effective Date of the corresponding Requirement Group.
- Status: Use the drop-down menu to select Active.
- Requirement Usage: Leave as ADV.
- Academic Structure: Set the Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub-Plan fields as needed. Since a Pre-Condition using an Academic Plan Entity Group will be used, you may leave the Program, Plan, and Sub-Plan fields blank.
- Search Description and Short Search Description: Enter descriptions that will differentiate this Academic Requirement from other requirements and help you retrieve it in subsequent steps.
- Report Description: Enter a header for this Academic Requirement. This header will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Report Long Description: Enter a sub-header for this Academic Requirement. This information will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements. For example, you may want to show contact information for advising or the test center in the Report Long Description field.
- Display of Status: Check the Hide Status check box.
- Condition Code: Use the drop-down menu to select Academic Plan.
- Condition Operator: Use the drop-down menu to select In.
- Condition Data: Use the magnifying glass to select the Entity Group that contains the Academic Plan(s) pertinent to this test placement rule.
- Complete the fields on the Parameters tab.
- Unit, Course and GPA Values: Leave this section blank.
- Resolution Methodology: Do not change the Course Ranking Scheme, Credit Include Mode, or Choice Resolution Method fields.
Connector Type: Use the radio buttons to select OR.
- The Min Partitions to Complete field will become available. Enter 1.
- The Max Partitions to Allow Credit field will become available. Leave this field blank.
Display Control
- Reporting: Use the drop-down menu to select Report Only when NOT satisfied.
- Print Control: Use the drop-down menu to select Print on audit reports.
- Display if Satisfied: Leave the GPA, Units, and Course Count check boxes unchecked.
- Partition Sharing: Leave this check box unchecked.
- Complete the fields on the Line Item tab.
- Search Description and Short Search Description: These fields are for your reference only.
- Report Description: Enter a header for this Academic Requirement Line. This header will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Report Long Description: Enter a sub-header for this Academic Requirement Line. This information will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Display of Status: Leave the Hide Status check box unchecked.
- Condition Code: Use the drop-down menu to select Dynamic Condition.
- Condition Data: Use the magnifying glass to select the Dynamic Condition with cut-scores that correspond with this Academic Requirement Line.
- Complete the fields on the Line Item Parameters tab.
- First, use the Credit Include Mode drop-down menu in the Resolution Methodology box to select Verify. This will cause additional fields to display in the Unit, Course and GPA Values box.
Unit, Course, and GPA Values:
- Leave the Minimum GPA, Maximum GPA Allowed, Minimum Units, Maximum Units Allowed, and Maximum Courses Allowed fields blank.
- Minimum Courses: Enter the minimum number of courses that students who earn test scores within this Academic Requirement Line must complete.
- Min Grade Points/Unit: Enter the minimum grade points that must be earned.
Resolution Methodology:
- Course Ranking Scheme: Use the drop-down menu to select Chronological.
- Leave the Override Standard Set Logic, Enable Splitting, and Count Attempts check boxes unchecked.
Display Control:
- Print Control: Use the drop-down menu to select Print on audit reports.
- Reporting: Use the drop-down menu to select Report Only when NOT satisfied.
- Check the Display Select Line check box.
- Leave the GPA, Units, and Course Count check boxes in the Display if Satisfied box unchecked.
- Complete the fields on the Line Item Detail tab.
- Course List Description (Optional): If desired, enter a Course List Description. This description will display as a link in the Academic Requirement Line and will replace the list of courses in the Academic Advisement Report and Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Course List: Select the Course List that corresponds with the cut-score placement for the current Academic Requirement Line.
- (Optional) If another placement level exists, use the plus sign [+] on the Line Item tab to add an additional Academic Requirement Line. Repeat steps 5 - 9 as needed.
- Select Save.
- To incorporate this Academic Requirement into the Academic Advisement Report, refer to Defining Requirement Groups for Test Placement.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AA Super User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Academic Requirements
- The Define Academic Requirements search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Allow the Academic Requirement to default to "00000000". The system will assign a unique and permanent identifier later.
- Select Add.
- Complete the fields on the Requirement tab.
- Effective Date: Enter the first date that the Academic Requirement will be used in Academic Advisement. The Effective Date on the Define Academic Requirements page must be before or equal to the Effective Date of the corresponding Requirement Group.
- Status: Use the drop-down menu to select Active.
- Requirement Usage: Leave as ADV.
- Academic Structure: Set the Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub-Plan fields as needed. Since these rules are not Academic Plan-specific, you may leave the Program, Plan, and Sub-Plan fields blank.
- Search Description and Short Search Description: Enter descriptions that will differentiate this Academic Requirement from other requirements and help you retrieve it in subsequent steps.
- Report Description: Enter a header for this Academic Requirement. This header will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Report Long Description: Enter a sub-header for this Academic Requirement. This information will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements. For example, you may want to show contact information for advising or the test center in the Report Long Description field.
- Display of Status: Check the Hide Status check box.
- Condition Code: Leave the drop-down menu at None.
- Complete the fields on the Parameters tab.
- Unit, Course and GPA Values: Leave this section blank.
- Resolution Methodology: Do not change the Course Ranking Scheme, Credit Include Mode, or Choice Resolution Method fields.
Connector Type: Use the radio buttons to select OR.
- The Min Partitions to Complete field will become available. Enter 1.
- The Max Partitions to Allow Credit field will become available. Leave this field blank.
Display Control
- Reporting: Use the drop-down menu to select Report Only when NOT satisfied.
- Print Control: Use the drop-down menu to select Print on audit reports.
- Display if Satisfied: Leave the GPA, Units, and Course Count check boxes unchecked.
- Partition Sharing: Leave this check box unchecked.
- Complete the fields on the Line Item tab.
- Search Description and Short Search Description: These fields are for your reference only.
- Report Description: Enter a header for this Academic Requirement Line. This header will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Report Long Description: Enter a sub-header for this Academic Requirement Line. This information will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Display of Status: Leave the Hide Status check box unchecked.
- Condition Code: Use the drop-down menu to select Dynamic Condition.
- Condition Data: Use the magnifying glass to select the Dynamic Condition with cut-scores that correspond with this Academic Requirement Line.
- Complete the fields on the Line Item Parameters tab.
- First, use the Credit Include Mode drop-down menu in the Resolution Methodology box to select Verify. This will cause additional fields to display in the Unit, Course and GPA Values box.
Unit, Course, and GPA Values:
- Leave the Minimum GPA, Maximum GPA Allowed, Minimum Units, Maximum Units Allowed, and Maximum Courses Allowed fields blank.
- Minimum Courses: Enter the minimum number of courses that students who earn test scores within this Academic Requirement Line must complete.
- Min Grade Points/Unit: Enter the minimum grade points that must be earned.
Resolution Methodology:
- Course Ranking Scheme: Use the drop-down menu to select Chronological.
- Leave the Override Standard Set Logic, Enable Splitting, and Count Attempts check boxes unchecked.
Display Control:
- Print Control: Use the drop-down menu to select Print on audit reports.
- Reporting: Use the drop-down menu to select Report Only when NOT satisfied.
- Check the Display Select Line check box.
- Leave the GPA, Units, and Course Count check boxes in the Display if Satisfied box unchecked.
- Complete the fields on the Line Item Detail tab.
- Course List Description (Optional): If desired, enter a Course List Description. This description will display as a link in the Academic Requirement Line and will replace the list of courses in the Academic Advisement Report and Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Course List: Select the Course List that corresponds with the cut-score placement for the current Academic Requirement Line.
- (Optional) If another placement level exists, use the plus sign [+] on the Line Item tab to add an additional Academic Requirement Line. Repeat steps 5 - 9 as needed.
- Select Save.
- To incorporate this Academic Requirement into the Academic Advisement Report, refer to Defining Requirement Groups for Test Placement.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZZ AA Super User
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Requirement Groups
- The Define Requirement Groups search page displays.
- Select the Add a New Value tab.
- Allow the Requirement Group to default to "000000". The system will assign a unique and permanent identifier later.
- Select Add.
- Complete the fields on the Requirement Group tab.
- Effective Date: Enter the first date that the Requirement Group will be used in Academic Advisement.
- Status: Use the drop-down menu to select "Active".
- Requirement Usage: Leave as "ADV".
- Academic Structure: Set the Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub-Plan fields as needed. You may leave Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Academic Sub-Plan blank.
- Search Description and Short Search Description: Enter descriptions that will differentiate this Requirement Group from other requirements.
- Report Description: Enter a header for this Academic Requirement. This header will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements.
- Report Long Description: Enter a sub-header for this Academic Requirement. This information will display on the Academic Advisement Report and in Student Center Academic Requirements. For example, you may want to show contact information for advising or the test center in the Report Long Description field.
- Display of Status: Check the Hide Status check box.
- Using Report Long Description in Course Catalog: Leave the Enable Catalog Print and Override Report Long Description check boxes unchecked.
- Condition Code: Leave the drop-down menu at "None".
- Complete the fields on the Parameters tab.
- Unit, Course and GPA Values: Leave this section blank.
- Resolution Methodology: Do not change the Course Ranking Scheme, Credit Include Mode, or Choice Resolution Method fields.
- Connector Type: Use the radio buttons to select AND.
Display Control
- Reporting: Use the drop-down menu to select "Report Only when NOT satisfied".
- Display if Satisfied: Leave the GPA, Units, and Course Count check boxes unchecked.
- Partition Sharing: Leave this check box unchecked.
- Complete the fields on the Detail tab.
- Group Line Type: Use the drop-down menu to select "Requirement".
- Requirement: Use the magnifying glass to select the desired Academic Requirement.
- Select Save.
- (Optional) Use the plus [+] sign to add another row and repeat Steps 7 - 8 as needed.
Please note that in this example, the Academic Plan-specific English Placement Academic Requirements appear in Line 0010 and Line 0015. The Math Placement Academic Requirement (not Academic Plan-specific in this example) appears in Line 0020. Grouping the English and Math placement Academic Requirements together will ensure that any Academic Plan-specific requirements will display together for students who have more than one active plan. See Step 10 below for a sample Academic Advisement Report for a student who has multiple placement recommendations for English.
- Here is this Requirement Group on the Academic Advisement Report. Please note that this student has 2 active Academic Plans—1 in business and 1 in liberal arts. Also note that because this Requirement Group is set at the Institution and Academic Career levels only, the placement recommendations will display for all students at the beginning of their Academic Advisement Report.
- Process complete.
Manamrit Bhullar
Where do I do to take the placement test. Please and thank you
Tanjagay Martin
Hello Manamrit,
Thank you so much for your question. If you are inquiring about the Accuplacer, please get in touch with your college's Records and Enrollment office or website, and they can provide you with testing information. Enjoy your day! ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer
David Jara
I need study information for English placement testing, please.
Tanjagay Martin
Hi David, Your question is greatly appreciated; thank you. Please get in touch with your college for testing information. Check out the contact information and highlights for each community and technical college. Have a fantastic day. ~Tanjagay Martin | CS Core Trainer