9.2 Academic Requirement with Pre-Condition

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create an Academic Requirement with a pre-condition in Advisement in ctcLink

Audience: Academic Advisement Report Builders

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  • ZD AA Super User

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Pre-conditions can be used in Academic Advisement when requirements within a degree are different for select student populations. Example: Concentrations within the AA-DTA

STEP 1 - Define the Pre-Condition

STEP 2 - Create Course Lists

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement  > Academic Requirements  > Define Course Lists

Create necessary course lists:

  1. Course list for standard requirements.
  2. Course list for requirements applicable to pre-condition.
  3. Course list(s) for applicable limit(s).

Refer to 9.2 Defining Course Lists QRG.

STEP 3 - Create an Academic Requirement

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement  > Academic Requirements  > Define Academic Requirements

  1. On the Define Academic Requirements search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
  2. Accept the default value of 000000000 for Academic Requirement.  The system will assign a unique value when the Academic Requirement is saved.
  3. Select Add. The Define Academic Requirements page will display.
Add a New Value tab
  1. On the Define Academic Requirements page, select the Requirement tab.
  2. In the Basic Data section, enter the following fields.
    1. Effective Date: Enter or select 01/01/1901.
    2. Status: Leave as Active.
    3. Requirement Usage: Leave as ADV (Academic Advisement).
  3. In the Academic Structure section, enter the following fields.
    1. Academic Institution: Input your college code.
    2. The remaining fields can be left blank. This information will be entered in later setup.
  4. In the Description Fields section, enter the following fields.
    1. Search Description: Input a desired search description. This field is not student facing. (30 char. max) *This field appears when searching through Academic Requirements. It is recommended to begin the search description with the applicable degree. See screenshot for example.
    2. Short Search Description: Input a desired short search description. This field is not student facing. (10 char. max)
    3. Long Description: Input a desired long description. This field is not student facing. (254 char. max)
    4. Report Description: Input a desired report description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (80 char. max)
    5. Report Long Description: Input a desired report long description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (nearly unlimited char. Max)
Requirement tab
  1. Select the Parameters tab.
  2. In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following fields.
    1. Course Ranking Scheme: Select the desired scheme.
      • Chronological - The system will rank in ascending order of the term each course was taken.
      • Course Catalog - The system will rank in ascending order of the course catalog number.
      • Grade Points - The system will rank in descending order of grade points earned for each course.
      • Reverse Chronological - The system will rank in descending order of the term each course was taken.
      • Reverse Course Catalog - The system will rank in descending order of the course catalog number.
    2. Credit Include Mode: Select Include in All Statistics.
    3. Choice Resolution Method: Select the desired method.
      • Satisfy in Sequential Order -The system will satisfy the requirement in order of the Line Items entered.
      • Investigate All Combinations - The system will satisfy the requirement by reviewing all combinations.
  3. In the Display Control section, enter the following fields.
    1. Reporting: Select Always Report.
    2. Print Control: Select Print on Audit Reports.
    3. Display if Satisfied: *Optional* Select desired values to display when student has satisfied.
Parameters tab

Set up the pre-condition requirement information.

  1. Select the Line Item tab.
  2. In the Basic Data section, enter the following field.
    1. Line Type: Select Course Requirement.
  3. In the Description Fields section, enter the following fields.
    1. Search Description: Input a desired search description. This field is not student facing. (30 char. max)
    2. Short Search Description: Input a desired short search description. This field is not student facing. (10 char. max)
    3. Long Description: Input a desired long description. This field is not student facing. (254 char. max)
    4. Report Description: Input a desired search description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (80 char. max)
    5. Report Long Description: Input a desired search description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (nearly unlimited char. max)
  4. In the Pre-Condition section, enter the following fields.
    1. Condition Code: Select the applicable pre-condition type.
    2. Condition Data: Select the applicable pre-condition value.
Line Item tab
  1. Select the Line Item Parameters tab.
  2. In the Unit, Course, and GPA Values section, enter the following fields.
    1. Minimum Units or Courses: Input the minimum units or courses required.
    2. Maximum Units or Courses: Input the maximum units or courses required.
    3. Min Grade Points/Unit: Input the minimum grade points per unit required.
  3. In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following fields.
    1. Course Ranking Scheme: Select the desired scheme.
    2. Credit Include Mode: Select Include in All Statistics.  
  4. In the Display Control section, enter the following fields.
    1. Print Control: Select Print on audit reports.
    2. Reporting: Select Always Report.
    3. Display Select Line: *Optional* Check this box to display the list of applicable courses for this requirement on Academic Advisement Reports.
    4. Display if Satisfied: *Optional* Select desired values to display when student has satisfied.
Line Item Parameters tab
  1. Select the Line Item Detail tab.
  2. In the Line Item Detail section, enter the following fields.
    1. Line Detail Type: Enter or look up CLST (Course List).
    2. Course List: Enter or look up the applicable Course List.
Line Item Detail tab

Set up the standard requirement information.

  1. Select the Line Item tab to complete the standard requirement.
  2. Select the [+] button to add a new row.
  3. In the Basic Data section, enter the following fields.
    1. Change the connector to Or.
    2. Line Type: Select Course Requirement.
  4. In the Description fields section, enter the description fields.  
  5. In the Pre-Condition section, leave Condition Code as None.
Complete Line Item tab
  1. Select the Line Item Parameters tab to complete the standard requirement.
  2. In the Unit, Course, and GPA Values section, enter the following fields.
    1. Minimum Units or Courses: Input the minimum units or courses required.
    2. Maximum Units or Courses: Input the maximum units or courses required.
    3. Min Grade Points/Unit: Input the minimum grade points per unit required.
  3. In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following fields.  
    1. Course Ranking Scheme: Select the desired scheme.
    2. Credit Include Mode: Select Include in All Statistics.
  4. In the Display Control section, enter the following fields.  
    1. Print Control: Select Print on Audit Reports.
    2. Reporting: Select Always Report.
    3. Display Select Line: *Optional* Check this box to display the list of applicable courses for this requirement on Academic Advisement Reports.
    4. Display if Satisfied: *Optional* Select desired values to display when student has satisfied.
Return to Line Item Parameters tab
  1. Select the Line Item Detail tab to complete the standard requirement.
    1. Line Detail Type: Select CLST (Course List).
    2. Course List: Enter or look up the applicable Course List.
Return to Line Item Detail tab

*OPTIONAL* Add any limits to the requirement. Example: students can take no more than 10 units of a particular discipline/subject area.

  1. Select the Line Item tab to complete the limit.
  2. In the Basic Data section, enter the following fields.
    1. Select the [+] button to add a new row.
    2. Select the connector And.
    3. Line Type: Select Unit, Course or GPA Limit.
  3. In the Description fields section, enter the descriptions.
  4. In the Pre-Condition section, leave the Condition Code as None.
Line Item tab
  1. Select the Line Item Parameters tab to complete the limit.
  2. In the Unit, Course, and GPA Values section, enter the following fields.
    1. Minimum GPA: Optional
    2. Maximum Units Allowed: Must be entered.
    3. Maximum Courses Allowed: Must be entered.
  3. In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following field.
    1. Course Ranking Scheme: Select desired scheme.
  4. In the Display Control section, enter the following field.
    1. Print Control: Change to Do Not Print.
Line Items Parameters tab
  1. Select the Line Item Detail tab to complete the limit.
    1. Line Detail Type: Select CLST (Course List).
    2. Course List: Enter or look up the applicable Course List.
Line Item Detail tab
  1. When all pre-condition, standard requirement, and limit lines have been added, select the Save button.
  2. Note the system has assigned an Academic Requirement number for future use.  
Line Item Detail tab

STEP 4 - Create a Requirement Group

Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement  > Academic Requirements  > Define Requirement Groups

  1. Add the Academic Requirement you just created to a Requirement Group for the degree. Refer to the 9.2 Defining Requirement Groups QRG.
  2. Process complete.


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