9.2 Academic Requirement with Pre-Condition
Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to create an Academic Requirement with a pre-condition in Advisement in ctcLink
Audience: Academic Advisement Report Builders
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZD AA Super User
You must also set these SACR Security permissions:
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Pre-conditions can be used in Academic Advisement when requirements within a degree are different for select student populations. Example: Concentrations within the AA-DTA
STEP 1 - Define the Pre-Condition
- If pre-condition is a Student Group refer to the 9.2 Identify Student Groups for Academic Advisement QRG
- If pre-condition is a Milestone refer to the 9.2 Define a Dynamic Condition (Milestone) for Academic Advisement QRG
STEP 2 - Create Course Lists
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Course Lists
Create necessary course lists:
- Course list for standard requirements.
- Course list for requirements applicable to pre-condition.
- Course list(s) for applicable limit(s).
Refer to 9.2 Defining Course Lists QRG.
STEP 3 - Create an Academic Requirement
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Academic Requirements
- On the Define Academic Requirements search page, select the Add a New Value tab.
- Accept the default value of 000000000 for Academic Requirement. The system will assign a unique value when the Academic Requirement is saved.
- Select Add. The Define Academic Requirements page will display.

- On the Define Academic Requirements page, select the Requirement tab.
- In the Basic Data section, enter the following fields.
- Effective Date: Enter or select 01/01/1901.
- Status: Leave as Active.
- Requirement Usage: Leave as ADV (Academic Advisement).
- In the Academic Structure section, enter the following fields.
- Academic Institution: Input your college code.
- The remaining fields can be left blank. This information will be entered in later setup.
- In the Description Fields section, enter the following fields.
- Search Description: Input a desired search description. This field is not student facing. (30 char. max) *This field appears when searching through Academic Requirements. It is recommended to begin the search description with the applicable degree. See screenshot for example.
- Short Search Description: Input a desired short search description. This field is not student facing. (10 char. max)
- Long Description: Input a desired long description. This field is not student facing. (254 char. max)
- Report Description: Input a desired report description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (80 char. max)
- Report Long Description: Input a desired report long description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (nearly unlimited char. Max)

- Select the Parameters tab.
- In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following fields.
Course Ranking Scheme: Select the desired scheme.
- Chronological - The system will rank in ascending order of the term each course was taken.
- Course Catalog - The system will rank in ascending order of the course catalog number.
- Grade Points - The system will rank in descending order of grade points earned for each course.
- Reverse Chronological - The system will rank in descending order of the term each course was taken.
- Reverse Course Catalog - The system will rank in descending order of the course catalog number.
- Credit Include Mode: Select Include in All Statistics.
Choice Resolution Method: Select the desired method.
- Satisfy in Sequential Order -The system will satisfy the requirement in order of the Line Items entered.
- Investigate All Combinations - The system will satisfy the requirement by reviewing all combinations.
Course Ranking Scheme: Select the desired scheme.
- In the Display Control section, enter the following fields.
- Reporting: Select Always Report.
- Print Control: Select Print on Audit Reports.
- Display if Satisfied: *Optional* Select desired values to display when student has satisfied.

Set up the pre-condition requirement information.
- Select the Line Item tab.
- In the Basic Data section, enter the following field.
- Line Type: Select Course Requirement.
- In the Description Fields section, enter the following fields.
- Search Description: Input a desired search description. This field is not student facing. (30 char. max)
- Short Search Description: Input a desired short search description. This field is not student facing. (10 char. max)
- Long Description: Input a desired long description. This field is not student facing. (254 char. max)
- Report Description: Input a desired search description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (80 char. max)
- Report Long Description: Input a desired search description. This field appears on Academic Advisement Reports. (nearly unlimited char. max)
- In the Pre-Condition section, enter the following fields.
- Condition Code: Select the applicable pre-condition type.
- Condition Data: Select the applicable pre-condition value.

- Select the Line Item Parameters tab.
- In the Unit, Course, and GPA Values section, enter the following fields.
- Minimum Units or Courses: Input the minimum units or courses required.
- Maximum Units or Courses: Input the maximum units or courses required.
- Min Grade Points/Unit: Input the minimum grade points per unit required.
- In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following fields.
- Course Ranking Scheme: Select the desired scheme.
- Credit Include Mode: Select Include in All Statistics.
- In the Display Control section, enter the following fields.
- Print Control: Select Print on audit reports.
- Reporting: Select Always Report.
- Display Select Line: *Optional* Check this box to display the list of applicable courses for this requirement on Academic Advisement Reports.
- Display if Satisfied: *Optional* Select desired values to display when student has satisfied.

- Select the Line Item Detail tab.
- In the Line Item Detail section, enter the following fields.
- Line Detail Type: Enter or look up CLST (Course List).
- Course List: Enter or look up the applicable Course List.

Set up the standard requirement information.
- Select the Line Item tab to complete the standard requirement.
- Select the [+] button to add a new row.
- In the Basic Data section, enter the following fields.
- Change the connector to Or.
- Line Type: Select Course Requirement.
- In the Description fields section, enter the description fields.
- In the Pre-Condition section, leave Condition Code as None.

- Select the Line Item Parameters tab to complete the standard requirement.
- In the Unit, Course, and GPA Values section, enter the following fields.
- Minimum Units or Courses: Input the minimum units or courses required.
- Maximum Units or Courses: Input the maximum units or courses required.
- Min Grade Points/Unit: Input the minimum grade points per unit required.
- In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following fields.
- Course Ranking Scheme: Select the desired scheme.
- Credit Include Mode: Select Include in All Statistics.
- In the Display Control section, enter the following fields.
- Print Control: Select Print on Audit Reports.
- Reporting: Select Always Report.
- Display Select Line: *Optional* Check this box to display the list of applicable courses for this requirement on Academic Advisement Reports.
- Display if Satisfied: *Optional* Select desired values to display when student has satisfied.

- Select the Line Item Detail tab to complete the standard requirement.
- Line Detail Type: Select CLST (Course List).
- Course List: Enter or look up the applicable Course List.

*OPTIONAL* Add any limits to the requirement. Example: students can take no more than 10 units of a particular discipline/subject area.
- Select the Line Item tab to complete the limit.
- In the Basic Data section, enter the following fields.
- Select the [+] button to add a new row.
- Select the connector And.
- Line Type: Select Unit, Course or GPA Limit.
- In the Description fields section, enter the descriptions.
- In the Pre-Condition section, leave the Condition Code as None.

- Select the Line Item Parameters tab to complete the limit.
- In the Unit, Course, and GPA Values section, enter the following fields.
- Minimum GPA: Optional
- Maximum Units Allowed: Must be entered.
- Maximum Courses Allowed: Must be entered.
- In the Resolution Methodology section, enter the following field.
- Course Ranking Scheme: Select desired scheme.
- In the Display Control section, enter the following field.
- Print Control: Change to Do Not Print.

- Select the Line Item Detail tab to complete the limit.
- Line Detail Type: Select CLST (Course List).
- Course List: Enter or look up the applicable Course List.

- When all pre-condition, standard requirement, and limit lines have been added, select the Save button.
- Note the system has assigned an Academic Requirement number for future use.

STEP 4 - Create a Requirement Group
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Requirement Groups
- Add the Academic Requirement you just created to a Requirement Group for the degree. Refer to the 9.2 Defining Requirement Groups QRG.
- Process complete.
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