Degree Boost Query (Identify Students Near Completion but Not Enrolled)
Purpose: Use this document to run the QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST query to identify students close to completing their degree, but who are no longer enrolled.
Audience: All Staff
The Degree Boost CEMLI query, QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST, is used to identify students who are near completion but no longer enrolled. The query results can be used for outreach and retention purposes.
In order for students to be returned in query results, the college must correctly configure a "TotalUnits" academic requirement for each academic plan. In addition, students must have a generated Academic Advisement Report (AAR). The following describes academic requirement configuration, how AARs are generated for students, and how to run the QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST query.
Navigation: Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Academic Requirements
The college must configure a "TotalUnits" academic requirement for all academic plans it would like to evaluate with QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST. Plans without a "TotalUnits" academic requirement will not be returned in query results.
Navigation: Academic Advisement > Student Advisement > Request Advisement Report
QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST uses Academic Advising Reports (AAR)s to identify students who are near completion but no longer enrolled. A student must have an AAR available to be included in query results.
AARs are generated in batch by SBCTC for term active students. Old AARs are purged to reduce AAR processing time. If a student does not have an AAR, staff members can manually generate an AAR for the student.
Navigation: Reporting Tools >Query >Query Viewer
Due to the amount of data being analyzed when QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST is run, it is recommended to schedule this query instead of running it to HTML or Excel. This query is likely to time out if it is not scheduled.
Prompt values include the following:
- Institution
- Academic Career: UGRD or CNED.
- Last Enrolled Term: The last term that the student had enrollment activity.
- GPA (Minimum): The student's minimum cumulative GPA.
- % Complete (Minimum): The minimum percentage of completed AAR requirements. (For example, "50"would return students who have completed 50% or more of their AAR requirements.)
- Academic Program Like (Optional): The student's academic program. This prompt may be left blank to return students in all academic programs.
- Academic Plan Like (Optional): The student's academic plan. This prompt may be left blank to return students in all academic plans.
Related Queries:
QCS_AA_NOT_ENROLLED_LAST_ENRL, a query based on, QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST has been rewritten accordingly. This query identifies students with an active Student Program/Plan who do not have enrollment in the upcoming term and who last enrolled in a prompted date range. This query contains optional prompts for degree, plan, and advisor. Multiple student records indicate more than one assigned advisor.
QCS_SR_STU_GRP_ENRL_CHNG and QCS_AA_ADVISEE_ENRL_CHNG, use this query to identify enrollment changes for a Student Group (first query) or for an advisor's advisees (second query) during a certain timeframe OR within the last X days. To use last X days, enter a value in X Days prompt, enter any values in the date prompts (they'll be ignored) and leave "Only Trans in last X days" checked. To use date range, uncheck "Only trans in last X days."
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