9.2 Removing Students from My Advisees List
Purpose: This document will assist staff with removing students from the My Advisees list in ctcLink.
Audience: Academic Advisors.
A student will only be removed from the My Advisee list for the following reasons:
- Their program is not active.
- They are assigned to another advisor or advising committee.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC SR Student Program
- ZD SR Student Program
- ZZ SR Student Program
- ZZ Student Program Limited
You must also set these SACR Security permissions:
If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
Remove Students from My Advisees List
Inactivating a student’s program/plan stack is not necessary or recommended if the student should be removed because they are no longer attending. If a student has not attended for several terms, the college may want to leave their program/plan stack active but remove them from the advising load.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Program/Plan
- The Student Program/Plan search page displays.
- Enter the search criteria and select Search.
- On the Student Program/Plan page, certain program actions will inactivate the program.
- For example, when a student graduates, their program/plan is updated with the action COMP (Completed) and the student is removed from the My Advisees list.
- Note: If a student’s program/plan is completed or discontinued, the assignment is still in place but the advisee will not be visible on the advisor’s My Advisee list.
You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:
- ZC CC Event Committees
- ZD CC Event Committees
- ZD CC Super User
- ZZ CC Event Committees
If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.
A workaround to remove the student off the My Advisees list is to reassign the student from the current advisor to an advising committee.
This advising committee will be blank (meaning no committee members assigned) which results in the student being removed from the advisor list and the student will not see advisor information in their ctcLink Student Homepage.
Once assigned, the advisor/advisee assignment persists until another advisor assignment is made. Meaning the advisor must be replaced in order to be removed.
If the advisee should be removed from the Advisor’s case load, and another advisor assignment is not appropriate, consider a blank advising committee.
Navigation: NavBar > Navigator > Campus Community > Committees > Committee Type/Role
- Select the Add a New Value tab and enter a Committee Type.

- Update the Effective Date to 01/01/1901.
- Enter Description fields, and select a Committee Role.
- Select the Save button.

Manage Committees
Navigation: NavBar > Navigation > Campus Community > Committees > Manage Committees
- Select the Add a New Value tab and enter a Committee.
- Select the Add button.

- Update the Effective Date to 01/01/1901.
- Enter the Committee Name and the Committee Type you created in the previous step.

- Select the Committee Members tab. Do not enter values on this tab, fields will be left blank.
- Select Save.

- You can now assign students to this advising committee who are no longer attending.
The image below displays an example of assigning the committee to a student from the Student Advisor page.
You can also assign the committee in batch using Batch Advisor Assignment.
- The below image illustrates the student view from the ctcLink Student Homepage where they were removed from an Advisor's list and not assigned to an advisor.
- You have successfully removed a student from the My Advisees list.
- Process complete.
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