Academic Advisement Example

Purpose: Use this document as a reference for how to build Academic Advisement using a single Requirement Group. There are three main levels described in this example.

Audience: Academic Advisement Staff

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZD AA Super User

You must also set these SACR Security permissions:

If you need assistance with the above security roles or SACR settings, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

This example will describe starting at the group level, but when building Advisement Requirements, it is advised to evaluate multiple programs/plans to find common course lists and requirements. Course Lists and Requirements can be used for multiple programs/plans and to minimize configuration and maintenance. Sharing Course Lists and Requirements is advised. It is typical to build Course Lists first, followed by Academic Requirements, and finally group all requirements in the Requirement Group.

As you build Requirement Groups and Requirements, you are advised to view what they look like on a student report by running an Advisement Report for a student assigned to that Plan code.

Requirement Group

Navigation: Academic Advisement > Academic Requirements > Define Requirement Groups

Requirement Group Tab

  1. The Requirement Group tab is where you will input the Academic Program and Plan as well as the overall description that will display for the student on the Advisement Report.

Note: The Effective Date on a Requirement Group is connected to the requirements term that is assigned on a student's program/plan stack.  If making updates to a Requirement Group you will want to effective date the change to the term start date to match the selected requirements term.  Students with a requirements term prior to the effective dated change on the Requirement Group would fall under the previous requirements. To view previous requirements select Include History and scroll to the effective dated row for the requirements term assigned to the student.

  1. Use the Report long description (as shown above) to input plan specific details, this is what the student will see on their report.

Parameters Tab

  1. The parameters defined on this page will apply to the overall group of requirements identified on the detail tab. These options are also able to be set at the individual requirement level. Based on the example in the image below, the overall group requirements will be processed based on these selections.
    1. Course Ranking Scheme: Chronological will select courses by term (first term to current term)
    2. Credit Include Mode: All Stats. Selecting all stats will allow the course to be applied to only one requirement in the requirement group.
    3. Choice Resolution Method: Satisfy in Sequential Order will satisfy requirements in the order specified by the Line Number on the Detail tab.  

Detail Tab

  1. On this tab, connect in the Academic Requirements. Based on this example, the requirements will be evaluated in the line number order starting at line 0010 and working down in increasing number.
Detail tab

Academic Requirements

Navigation: Academic Advisement >Academic Requirements > Define Academic Requirements

In this example, additional requirement-specific details will be built at the requirement level. Therefore, no additional tabs are needed at the Group level.

Colleges can build various types of requirements that will be connected to the Academic Plan at the Requirement Group level. Academic Requirements can also be applied to multiple Requirement Groups, allowing the college to build one academic requirement that can be applied to multiple programs of study.  

Academic Requirements Example 1:  Complete courses from multiple disciplines

Parameters Tab

  1. In this example, the requirement indicates the completion of a total of 15 units. On the parameters tab, this requirement indicates not only the 15-unit requirement but a minimum of 2.0 grade points for the courses to meet the requirement. Similar to the requirement groups page shown above, some of the other page settings include
    1. Course Ranking Scheme: Chronological will select courses by term (first term to current term)
    2. Credit Include Mode: All Stats will allow the course to be applied to only one requirement in the requirement group.
    3. Choice Resolution Method: Satisfy in Sequential Order will satisfy requirements in the order specified by the Line Number on the Detail tab.  
    4. Reporting: Set to Always Report
    5. Print Control: Set to Print on Audit Reports

Line Item Tab

  1. The details added on the Line Item tab will describe the criteria for meeting the requirement.  For the Line Items that will be displayed to students, include a Report Description and a Report Long Description that will be shown to students.

Line Items Parameters Tab

  1. This tab allows specific settings for each Line Item on the Requirement.  This example shows that a Minimum and Maximum of 2 courses are allowed on Line Item Line Nbr 0010, and the courses must have a Minimum Grade Point of 2.0.
  2. Select the Display Select Line on this tab to display this line to the students on the AAR.

Line Item Detail Tab

  1. On the Line Item Detail tab, this example connects in the Course Lists that will be used to evaluate the requirement.  Therefore, the student must take two classes from the specified course list and have a minimum of 2.0 grade points.  Colleges that do not use grade points must have grade categories configured on the grading scheme to identify which grades are accepted to meet the requirement.
  1. This requirement example is looking for the student to complete two courses with a lab and one course without a lab. The requirements for the courses with a lab are shown above. To add the requirement for non-lab courses, inset a second Line Item with the second Course list, as indicated in the images below.
Line Item tab
Line item Parameters
Line item detail
  1. The final criteria for this requirement is that students must select classes from multiple disciplines. For this to work, a class list will need to be created for each discipline that the student can take a course from and a Unit, Course or GPA Limit line type will need to be created on the Academic Requirement for each of these disciplines. These Limit Line Types will not be displayed to students. The example is shown in the images below.
Line Item tab
Line item Paramters
Line Item Detail
Academic Requirements Example 2:  Global Limit

Global limits can be used only if all requirements for a program of study are linked to one Enrollment Requirement Group. In this example, the limit is that a maximum of 3 credits in PE may be applied to the entire program of study. This limit is not displayed to the student, and any details should be included in the description on the higher level Enrollment Requirement Group.   The course list in this example would consist of all PE courses that are a part of this limit. The images below show how this is configured.

Line Item
Line Item Parameters
Line Item Detail
Academic Requirements Example 3:  Verification

Verification requirements can be used only if all requirements for a program of study are linked to one Enrollment Requirement Group. Verifications are used if the college wants the requirement verified but does not want the credits to be required as a part of the overall requirement group. In this example, the college is verifying that a Diversity Course has been completed. This requirement can be displayed to the student, and the Report Description and Report Long description should be populated to explain the requirement to the student. The course list in this example would include all courses that can satisfy the Diversity Course requirement. The images below show how this is configured.

Line Item Parameters

If Display Select Line is selected on the Line Items Parameters tab, as shown in the example above, the requirement will be displayed on the AAR.

Line Item Detail
Academic Requirements Example 4: TotalUnits or Graduation Requirement

A “TotalUnits” or graduation requirement is required for each credential if your college would like to use the Degree Boost query (QCS_AA_DEGREE_BOOST). This query identifies students who are near completion and not enrolled. 

  • The Line Item for this requirement must be the last (or only) Line Item within the requirement. 
  • The Short Search Description on the Line Item tab must be ‘TotalUnits’ (no space between the words, and it is case sensitive). 

Colleges usually include TotalUnits with a graduation or completion requirement. For example:

  • Line 0010 – Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average
  • Line 0020 – Academic Residency, minimum units
  • Line 0030 – TotalUnits, minimum number of units to earn the credential

Previously, SBCTC recommended configuring the AAR's TotalUnits requirements using a List Recall Mode value of "All Courses Used." This configuration option is found by navigating Menu > Academic Advisement > Define Academic Requirements and selecting the Line Item Detail tab. Next, a Line Detail Type value of "DLST" is selected, and the List Recall Mode dropdown menu appears. This is where we have recommended users select "All Courses Used."

For students with just one active Program/Plan stack (at your college), the "All Courses Used" option will accurately display graduation requirements. Although a student has more than one active Program/Plan stack (at your college), the courses may show incorrectly. The student's second degree may include courses from the first degree, even if they were not applied to the second degree. We recommend a new configuration if your college allows multiple active plan stacks.

New Recommendation for configuring the TotalUnits or graduation requirement:

SBCTC recommends the following configuration for colleges that allow more than one active Program/Plan stack.

  • Each Academic Plan code will have a unique TotalUnits or graduation requirement number. Previously, Academic Plans may have shared a graduation requirement.
  • A List Recall Mode value of "Used by Requirement Group" will replace "All Courses Used." When "Used by Requirement Group" is selected, the Requirement Group number associated with the Academic Plan will be entered. This will ensure that each degree is assessed separately.

To add a TotalUnits Line Item, configure the following:

Line Item tab:

  1. Line Type: Course Requirement
  2. Short Search Description: TotalUnits

Line Item Parameters tab:

  1. Minimum Units: Must be populated
  2. Credit Include Mode: Verify Only, Never Include

Line Item Detail tab:

  1. Line Detail Type: DLST
  2. List Recall Mode: Used by Requirement Group
  3. Requirement Group: Enter the Requirement Group number for the Academic Plan code
Academic Requirements Example 5: Unused Courses Requirement

The Unused Courses requirement is a mandatory configuration for all credentials eligible for Financial Aid. This requirement displays courses on the student's record that do not apply to the credential. To identify courses that are ineligible for Financial Aid, a query is run to identify courses within a term that do not apply to the student's degree. The information in this query comes directly from the Academic Advisement Report (AAR) and this requirement.

Previously, SBCTC recommended configuring the Unused Courses requirements for the AAR using a List Recall Mode value of "All Courses Used." This configuration option is found by navigating Menu > Academic Advisement > Define Academic Requirements and selecting the Line Item Detail tab. Next, a Line Detail Type value of "DLST" is selected, and the List Recall Mode dropdown menu appears. This is where we have recommended users select "All Courses Used."

For students with just one active Program/Plan stack (at your college), the "All Courses Used" option will be accurately displayed in the AAR. However, the courses may show incorrectly if a student has more than one active Program/Plan stack (at your college). The student's second degree listed on the AAR considers courses applied to the first degree as "used" even if not applied to the second degree. We recommend a new configuration if your college allows multiple active plan stacks.

Financial Aid Impacts for students with more than one active Program/Plan stack at your college:

Some colleges use the Financial Aid query CTC_FA_INELG_COURSEWORK to identify students enrolled in courses that do not apply to their funded degree. Students with more than one active Program/Plan stack (at your college) may display incorrectly on this query.

Incorrect query results may include:

  • A course that is not being used by the degree is not returned in the query
  • A course that is being used by the funded degree appears “unused” in the query results

Suppose your college chooses to configure AARs using the new recommendation. In that case, your Financial Aid team should also use the new query QCS_FA_INELG_COURSEWORK_MULTI to assess Unused courses for students with one or more active programs/plans.

Recommendation for configuring the Unused Courses requirement as of 1/26/2024:

SBCTC recommends the following configuration for colleges that allow more than one active Program/Plan stack.

  • Each Academic Plan code will have a unique Unused Courses requirement number. Previously, all Academic Plans shared a single Unused Courses requirement.
  • A List Recall Mode value of "Used by Requirement Group" will replace "All Courses Used." When "Used by Requirement Group" is selected, the Requirement Group number associated with the Academic Plan will be entered. This will ensure that each degree is assessed separately.

Configuring the Unused Courses requirement for student with multiple active Program/Plans:Requirement tab:

Requirement tab:

  1. Academic Plan: Populate
  2. Short Search Description: Unused
  3. Hide Status: Select to hide

Parameters tab: No input needed; leave as-is.

Line Item tab:

  1. Short Search Description: Unused
  2. Hide Status: Select to hide

Line Item Parameters tab:

  1. Short Search Description: Unused
  2. Hide Status: Select to hide

Line Item Detail tab:

  1. Line Detail Sequence: 1
  2. Line Detail Type: DLST
  3. List Recall Mode: All Courses
  4. Line Detail Sequence: 2
  5. Line Detail Type: DLST
  6. List Recall Mode: Used by Requirement Group
  7. Requirement Group: Enter the Requirement Group number for the Academic Plan
Academic Requirements Example 6: Optional Requirements

When a student can choose between two optional requirements, there are a few ways to build the requirement. This example will show you a way that lays out the options for the student. This will display as indicated below.

Health & Physical Education

On the Line Item tab, build the Course requirement and connect with an "Or" Statement.  

Line Type = Course Requirement

Additional limits or parameters can be attached to each list using parentheses. In this example, the second course list has a PE limit.

Basic Data COurse Requirement (line type)

On the line item parameters tab, set any parameters that apply to each of the course lists that will be connected.

Unit Course and GPA Values, Resolution Methodology, Display Control, Display if Satisfied

On the Line Item detail tab, add in the course lists that for the lines identified on the Line Item tab.

Line Item Detail tab
Academic Requirements Example 7: Using Grade Categories

This scenario can be used when a college is using multiple grade categories. In this example, the college has a grade category for "Taken at the college" and a Grade Category for "Transfer passing grade." Using both grade categories connected to the course list, the system will allow any grades with these categories to apply to the requirement. The college using this specific example wants to accept only specific grades in their GRD "Graded" grading scheme and specific grades in their TRN "Transfer" grading scheme to qualify to meet the specific requirement.

In this example, the line detail sequence in which the Line Item Detail is built is important to make this scenario work as expected.  

  1. On the Line Item Detail tab
    1. Insert a Derived Course List row with the first-grade category
    2. Insert a Derived Course List row with the second-grade category
      1. List Include mode would be set to Y "Union."
    3. Insert a Course List row with the Course List number
      1. List Include mode would be set to I "Intersection."
Line Item Detail Tab List Include Mode

You must have at least one of these local college-managed security roles:

  • ZC SR Trans Credit Eval Update
  • ZC SR Transfer Credit Eval
  • ZD SR Transfer Credit Eval
  • ZZ SR Transfer Credit Eval

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

In this specific example, the credit being applied was brought in with a "P" transfer credit grade using Other Credits.

Navigation: Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > Other Credits - Manual

Other Credit Detail Tab

This class now applied to the requirement as expected.

Class applied to requirement

Course Lists

You must have at least one of these local college managed security roles:

  • ZZ AA Super User

If you need assistance with the above security roles, please contact your local college supervisor or IT Admin to request role access.

Course lists are connected to requirements to group courses for selection on the requirement. Course lists can be used in multiple requirements for the line items that will be displayed (set on the Line Item Parameters tab). This clearly describes the line item as this is the description that will be shown to the students.

Navigation: Academic Advisement > Define Course Lists.

Course List Description tab

  1. The description information for a course list is not displayed to the student and is used internally to identify the course lists that should be used when building Academic Requirements.

The Effective date of a course list must be prior to or the same date as the requirement group to which it is being attached.

Course List Description tab

When editing a Course List, select FETCH to view the courses assigned to the list.

Course List Detail
Course List Detail tab
  1. Input and edit courses on a course list using the +/- for each course line.  Checking the Include Equivalent Courses box will satisfy the course by transfer credit.
Course List Details
  1. In the example shown in the image above, course lists can also be set up using WildCards.  This course list would then consider all courses within the HUM and HUM& subject area when evaluating the requirement.  Use the # with a starting catalog number, 1##, for example, to include only 100-level courses in the definition for this list.  
  2. The check box for Include Cross-Listed Courses looks at Combined sections.  If a student is taking a course MATH 120 combined with BUSN 120, a course list that requires BUSN 120 would be met with the MATH 120.  

Course List Parameters 

  1. Additional parameters for this example will be set up at the requirements level, not the course list level.  Therefore, the Course List Parameters tab does not need to be defined.
  2. Process Complete.


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